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  1. #1
    I am the movie
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    From the dark depths of my subconcious


    I just watched the movie "Stay Alive", the one where the chick in the game kills you.
    Some scenes in the movie one of the character suggests that all the scary shit they are seeing in real life is just a symptom of subjective reality, they played the game so much that the game world, to them, was hard to distinguish from true reality and they were seeing the scary things in the game, in true life.

    Well, it dawned on me that I have had experiences like this, go to the park and would I hear boomas dieing, I used to hear the little ring sound from when an Item is picked up. I can't help but wonder if I will delve into PSU the same way PSO took over my life.

  2. #2
    The more things change.. T0m's Avatar
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    Aug 2005


    That's perfectly normal. After playing too much Tetris, you suddenly see how everything around you would fit "better" if you turn and twist the things a little. You'll see spinning blocks when you close your eyes.
    After a Mario session, that maybe was a little too long, you'll realise that those buildings on the other side of the street, aren't that high after all. It'll only take a double jump, and a few wall jumps, and you'll be on top.
    After Street Fighter, you'll size up every person you come across, and you'll be confident that your Ryuken would be too much for anyone.
    (And hopefully you'll learn to distinguish reality from gaming fantasy in a non-harmful way. Don't play GTA till you know the difference! )

  3. #3
    Kitty the Tigergirl Aisha_Clan-Clan's Avatar
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    Tigerworld or Ragol


    Also, guns and Chaos Emeralds don't mix well. =~.^=

  4. #4
    REJJII of the Azure Flame
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Ontario, Canada


    I used to hear boomas dying when I played PSO too much, I'd aleays go to the living room to see who was playing, then figure out that I was just hearing things.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Seven Seas of Rhye


    Ooh, I can always play Lumines in my head.

  6. #6


    Yes, what you're experiencing is perfectly normal. When you see or hear something enough times, it isn't unusual for it to stick in your subconcious and manifest, particularly when you're tired.

    It has happened to me, but only once or twice. I think more often I find myself thinking "I wouldn't have to wait in line if I just blasted everyone with a Rafoie..."

  7. #7
    I am the movie
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    From the dark depths of my subconcious


    After playing halo 2 for a few weeks straight, I played a round where while I was strafe firing at the enemy team, my team mate kept getting in front of me, the last time he did it I threw down my controller and reached out to shove his ass out of the way before I released I couldn't do that. My friend was playing a few days later and actually "dodged"in real life to try and avoid getting rocketed.

    Subjective reality at work.

  8. #8


    Kerblarg... I've experienced subjective reality from my old job drawing civil plans... Shortly after I took the job, I started seeing lines all over public property; property lines, easements, grade breaks... Still do, from time to time. I think hearing boomas would be more interesting.

    Other than that, Doom 3 will cause you to become afraid of the dark.

    Go team ph4il! 02/07/2016

  9. #9


    On 2006-10-18 23:46, HUnewearl_Meira wrote:
    Kerblarg... I've experienced subjective reality from my old job drawing civil plans... Shortly after I took the job, I started seeing lines all over public property; property lines, easements, grade breaks... Still do, from time to time. I think hearing boomas would be more interesting.

    Other than that, Doom 3 will cause you to become afraid of the dark.
    Doom 3 didn't freak me out much. Silent hill 4 did, though.

  10. #10


    well there is always the classic "my friend doged a purple balloon comming out of his periferal vision thinking it was megid" lol, and every once in a while i would get excited 4 a sec cause i thought i saw a red item box out of the corner of my eye. oh and after the first time of hardcore ddr playing, expect to see lots and lots of arrows, and if you close your eyes to whatch them for long enough, you might "miss" and arrow and actualy jerk your body to correct yourself and try to save the arrow lol. (it happened to me a couple of times in bed)

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