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Thread: Gay Gay Gay

  1. #11
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
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    Should I start making fun of nerdy, white, pale adolescent boys now or later? All "stop using Gay" threads usually start off with the OP flustered, a few people agreeing, then some snide comments, then the rational argument, then the jackass social darwinists, and then Skorpius will randomly appear, killing everyone.

    (in case anyone gets confused, I agree with PJ/FO/ASTARHEN)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Solstis on 2007-03-24 00:10 ]</font>

  2. #12


    Gay does not have a singular usage. Gay, as a word, has many offical and slang uses - three of which being; Joyfullness, Homosexuality, Lame.

    To say that "Gay" when used as a negative response is a bash against homosexuals, is like saying that calling a homosexual gay is a bash against overly happy people.

    While there always will be people out there who WILL use it in the context of bashing homosexuals (weither conciously or subconciously), by and large the slang for the word isn't a bash in that context.. or at least it's quickly moving away from being a bash.

    Ever get offended by the use of the phrase "Jerry Rigged"? You do realize that it's a prejudice racial slur. Or at least.. it was used as a racial slur towards the end of WWII and brought into popular use. Today it doesn't hold the same meaning, (except to perhaps old WWII veterans) when used in the greater english speaking populace. Same deal with "Gay".

    Oh, and by the way - speaking of increased vocabluaries, how about people start using (properly) the word "Niggardly" more often? Somewhat of an opposite scenario from your proposing with "Gay" since "Niggardly" has absolutely NO entomological connection with the racial slur it resembles. (It originates from the scandinavian word Hnøgger I believe... It means stingy or avarcious.) However, I guantee that it you use it more in your daily speah you will be branded a racist and offend nearly everyone you meet.

    In fact most men throughout history were gay, including some of the most manliest men.
    Enjoyed the movie 300?

    The Spartans were gay

    ... well, bisexual technically... but you get the idea

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-03-24 02:08 ]</font>

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  3. #13
    The First
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    Actually "nigger" is only racist, because people are uneducated...both those that use it and those are offended by it. Most slaves came from Nigeria which simply evolved into the word "Nigger" because most slave owners didn't care where the person came from anymore or were lied to about where they came from. It's actually the same as calling someone who is white "English" but there is no outcry on that v.v Then there is the fact that saying black is ok, but Negro is not, when the two mean exactly the same thing and nigger is a more correct description.

    the most offensive word in common use today is actually 'caucasian' which has no true roots and is a completely made up word by scientists to specifically describe europeans and to erase much of it's cultural identity so that they could have a unified culture of sorts. It is close to the same root as mongoloid and negroid, both of which have been out moded as racist terms so much so that they aren't used.

    As far as "gay" having anything to do with "gay bashing." I and just about any other person that uses the word don't connect it with being gay at all, but it was originally used as gay bashing. But then again gays screwed just about everyone on the fact that think of all the words that they decided to use "gay", "queer", and "faggot". All of these were said to be ok by one of the stupid gay movements back when this massive wave of idiocy came about. Gay means happiness and because of the fact that they chose it as a word to mean them I can no longer use it in my vocabulary to shout "I'm gay" or "You must be really gay today" and not to mention all those old shows and writing that use the word and now many people just don't get it because of the broken usage. the same thing with Queer which is to mean odd or strange. For these words they have tarnished english language and they can no longer be used properly. As far a faggot...well that's a different story that implies a dual meaning in and of itself and most people don't even know the origin of the word to understand why it's bad and/or good. Faggot originally meant burning wood or more specifically a piece of burning wood when it is in a group in a circle to burn someone, whether alive or dead and most often alive when the term is used. This term was then used when cigarettes came on the seen because cigarettes are "burning sticks". This got shortened to fag simply out of laziness. So it implies both the killing or end of a persons life as well as sucking on a stick which constitutes an oral fetish which implies blowjobs which to most people are a great thing. In fact I'd be willing to bet that if the word gained popularity in another form it would be used to describe a woman who likes to give felatio or the act itself.

    more over this brings me to the argument of "you should learn a new word cuz it offends me that you use the word in common use" which i have to say, "you should not ruin my language with your limiting of meaning as meaning means of a word is the thing that makes english so beautiful a language"

    Oh and another thing...

    Saying Gay = Lame proves that it's dissociative as most don't even know what Lame means and nor do they know or care where it originated.

  4. #14
    The First
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    On 2007-03-24 01:36, Sinue_v2 wrote:
    In fact most men throughout history were gay, including some of the most manliest men.
    Enjoyed the movie 300?

    The Spartans were gay

    ... well, bisexual technically... but you get the idea
    Until fairly recently men participated in social homosexuality. You could say that that the new trend of gay bashing is most likely due to the feminist movement and the feminizing of men.

    The current hatred has roots in things that most don't know about. Incest which is generally considered wrong is actually very natural and a lot took part in it till the royal family which did it more start to become more and more retarded. in other words, short, weak body, dumb, etc. this caused them to pass a law and now we consider it immoral without reason true reason. Inbreeding does result in weaker genetics of many decades, but a few times in a century isn't really bad.

