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  1. #1
    Vaguely effeminite DS/Dice weilding Mac using Vamp Wyndham's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    I sometimes wish I hadn't moved away from NC. I left behind my friends. It turns out 3 girls all liked me, and couldn't tell me. I just want to find a girl that's my age who can be patient enough to help me. one who is ok with the fact i cant drive, that it's hard for me to get a normal job, and my appearance. i hate this.

    My sig disappeared.

  2. #2
    Crazy Awesome Old Potato Man Guy HAYABUSA-FMW-'s Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    PaRappa Town


    When you find the right mate, you'll be glad it was worth the wait. (no puns or rhyming intended)

    Life affirming relationships aren't going to be happening a lot through your teens and 20's though right? Be patient.

  3. #3
    Vaguely effeminite DS/Dice weilding Mac using Vamp Wyndham's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Haya, what i want most is a girl who is okay with my waiting till im married, will help me through things, and be there for me when no-one else is. i want someone who i like for their personality, and interests, and things like that. I had someone like that, but we got into a fight, and she made ure ill never see her again.

    My sig disappeared.

  4. #4


    I feel your pain.

    <---Alone since Feb 2000.

  5. #5


    The best way to find a girl is to put yourself in social situations, where you'll have nothing but to meet people. That's a good way to otherwise make friends, too.

    Does your town have a working bus system? You may find it liberating.

    Basically, find something you can publically do to invest your time, and you'll start meeting people.

    Go team ph4il! 02/07/2016

  6. #6


    I am not trying to be mean.
    But this is what it sound like.

    I want this and that and this and that. But I am not willing to give anything, or give up anything. I am who I am you better love me or hate it.

    But I want some loove.

    You are the only person who can change things. Things don't just come to you.

  7. #7
    crazy devil
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    rochester new york


    Didn't abe lincon say that anything worth having is worth fighting for?

  8. #8
    Exorcist of the Black Order
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    On 2007-02-07 12:08, navci wrote:
    I am not trying to be mean.
    But this is what it sound like.

    I want this and that and this and that. But I am not willing to give anything, or give up anything. I am who I am you better love me or hate it.

    But I want some loove.

    You are the only person who can change things. Things don't just come to you.
    We have gone way past the age of "love."
    We have gone way past the "take me as I am, and I love you as you are".

    Its more of a game of who can be more fake so we dont have to be lonely .. when the truth gets out, its time to grab as much crap as you can before moving onto the next person.

    ... Im so happy I dont believe the crap i just spit out ...

  9. #9


    Honestly man, you're just as well off being lonely as you are in a relationship.

    Love is great - it's awesome... I won't deny that, and you're lucky if you can find real honest love.

    There is a saying though - that there is a thin line between love and hate. I've crossed, and seen my freinds cross, that line more times than I care to remember. (Well, more them than me - I'm a bit of a loser, but whatever) I can't really describe the kind of pain and agony love also brings with it - expecially if it's a one sided love, or a love that has faded for one partner. I've seen friends put themselves in the hospital banging their head against a wall in frustration - and you wouldn't believe the stories you hear from divorce lawyers of what their clients go thorugh. Sam Kinnison basically made his whole career as a comedian pouring out his heart over the bullshit and pain that comes with love and relationships. He's got a line where he says that there are sometimes you just want to stop at a red light, get out of the car, and just run... just take the fuck off screaming "Oh god.. I just want to live!!!". Been there. Done that.

    You always hurt the ones you love... isn't that another saying?

    And of course - there's the issue of children, which adds a WHOLE 'nother layer of mental anguish and frustration to the matter... at least, if you're any kind of a fucking man and love your children enough to stick around the bitch so that you can make sure they're being raised properly and taken care of... and be a part of their life.

    I'm not saying that love isn't even worth... I guess I'm just saying that you'd better get used to it, because it's most likely going to be painful either way. Chose the way you want to live - with the constant knawing pain of being lonely, or the bi-polar euphoriatic highs and soul crushing lows.

    Not trying to be emo... just saying you should learn to deal with it. And remember that the grass is nearly always greener on the other side...

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  10. #10
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    May 2001
    Secret Forest of his heart


    See, relationship means more than just a 'buddy'. You want to wait until you're married? Then wait, but don't go get with someone until you're looking to get married, which means you are set financially. Relationships mean you're intune with the person's needs, mentally and physically.

    To me it just sounds like you want a friend, because a relationship involves more than what you're looking for, as well you'll be hard pressed to find someone that just wants to dilly-dally without the sexual aspect until YOU are ready to get married. Takes a special person to care enough about another to put their needs before their own.

    Wish in one hand, crap in the other. Enjoy your peace and quiet until you ARE prepared to get married and can actively look, because what you want to marry may very likely change between now and then.
    Look, he did it again.

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