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  1. #1
    The most beautiful girl in the Gurhal System
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    *Danger Girl staggers into the room. Her shoulders are slumped, and tears well in her eyes. Her own blood, and the blood from countless enemys covers her face and body. She collapses into a chair and begins to speak:

    We may be dying off. Hell we might already be dead. Nearing four-hundred hours now. So far I've got a double saber and s-beats blades to show for it. That's not the tragedy. The sad part is the honest girl will never see the best. The super rares are reserved for the cheaters, thieves, and liars. So be it! I still have my honor, my virtue, my pride. However holding on to it is like holding on to a fistful of sand. You can squeeze with all your strength but you cant stop the grains from slipping between your knuckles. But I swear, I will hold on to that one grain of truth. I will never bow down to the cheats. I will never join their ranks. I will maintain hope that just once...just once, I will get my super rare fairly and honestly! One more run through the ruins...yes just one more time for sure! I just pray they is still a place for the honest player in PSO. Alas I wonder if there is even a place left for the honest player in PSO World....One more run...just one more...

    *Danger Girl rises to her feet, staggers forward...then collapses onto the ground in utter exhastion.*

  2. #2
    Veteran Fighter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    US Central Time Zone


    Well I know how you feel... Coming up fast on 300 hours and so far all I've found was an Alive Aqhu...

    But I'm convinced the feeling I get when I find that {insert kick-axx item of choice here} it'll all have been worth it. I don't care if it's something I can never use... I'll never trade it off. It may sit in my check room and collect dust... heck, I might give it to a friend I know is an honest player, but the anticipation of that single moment of pride is what keeps me going when I'm ready to put down the controller and pawn my DC.

    Hang in there. We'll get something eventually... right?

  3. #3


    *pokes Danger Girl in the side with a small stick*
    Is this thing dead?

    Anyway, it does seem quite unfair at times that the devoted honest players get the short end of the stick(same stick mentioned before? Possibly...) The only thing you can hold on to is honor, dignity, pride, and maybe some kind of large trout... if it isn't too heavy to hold on to. Does this reply really have a point? Probably not.

  4. #4


    Yeah, it's funny how all the good girls and boys get crapped on in the end...

  5. #5


    Since when were you all goth and depressed, Danger Girl? Doesn't really suit you, so perk the #^$% up.

    Sadly, you are right... staying true to yourself and playing an honest character on PSO is somewhat difficult when faced with cheaters who have easily amassed a great collection of ultra-rares.
    The cheaters have dangled the carrot in front of your face... show you how to take the easy way out and get all those mouth-watering new weapons with little to no effort. But what fun would that be? How entertaining would the game be if everything came easily?? The fun comes from the challenge of trying to find those elusives weapons... the rush of discovering one of the few prized jewels of the game.
    Don't let the cheaters tempt you... and don't let them deprive you of the true PSO experience. When you find those rares that you seek (and you will find them... have a little faith) it will be that much sweeter because you came by it honestly.

  6. #6


    yes but we must still try to do our best......would you like a bag to hold that sand you have?

  7. #7


    if I don't start to find things soon i'm gonna quit. i'm so serious. how many friggin hours do you need logged if its not that its level 100 if its not that play very hard.. its always some made up requirement.

    i'm tired of using a stupid varista.. when do I get my spread needle..

    yay i found a double saber... what about the twin brands I see...

    whoo hoo.. a photon claw.. great now someone has a minesbetter claw

    *btw I don't have a damn claw...... i only have varista and double saber and other stupid rares that aren't worth to be called rare.*

    if I seriously don't start to find stuff i'm gonna quit... now I am starting to see sense in duping for friends... its gets old using the same stupid weapons... i'm gonna be level 100 and people are going to think i'm a GS because I have a varista... how great is this rare.. yay i feel special varista forever!

  8. #8
    Monkeys are really Chimps in disguise.
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    It sucks, but at least at the end, you know that you didn't need to cheat to get ahead. The day you find that super rare you had wanted for weeks, you will feel so much more satisfied then any duper or cheater ever will.

  9. #9


    *Wipes a tear away from his eye because of danger girls statement*

    God, Why Must It Happen To Us??!!

  10. #10
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Lansing, Michigan


    I know how you feel, girl. I jt found my first two rare things tonight. a Dragon slayer (Cant use till dooomsday) and a Burning Ripper (the text is yellow, and all the stars are filled. does a lot of damage, but its a dagger)

    OF course, you are at level 100, I am at level 43. Things should get better. if not, you can slash me with those claws you are holding!

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