    Just about any "great man" in history outside of fairly modern history was no doubt gay...

    Alexander the great
    Julius Caesar

    just to name a few.

  5. #15


    Lame means "Disabled from movement", or the like. If you walk with a limp because of a club foot or a sprained ankle, you're lame. Lame in the context of "something sucking" is slang.

    As far as homosexuality's "recent" persecution - I would argue that it generally traces it's roots back to judism and early catholicism .. and that religeon is largely the factor for homosexuality becoming taboo. Judism and Catholicism are middle eastern religeons, and for a long time the middle east was under Roman rule. The romans were notorious for engaging in social homosexuality, and so - homosexuality was offered up as an affront to god as a means of political agenda. It further demonised the Romans and helped rally the people against them. As Jeudism and Catholicism grew into major world-wide religeons, the doctrine stayed and shaped public attitude towards homosexuality. One place you do NOT see homosexuality being demonised until fairly recently, are the far eastern countries like Japan and China. Much like the spartans, the Samurai openly engaged in same-sex relationships as well. Perhaps I'm wrong, but it wasn't until the influx of western culture and western religeons that homosexuality became somewhat taboo over there as well. Though even to this day they are (I think) far more tolerant and understanding of differing sexualities.

    Just about any "great man" in history outside of fairly modern history was no doubt gay...
    I wouldn't quite go that far. However, there are far more great men and women throughout history who were homo-or-bi sexual than most people realize.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-03-24 07:37 ]</font>

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  6. #16


    Jesus Christ, stop crying over words and grow the fuck up.

  7. #17
    I read it on PSOW, so it must be true
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    Hey, Solstis was right

  8. #18


    On 2007-03-24 06:11, Sinue_v2 wrote:
    Lame means "Disabled from movement", or the like. If you walk with a limp because of a club foot or a sprained ankle, you're lame. Lame in the context of "something sucking" is slang.
    So what are you saying? That people should stop using "lame" in a context that conveys negativity, or the cripples will bitch? Can't say "gay". The homosexuals will get offended. Can't say "retarded". Corky will shed a tear. With all the things wrong in this world, concerning yourself with politically correct terminology just seems like petty nitpicking bullshit to me. Go save an endangered species. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Clean up the environment. Educate kids about safe sex. Wrap your head around something that actually matters.

  9. #19


    Wha? No... that's not what I was getting at at all. Durakken simply stated that many people who use the word "Lame" these days do not know it's actual meaning. I simply gave a definition for it. If your movement is crippled, then you are lame. That's not an insult, that's fact. But many would read that statement as a bash against crippled people.

    What we're getting at is that slang terminology has become so abundant that many fail to distinguish the difference between the slang definition and the actual meaning of the words. They mix the two up, and often become upset or offended. Such as like with the word gay, which has an actual definition, but also multiple slang defintions.

    I think it's silly to complain about the slang usage of a word that is utter slang to begin with.

    Also as a side note: I've been reading Dante's Divine Comedy recently. It's interesting that he doesn't whole-heartedly condemn homosexuality. While it is punished in the seventh circle of hell as a sin against god and nature - it's also a redemeable sin in purgetory, as well as one of the least offensive to god. The key, it seems, to be moderation. Homosexuality, when committed not in excess in the act of love according to Dante, isn't a big deal in god's eyes.

    In fact, Dante's guide through Purgetory and Hell (Virgil) resides in the plane of Limbo (reserved for those who lead lives pleasing to god, but did not believe in him or Jesus Christ. They recieve no punishment, yet no paradice either.. just emptyness). Virgil, as a historical figure, was a known homosexual. (He did not commit sodomy in excess or for lust, which would have granted him a place in purgetory except for the fact that he didn't believe in God/Christ)

    Actually "nigger" is only racist, because people are uneducated...both those that use it and those are offended by it. Most slaves came from Nigeria which simply evolved into the word "Nigger" because most slave owners didn't care where the person came from anymore or were lied to about where they came from. It's actually the same as calling someone who is white "English" but there is no outcry on that
    That would only be accurate if your were calling someone from Nigeria a "Nigger". Almost none of the african american/european/ect citizens these days come from Nigeria. It was very quickly adopted as a racial slur as well. To call a black man on the street today a "Nigger" would be completely inaccruate and offencive, because it lost it's "original" meaning after the first generation immigrants from Nigeria passed away. The only thing left now, really, IS the racial slur.

    I'm American, but my family originated from Poland/Germany. It would be roughly equivilent to walking up to me on the street and calling me a Kraut. (Which I would probably take offence to, expecially since like many decendants of immigrants, I've never been to the country of my family's origin - not to mention that I hate Sauerkraut.)

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-03-24 07:20 ]</font>

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  10. #20


    Sinue, I didn't mean you in particular with my response. You just happened to be quoted. =D

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