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  1. #11
    GBN (Great Buffer Nawms)
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    Sitting at a chair looking at a moniter. Duh


    On 2003-01-31 10:19, Yurika wrote:
    I HATE people who sit around and troll about how XXX console has a better graphics card than YYY console.
    Thanx. Geez. Hates a pretty strong word though. I was just stating facts.
    And, my bad, Xbox doesnt have a dial-up modem built in. And if games have bad graphics, the developers screwed up, not the system. Xbox has the ability to have the best graphics.

  2. #12


    On 2003-01-31 06:48, Buuyon wrote:
    I don't get is...xblock thinks its better then the rest because it comes with a modem...yea a modem that cost 50 bucks to use!!! atleast with ps2 you pay 40 bucks and get a free game and weith gamecube you only pay 30 really is xbox all that good cuz oh wow you get a modem...
    I know, almost everyday my X-Box tells me its better then my PS2.
    Orange Hand. CZ-75b.

  3. #13
    Battle Mode Enthusiast
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    Mar 2001
    In an unknown warehouse, holding Spy at gunpoint...


    On 2003-01-31 10:19, Yurika wrote:
    I like to play each because they are fun. When I go to the store to purchase a game, I don't stare at it and try to figure out which one is using the best graphics, I try to figure out which one I would have fun with.

    So if the only reason you have for owning a system is because you think it's superior because the hardware is supposed to be better, you need to ask yourself if you're actually having fun playing it, or having fun trying to brag about how much "better" your system is.
    Everybody, do you see these two quotes? Do you? Read them, understand them, and shut the fuck up.

  4. #14


    and it has a dial-up modem and broadband built right into it,
    NOPE just Broadband... it doesnt like all you dial up users...

  5. #15


    On 2003-01-31 12:22, haterade wrote:

    Everybody, do you see these two quotes? Do you? Read them, understand them, and shut the fuck up.
    You crack me up when you say things like that in these threads, but you and Yurika are dead on accurate. Now as per your orders I shall shut up on this topic.
    "This plan is so bad it HAS to be ours."

  6. #16
    Grand High Cookie
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    Jan 2003
    Hiding in my clevage.


    ;_; My sega CD died a death similar to early PSXes. I've got a model 2 sega CD, and the sled on it is all disaligned. Won't read any games right anymore. I suppose I could fix it if I stared at it long enough and tried to draw correlations to how those early PSXes died, but I'm scared I'll break it even more.

    A friend picked up a model 1 sega CD before winter break and we played a whole ton of my old favorites. Snatcher, silpheed, final fight CD... ahhh. *cries*

  7. #17
    Everyone's God Ness's Avatar
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    Yahoo!! Another gay fanboy topic. I don't see why people hate the other systems so much. You have your Xbox/Gamecube/PS2 so shut the fuck and be happy! There is no need to diss the other systems or people that like the others systems.


    Xbox live may be $50, but that's for a whole year. With GC and PS@, you have to buy the modem, the game, and pay for the monthly online service. So in the end, Xbox live has is the best plan (in my opinion).

  8. #18


    Also bear in mind that most of the fanboys here had their consoles given to them by their parents for xmas or bday or jsut 'plain being sweet'. Be happy with what you have, damnit >_<.

    Buuyon, if you dont like the Xbox, thats fine: DONT GET IT THEN.

    *shuffles paper*

  9. #19


    *skips all the other looong posts* i don't care about either PS2, GC, XBox being greater than another.

    they are games on all of them that i'd want to play but unfortunetely i've only got a PS2, so i'm basically happy with that. (not like i'm gonna spend MY $$ on game consoles when i can spend it on something else). ><

  10. #20
    Everyone's God Ness's Avatar
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    On 2003-01-31 17:30, Abaddon wrote:

    if you dont like the Xbox, thats fine: DONT GET IT THEN.

    Why can't fanboys realize this?

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