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  1. #1


    Allright, I have a FOnewearl named Nicole. Already have re-created her once (she was originally level 69, now she's level 66, same section ID). Now I've found another road-block towards reaching ultimate.

    I've had to do some major (I mean major) thinking about creating a FOnewm, because FOnewearl gets killed easily, and I've seen FOnewms do better damage with RA techs. I like my FOnewearl's resta and anti range, and it's enhanced even more with a Resta Merge.

    FOnewm gets stronger Ra moves (face it, we all like em >_>) and they get better ATP, but lower MST and thus lower TP...

    Also, with the FOnewearl's boost to the power of Foie/Zonde/Barta, she is the perfect FO to kill Falz with. Zonde first form, Barta second form, Foie third form. It's unbelievable... but then she gets killed to easily, balancing the power (unfortunately)...

    FOnewm also seem to be one of the more preferred Forces due to their power increase. At the time of me writing this bit right now, my FOnewearl is now level 67 (just finished a Hard TTF, helping a friend level up). My FOnewm is level 1 at the moment, and his section ID is Redria (upon analysis of the EP4 Drop Rate Table, I've decided Redria is a good section ID for good drops [v801, kusanagi, yata mirror, yasakani matagama, yunchang, snake spire, spirit cuirass, flamberge, v501, tripolic reflector, etc.]) for episode 4, since Forces mainly dominate episode 4.

    Also, the problem arises with techs. None of my accounts have even reached Ultimate yet. I'm too picky... I've recreated my FOnewearl twice already because of improper mat usage before I learned the methods for max stats. Even now, I've accidentally used Def Mats, when I shouldn't...

    Getting to the point with techs, my FOnewearl has good high level techs for a level 67.. level 20+ everything except for Razonde, Grants, Megid, Deband, and Zalure, which are all in the 10s except for Grants.

    And a FOnewm seems so appealing right now. I'm sort of tired of the dresses FOnewearls wear, and the clothes a FOnewm wears aren't much better >_>

    Oh and, with the techs, some of my friends have characters in ultimate, but I'm sick of having to rely on them to get good techs. I can barely afford good techs on my own, hell the only nice tech I bought was a level 20 gifoie from a PD and an Addslot >_> Plus, I think they're probably sick of me asking for techs, and I find asking awkward.

    I also want a Clio, which I can't hunt with Redria, but can hunt with a Pinkal in Ultimate Episode 4 (drops from a Del Rappy, which I just happen to see many of in Normal - V.Hard, so I'm pretty confident that the Clio hunt will go well). But then Redria gets pretty nice overall drops that other people will want as well.

    Wow.. that let me vent out a lot of anger on myself ... Dear lord I'm going to go insane over this >_> It's no wonder many people stray away from forces and towards hunters... Forces can kill your brain

    So, I am between a FOnewearl and a FOnewm (deviation from a rock and a hard place)... Any input on what I should do before I lose my mind?

    Thanks to anyone and everyone for helping.

    - Yurnero.

    Thanks again!

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Yurnero on 2007-02-14 13:08 ]</font>

  2. #2


    Do you like playing as a HU or an RA?
    If so, you've just answered your own question
    I hate FO's. They're simply too complicated for me. I never learned anything about tech boosts, and I don't know what half of the tech's look like.
    But it's so much easier that way

  3. #3


    Yes, I like HU, but I've never tried RA. They're a little weak at their early levels, and I've not had the patience to level them up while they do 9 and 10 damage to boomas >_>

    Also, many people have Forces, and they're plain fun to play around with. A lot of monsters fear forces because of their constant ability to find a weakness in attributes and use it against them. It makes fighting and leveling up that much easier. I also like the ability to be ranged so I don't have to constantly go to the shops for mates.

    I've been meaning to make a RAmar, but then, the damage problem comes in the way, and I don't have any decent MAG for a RAmar... but I have a 200 Nidra for my Force, and a 200 Rati for any Hunters I have..

  4. #4


    It make take a while, but try building yourself a POW Mag. If you give it to a RA, with a good weapon, and a couple of God/Arms to help them equip it, you'll be well on your way to VH mode within a week or two.
    Trust me. RA's are great, because they get a decent amount of HU weapons, but also the full set of RA weapons too. They seme to get a better deal than anyone else, but I'm a fan of brute strength, so it's HU's all the way for me...

  5. #5


    On 2007-02-14 13:19, Yurnero wrote:

    Also, many people have Forces, and they're plain fun to play around with. A lot of monsters fear forces because of their constant ability to find a weakness in attributes and use it against them. It makes fighting and leveling up that much easier. I also like the ability to be ranged so I don't have to constantly go to the shops for mates.
    Forces are fairly well, with me.

    The best out of all of them is a Fonewearl, or the male one. But, they are very weak. The solution to that is Deband, and Jellen. You make enmies weak, while you stay above them.

  6. #6


    On 2007-02-14 14:18, Fujita-san wrote
    Forces are fairly well, with me.

    The best out of all of them is a Fonewearl, or the male one. But, they are very weak. The solution to that is Deband, and Jellen. You make enmies weak, while you stay above them.
    FOney's aren't male (if I'm reading that correctly).

    On-topic: All Forces have relatively low defense and HP so what helps that is, as said, Deband and Jellen. Deband boosts defense from physical attacks, Jellen weakens the physical attacks on enemies. FOneys are almost the master of casting, with their high MST and getting a boost on simple techs. Give a Summit Moon to her, have a Foie/Zonde/Barta Merge with high level simple techs for each and watch as every enemy dies in just two hits. It's pratically insane, and not to mention how effective it is for clearing rooms and killing the bosses.

  7. #7


    Based on what ye have posted, it sounds like FOnewmn is the Force for ye. He has more HP, DFP, and ATP than the FOnewearl. His MST isn't as high but its still the second best in the game. Every Force is just right for a particular style. The FOnewmn seems to be that Force for ye.

  8. #8


    The RA tech boost a FOnewn gets is nice. I think they look stupid, though, so I'll never use one. I have a L69 FOnewearl on Ultimate right now, and she's killing enemies faster than my L86 RAcast. I just have to make sure nothing hits her. =D

  9. #9


    If it's dying you're worried about, then just give her all the hp mats you can find. I almost maxed out on my fonewearl. Also, when ever you're playing solo, you should constantly keep jellen on the enemies and deband on yourself. This way nothing will be able to touch you. Don't worry about shifta and zalure because they don't effect techs. (as far as i know...)

  10. #10


    On 2007-02-14 17:41, Splash wrote:
    On 2007-02-14 14:18, Fujita-san wrote
    Forces are fairly well, with me.

    The best out of all of them is a Fonewearl, or the male one. But, they are very weak. The solution to that is Deband, and Jellen. You make enmies weak, while you stay above them.
    FOney's aren't male (if I'm reading that correctly).
    I meant FOmars, sorry about that.

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