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  1. #31


    On 2007-05-28 08:27, Ithildin wrote:
    Hmmm, anyone remember the days b4 air conditioning? open a bloody window!
    Does that help when humidity is the problem? O_o

  2. #32
    I won the Nobel prize for texting while on duty Ithildin's Avatar
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    I know, I was jk... I think ppl from the US are more used to having air con, you have far more extreme weather conditions than us in the UK. However, I will say there was a time b4 it and if u have to put up with a bit of heat for a while then so be it.
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  3. #33
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
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    Person B suffers from the heat SO MUCH that they almost pass out daily, leaving their friend on 360 asking them "HAHA WHY DO YOU ALWAYS GET SO DROWSY AT MIDDAY?"
    ~_~... does this really happen..? Lots of people say this. And I do get sleepy alot during a really hot day, and..I end up sleeping.
    Miranda F Newman Fighter (PSO2: NG) Ship 2
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  4. #34
    Elitist hybrid. Merged classes can be pricks too!
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    On 2007-05-29 06:37, Mystil wrote:

    ~_~... does this really happen..?
    On 2007-05-29 06:37, Mystil wrote:
    And I do get sleepy alot during a really hot day, and..I end up sleeping.

  5. #35
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
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    Guess I better start blasting my fan then.
    Miranda F Newman Fighter (PSO2: NG) Ship 2
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    GC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 161 :: Za'leshea FOnewearl 172
    PSU: Eternia F Beast FF15 Lvl142(PC) :: Elemia F Cast GM20 lvl174(360)

  6. #36


    On 2007-05-27 19:07, Sychosis wrote:
    About how hot is it in Japan temperature wise?

    Give it to me in Celsius if need be, I'm a man, I can take it.

    I'd look it up myself, but it seems that it's been raining a lot in Tokyo, Japan as of late, so the temperature really can't get up there. I'll check back another time when it's nice hot and compare my temperature to Japans.

  7. #37


    On 2007-05-29 14:52, Shadow_Moses wrote:
    On 2007-05-27 19:07, Sychosis wrote:
    About how hot is it in Japan temperature wise?

    Give it to me in Celsius if need be, I'm a man, I can take it.

    I'd look it up myself, but it seems that it's been raining a lot in Tokyo, Japan as of late, so the temperature really can't get up there. I'll check back another time when it's nice hot and compare my temperature to Japans.
    Just ask Darius.

  8. #38


    Cold air can sometimes make me sleepier though... I always sleep during the day anyway XD

  9. #39
    The First
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    Your hot cuz you eat too much fish!

  10. #40
    One shot. Dead. WrathOfMegid's Avatar
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    Nowhere I'll admit.


    On 2007-05-27 17:49, -Shimarisu- wrote:
    I fixed the aircon by taking it apart, waiting hours in blistering heat for it to dry out then by "Person A"'s suggestion, put it on an oh-so-sturdy (read: not) cardboard box containing a Neo Geo CD system. Which he fell asleep with his head shoved up against AGAIN last night.
    I's be hopin' that's his thingamajig the cold box is sittin on, and I's also be hopin' it leaks and that there whatchamacallit done git fried like chicken wings.
    I'll do what I will.

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