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  1. #11


    In the linear line I play with groups of only hunters and seperating them there is helpful ^.^

    The ones who can't attack when you are behind them are easily soloable, so just tag them all then seperate them.

    It is a nice change up from the mixxed parties

  2. #12


    Missing and wasting PP constantly gets infuriating and tiring. It's because everyone is constantly smacking on them and knocking them everywhere. So I understand, but all that means is that timing your spells and positioning on your part becomes essential, which also becomes tiring.

    So, trust me, I know. Unless you're in a group of friends, you're probably not going to find people who are willing to change their weapon of choice. So, you'll just have to work on your strategies as a force if you plan on being one. =/

  3. #13


    Hint: if the enemies get scattered, use Foie/Diga/insert-high-damage-single-target-spell-here. They're much more PP-efficient anyways.

    And yes, I play a FO sometimes. Usually, I can get in a few hits of Rafoie or whatever, then I wail away with Diga or Foie if the enemies get scattered. It's not that big a deal really.

    Also, you have to look at it from the Hunters' point of view: enemies grouped together can gang-bang one person and knock down their health very quickly. Keeping the enemy busy and avoiding taking damage is much easier when the enemies are scattered.

    Then, those PAs also keep the enemies up in the air and on the ground, where they can't attack and are easier targets.

    Plus, those PAs are fun. I mean really.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kyuu on 2006-11-10 10:59 ]</font>

  4. #14


    its a hard balance, but manipulating knowing how to manipulate the enemies position is a big part of being a hunter, there are times when its good to keep em together and times when you are best seperating them, but ill tell you this, getting mobbed is often the way to lose your srank, id recomend you split them up if your dont have a beast tank with some decent gear or your gona be losing sranks more. there are also enemies who its way better to down, like the casters, the worms, and enemies you want seprated like the robots in grove. There is no hard fast rule for this its situational, just like sometimes its good to use a spear, other times its going to get you killed.

  5. #15


    Photon Arts with Knockback effects are there for a reason.

  6. #16
    The Last Raven
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    Oct 2006
    In your base killing your doods


    On 2006-11-10 10:47, klunka wrote:
    On 2006-11-10 10:32, Genobee wrote:
    cry more please.
    Wow, god forbid someone try to instill some actual teamwork into game play huh?
    god forbid some one doesn't cry foul against another class.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Genobee on 2006-11-10 11:18 ]</font>

  7. #17


    On 2006-11-10 10:49, McFlyVII wrote:
    Uuuuuum, from the other point of view, it is way more beneficial to scatter. As forces, you hardly have to worry about getting hit initially. But when monsters stay group together (ala Vahras for a prime example), the hunter gets hit like 3 or 4 times in a row by 3 or 4 monsters. At high levels that is deadly. Spreading them out weakens them as a unit. Basic war strategy, divide the enemy.
    Not trying to be rude but while we're on the topic of basic war strategy, the OP is simply saying use your weapons like swords/spears etc. to keep them clustered so the forces can drop them quickly and efficiently. Also, when all of your opponents are comming from one direction it allows more flexibility when for them to move away and find a better position.

    There's certainly a time and place for both strategies. But what do I know? I'm a ranger...

  8. #18
    Put a barrier between US and the SNAKES!
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    Nov 2006


    for shits and giggles i did exactly what you said, OP, and what happened? Dragon B 6 Vahras (sp) came out, I took my spear and attacked.

    Instead of scattering them like I normally do so we all concentrate on one enemy one by one, they all of a sudden surrounded me, and hit me at the same time, taking me from 1324 HP to 0, and the force couldn't heal me fast enough.

    Truth is, you can't just grab a sword or spear and just try to keep them all grouped together, even if you're standing behind them, they just whip around and give you a free punch to the face.

    Someone else did the same thing earlier in dragon A, and got surrounded eventually and ruined the S rank at the last wave right before De Ragan. the scatter ability is there for a purpose. Besides, ive been counting and I seems my Rising strike scatters only 4 or so at a time.

  9. #19


    On 2006-11-10 11:35, Ammy wrote:
    for shits and giggles i did exactly what you said, OP, and what happened? Dragon B 6 Vahras (sp) came out, I took my spear and attacked.

    Instead of scattering them like I normally do so we all concentrate on one enemy one by one, they all of a sudden surrounded me, and hit me at the same time, taking me from 1324 HP to 0, and the force couldn't heal me fast enough.

    Truth is, you can't just grab a sword or spear and just try to keep them all grouped together, even if you're standing behind them, they just whip around and give you a free punch to the face.

    Someone else did the same thing earlier in dragon A, and got surrounded eventually and ruined the S rank at the last wave right before De Ragan. the scatter ability is there for a purpose. Besides, ive been counting and I seems my Rising strike scatters only 4 or so at a time.
    I do it all the time. But swords are better than spears for that particular use.

  10. #20
    Common Sense 'R Us
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    Mar 2003
    Pacifica, CA


    On 2006-11-10 11:35, Ammy wrote:
    for shits and giggles i did exactly what you said, OP, and what happened? Dragon B 6 Vahras (sp) came out, I took my spear and attacked.

    Instead of scattering them like I normally do so we all concentrate on one enemy one by one, they all of a sudden surrounded me, and hit me at the same time, taking me from 1324 HP to 0, and the force couldn't heal me fast enough.
    Ahh. See, the flipside of this is that you have people supporting you on this. When I am in a group with friends, the way we handle this is that I time my spells to the lulls in your combos. Likewise, rangers in a group help enormously.

    I thought I was pretty clear that it doesn't always make sense to do this. But it's undeniable that if your team can pull it off it is more efficient in nearly every way: time, PP, health and healing. If every hit can land on 3 enemies, things work really well.

    Truth is, you can't just grab a sword or spear and just try to keep them all grouped together, even if you're standing behind them, they just whip around and give you a free punch to the face.
    Absolutely. You need support. I don't want to make it sound like I think it's only hunters who aren't working as a team, it is forces and rangers too.

    Someone else did the same thing earlier in dragon A, and got surrounded eventually and ruined the S rank at the last wave right before De Ragan. the scatter ability is there for a purpose. Besides, ive been counting and I seems my Rising strike scatters only 4 or so at a time.
    Please do not interpret my suggestion as dogma to always be followed. For example, it makes a lot less sense to do this against things in Relics runs, and certain enemies on Neudaiz just don't move enough to make this worthwhile.

    In a group with 2 forces, 2 hunters and a ranger that all know what they are doing, you'd be shocked how fast we can drop things when we know how to set up teamwork. 2 hunters working together can knock enemies into groups and pin them down while doing terrific damage, and the rangers and forces hold them in place with spell stuns and seal the deal.

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