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  1. #21


    i totally agree .....seems like if you don't wanna know who has what then do look at their status/profile....simple as that...let ppl play the game the way they want to...if someone happens to drop some S ranks in front of u then don't pick it up...its ur choice...If someone pt with you and has S ranks kick them out....Sheesh...I swear there are too many babies around here....Seems like the ones who really ruins the games are the one who bitch and cry all the time cuz someone got a S rank and they didn't....Grow up!
    -Trust no one and they will not do you wrong-

  2. #22
    Real living is living for others.
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    New york


    couldn't agree with you more spoiled you saved me a long post i tip my hat to you

  3. #23


    I've been wanting to say something for the longest time about this whole thing.....Lots of my friends were banned for no reason...Just cuz they had money or legits or whatever...You can argue that hackers are the ones who are ruining the game but I can argue the same about some who ppl watch all day...I bet u would STFU when someone gives u 99mil or someone gives you something that you been searching 100 hours....If someone was to hack "free blackhearts, or har/quick" and was giving them away I guarantee that no one will be reported or no one will hate....And the community will be the same...
    -Trust no one and they will not do you wrong-

  4. #24
    Real living is living for others.
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    Jan 2007
    New york


    that's wha i have been trying to explain and your friends was banned cause of the great community in psow who most likely reported the majority of people thats why 70% of psu population has been banned

  5. #25


    Hey here's an idea...Lets report the people watcher... There are disrupting the game flow....and they are the ones who are taking my friends away...Hey that maybe a good idea... LOL
    -Trust no one and they will not do you wrong-

  6. #26
    Real living is living for others.
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    Jan 2007
    New york


    lol tell sega they are harassing you thas actually violates the tos nowwacth the site mod lock this topic >.>

  7. #27
    Ragolian Defense Forces RS's Avatar
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    Same old tired excuse it's not the players fault for stepping "out of bounds" it's the referee's.
    It seem's like I've been here before.

  8. #28
    Battle Fiend Superguppie's Avatar
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    Capelle aan den IJssel (Netherlands)


    Uhhh, it is stupid to spend a lot of time on a game? I thought the whole idea of a game was to spend time.
    Saying you play a game, and then cheating so you're not actualy playing the there is something I call stupid....

  9. #29


    no it's stupid spending an absurd amount of time on a game. Most games have what? 40 hours of gameplay? If people played any other game as much as they seem to play this game, they'd be done in a weekend. That's all I'm saying. People wait for level upgrades, and already want a level 80 max, so that they can get there in 3 days. I was level 60 at the time of the last update, I got there, within 5 minutes of the servers shutting down. I'm almost 64 now. I take my time and enjoy the game.


  10. #30
    Battle Fiend Superguppie's Avatar
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    Capelle aan den IJssel (Netherlands)


    I think I am not getting my point across. So let my try it a little differently.

    I don't spend an absurd amount of time on it either. That is why my highest level character is only 23, and I don't have access to the advanced jobs yet. And I am having good fun. The only thing that will probably change over time is the looks of my weapons, and the numbers flying across the screen.
    I fail to see why I would have to cheat to get bigger numbers, and somewhat cooler looks. The game will be just the same. The fun will be the same.
    I am not addicted to big numbers. I am addicted to having fun, preferably with friends. Big number syndrome often get in the way, so I ignore numbers as best I can. Running with a pack of friends is fun, even when the numbers are small.

    They made the game to be fun wherever you are. This means that it is fun if you have 4 hours a week, and it is fun if you have 40 hours a week. If I only have 4 hours a week, why would I cheat to not play the part of the game made for me? Oh, if I cheat, I can run with the 40 hour a week guys, and the cheaters. Basicaly, I will be in the game, without playing it. I don't see the use of that.

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