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  1. #11
    Danger Mewn Robinson! Mewnie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    THE orbital laser station of DOOOOM


    Well, Spear is nice for a single, multi-target mob, but sword is hands down better for swarms of smaller, single target mobs.

    Plus, Tornado Break is only 12 PP for a fF, so you can spam it forever on those said swarms.

  2. #12
    Svm Inimicus Mali
    Join Date
    May 2001


    What! Beasts having trouble with their accuracy?! Inconceivable!!

    Everybody say it with me now:


  3. #13


    Yeah, Maya's one of my favorite characters and I didnt' even think about that phrase. ._.
    Street Fighter IV: Chun Li, Ryu
    King of Fighters XII: Terry, Kim, Kyo
    BlazBlue: Litchi, Noel

  4. #14


    I'd say try invincibility nanoblast and compare damage.. At worst you can pop it on if the healers fall asleep or something.

  5. #15
    xbox 360 PSU ftw.
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    ank pikors are on the order of 300+K. On xbox60, that kinda money is scarce(r). I did say that arm unit + pikor helps. I use the +30/-30 by the way.

    Where is one really using axe though?
    On parum, axe can be useful vs:

    Koltova (distova move too quickly and have high evp), Polhavorah, Goldova

    except the 3rd hit only goes off if you have the first 2 creatures near a wall, otherwise the second hit flips them away.

    On Neudiaz:
    Kamatoze: I prefer to me a lot more 'hit n run' with him (rising strike, mostly)

    Olaka: I draw zeroes all te time with level 50-60 olaka's when i do not have zodial (which is often)

    Tengohg?: no, just no, yohemi 6* handgun deals 220+ hp damage per shot, with almost unlimited shots. If I cared, I'd buy a 7/8/9* handgun, but it's so not worth it. Yoh>>GRM for handguns.

    The dude that breathes fireballs si slow enough
    Maaaaybe jisharga, if you can line it up right to hit 2, they tend to run around
    Kog nad? For sure - but again, I tend to go with saber, or even spear.

    I also draw zero's on bosses , and again, not that a zero here or there will kill me, but the bottom time is every zero means -600 to 800 damage, with really slow recovery time. I'd rather hit for 400-500 with regulariy and in more locations (thank you spear AND sword)Getting in the third hit does not happen all the time as bosses are more mobile/fly/ etc.

    Axes are a dream, and a nightmare for Beast fortefighters. Anywhere they can hit relaible you really don't need them

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