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  1. #11


    I would like to backup my character but I can't get into my email. I was wondering how to set up your email acount. I would call sega about this but I don't want to rock the boat, you see I still have my fifty free hours and I know that I've put atleast 150 hours into PSO alone.
    So anywayz, how do you set your email acount.
    I have a hotmail acount but when I put that into the configuration it says the host is busy try again later. PLZ HELP!

  2. #12


    A weird thing keeps happening to my Backup file and I don't know what to do about it.

    My current file is messed up so I've been trying to restore my back-up.

    First a question: To the people that have had there backups corrupted, when did you get notified? Was it just as you tired to copy the file back to the VMU?

    Anyway, my file copies fine to my VMU.

    Now, I go to play PSO. Here is where things get funky. If I play off-line, everything is great. But if I try going on-line I'm not so lucky.

    After connecting I get a message from the servers claiming my file is corrupt and that all my character's items will now be reset to those from the beginning of the game.

    My bank is empty, my inventory erased, and all they have left me with is a Handgun, a Frame, and a level 5 MAG!!!

  3. #13


    Xaken, same thing happened to me. I think Sega is cracking down on people using this method. Now my level 70 character is ruined, and I have to start all over. By the way, I didn't cheaty to get to level 70. I clocked in about 100 hours for that, and now it's all gone. And I loved that charcter too =(

  4. #14


    What I'm trying to figure out is what Sega is doing! I don't use, I have a third party ISP.

    I really don't understand how the game can work off-line, but not on-line.

    Another weird things is this:

    I let the server wipe my invertory, and then tired to connect again... but I get the same error message AGAIN.

    I actually had to let the wipe happen, and THEN play the game off-line, just so that the servers would let me back on!!

    I really just don't get how they know if it's a back-up or not. It can't be that something is really corrupted or the file wouldn't work off-line either. They are doing SOMETHING to identify restored data... the question is.. WHAT.

  5. #15


    hmm... i do not know for sure but after talking with sega tech support (after losing 2 of my characters) all i could get out of them was that the save SYS file contains your DC machine information as well as the serial/access key info. also, they mentioned that the internal DC flash rom stores this information as well. but i can not verify this. i still haven't found a good way to back up my character even after losing 2 char's.

  6. #16


    Just yesterday i sent my char file to my e-mail the way it says ubove. But when i go there it says i have to download it to my computer? I dont know if im doing it right but please let me know.

  7. #17


    I don't know what the trouble is with everyone backing up their charachters. I've made backups that work perfectly. I also don't know why people are saying that you can't make a backup of your guild card. I do it all the time and it works fine. And for all of you that have lost your items because of that error message that says your file is corrupt, this is because Sega has now put in a time stamp thing that tells when you were last online. Therefore, if you connect and use a backup character, the timestamps won't match and your items will be reset. You can still use your backup character in offline mode because it doesn't check timestamps, but if you get the BSOD online, you are basically screwed. A solution to not losing your good items is DON'T carry them with you. Keep them in your storage on the Pioneer 2. The only thing you lose with the BSOD is the stuff you don't have equiped and are carrying with you. I hope this clears up some issues with the backup situation.

  8. #18


    Here is a tip on how to bypass the changes. Just load up your character in offline and play. Or if you don't feel like playing offline just load him/her up in offline and walk away for a hour or two. The object is to get your timestamp of your backup past what sega has recorded for your current save. Then log on and it will work. I've done it twice so far and have not had problems. Instead of killing saves like that, they should try to implement some type of mechanism that zaps items that are identical (IE. Duped). Just some FYI.

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