Results 1 to 9 of 9
  1. #1


    These problems I keep reading about...

    Aren't on 360, yet?


    Just wondering, wanted to verify. I haven't read anything about it happening on 360.

    Seems isolated to the PC/PS2 servers.

    Not meaning to rub it in... Just wanted to make sure.

  2. #2


    not yet... ::dramatic chord::

    just some id theft and minor felonly stuff like that.

  3. #3


    Well, on the subject...

    It REALLY sucks what's happening on PS2/PC ... but it makes me super-glad that I'm on 360...

    Because my legitimacy will never be in question, nor will how much work I put into what I've earned... Because as of now, and the forseeable future, there's no way to significantly cheat, that I've heard of, or seen.

  4. #4


    That's right, the 360 is pretty dern hard to hack.

  5. #5


    hmm i like the effect on your sig lunar what filter did you run to make it looks more life like isntead of game like?

  6. #6


    On 2006-12-21 01:52, ViciousXUSMC wrote:
    hmm i like the effect on your sig lunar what filter did you run to make it looks more life like isntead of game like?
    thats most likely due to that s/he made a snapshot from his/her tv. xbox and all.

    anyway, for questions like these, there is the PM feature on this site. so please dont go offtopic in thread anymore, regardless of how (un)important they seem to be.

    「愛と空の女王様」を言でもいい。 We are Heroes. This is what we do!

  7. #7


    Everything is crackable (ok fine, hackable), even the Xbox360. It'll happen evenually, somehow, some moron will be stubborn enough to crack it. Just enjoy the legit days as long as you can.
    SvetskoANase - Wartecher (PC/PS2)

    Silenced - FOmar lv 120+ (lost in mem. card corruption)
    Silenced - HUmar lv 115ish

  8. #8
    ノ・ホモ Sychosis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Out of my mind, be back in 5


    And if the hacking doesn't happen until we're playing PSU: Offwhite Blast on the Xbox 720?

  9. #9


    Hopefully it won't. But I find that optimism all but fails with PS games though...

    Who knows? Maybe PSU for the 360 will be the first PS game that doesn't get hacked before it dies from natural causes. It's gotta happen eventually, right?

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Silenced on 2006-12-21 21:25 ]</font>
    SvetskoANase - Wartecher (PC/PS2)

    Silenced - FOmar lv 120+ (lost in mem. card corruption)
    Silenced - HUmar lv 115ish

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