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  1. #11


    Heh I saw Ender a few days ago on my F CAST Enders the other day. We had all the same clothing on but different colors and head pieces. Was funny and freaky at the same time.

    Anyway people need to stop being so nosey and getting so paranoid over little crap like that. When I first started, I got to level 50 in a little under 2 weeks and I have a job. It's not that hard and definitely doesn't mean I don't have a life. I stopped grinding though because it burned me out but it all worked out because my friends caught up to me when I came back.
    Perfect Spiral | Beast
    Cygnus | Newman
    Enders | Cast

  2. #12


    This thread is a joke, first off this is a false accusation clearly made by an attention seeking noob, second off I know Ender since he's low level, and no he dosen't even use duped meseta, do Plains Overlord C solo 5 minutes runs 2k EXP 8MP for a month and you should be 70/10...

  3. #13


    And Forte PAs shouldn't take that long to max... I got my single claw to Lv12 in less than an hour.

  4. #14


    lol at the paranoia

  5. #15
    1st Kowloon Child - Guardian of the sacred Gunguir
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Wow.. just wow..

    Ok first:

    Ether - He didnt take 50-65, he did 1-65 in two weeks, thats a hell of a difference.

    Rest of you -

    I find it that you guys have a weird sense of mentality towards him, just because you "know" him or have played with him doesnt necesarily mean you know if he hacks or not. Fact still remains

    1. I've never ever seen him in a party anywhere, the times i have seen him he's afk'ing on some spot, how can he got those lvls?

    2. You say he doesnt use hack meseta? Why does he have 10-11* synth items up for 2mill in his shop? riiiight...

    3.I actually had the chance to talk to him today and asked him some variouse questions and it seems the guy have like no clue about missions of psu .. he's done like 2-3 different missions, so he say. Also he claimed he had only a rougly 200-210 play hrs on Ender... in two weeks? fuckin BS.

    Now id like to admit i had mistaken on one point. He does NOT have all his PA's maxed. He got (from what i could tell) 10 PA's maxed out of 17 that he whas using, the rest of them were like 25+.. i still cant believe its legit. You cannot possibly get these kinds of stats in a roughly two weeks. Either he is hacking his char or he is paying players to afk his dragon runs.. and i bet its with unlegit meseta too -_-'

  6. #16
    Professional Jacka$$
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Toronto, ON


    Worry about your own character.

  7. #17
    The Magnanimous Guardian Magician's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Not impossible, I saw level 70s inside three days after the NA update.

    "How do you kill that which has no life?"

  8. #18


    It all comes down to this one question.

    And this affects you, how?

  9. #19


    Erm i have a -bunch- of friends that hit the first level cap in 2.5 days. Were they haxing?

    Gimme a friggin break honestly -.-

    Also i have partied with ender; we spammed deragan A tons this past weekend. s/he is a nice person quiet and low key. About the only thing i didnt care for was having to chase him around to buff him -.-

  10. #20


    endbringer hax. One day he was blue, another day pink, and another day naked.

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