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  1. #121


    On 2007-07-20 16:07, ShinAnt wrote:
    If all people want to do is complain and moan on what Sonic Team is doing wrong. Then leave and go play something else.
    I did. Like I said, I sometimes come back to the forums to see if security got squared away, since I played PSO for years and actually liked PSU. We're in a topic specifically about a security-related incident, so we're free to express our opinions on it here. I dont stray off topic in other topics. I simply find it shameful in a pay to play game with so many years experience now that SEGA is still letting these kinds of thing go on. No more. No less.

    On 2007-07-20 15:54, Zael wrote:
    Oh, the irony.
    Lol. Well it would be, if I defined myself as freaking out. Just dropped in to see if these kinds of things had gone away and posted a few of my thoughts on it. *shrugs*

  2. #122


    In no means was my post directed toward any individual. When people say. " Oh well it's not like PSO." Or "PSO was waaaay better." Is there really a need for it. I'm just stating my opinion on it thats all.

    -Uni 11 Vet/Slacker"They told me I could do anything. So I f***ed a god!"

    PSN-Nicalrant Xbox Live-Nicalrant Wii code- A jumble of numbers, Ask me

  3. #123


    And In Sega's defense. It hard to keep a somewhat big community happy all the time.
    I hope this problem gets resolved for all can go back on hating Parum. Xd
    -Uni 11 Vet/Slacker"They told me I could do anything. So I f***ed a god!"

    PSN-Nicalrant Xbox Live-Nicalrant Wii code- A jumble of numbers, Ask me

  4. #124


    On 2007-07-20 16:23, ShinAnt wrote:
    In no means was my post directed toward any individual. When people say. " Oh well it's not like PSO." Or "PSO was waaaay better." Is there really a need for it. I'm just stating my opinion on it thats all.
    Yup. I just reacted to [paraphrasing] "go play something else" since it did seem directed my way, but no worries. I just get annoyed at the dont rock the boat, dont criticize or point out any flaws, munch on the same grass as everyone else sort of stance common on forums. SEGA by all rights should be on top of this kind of thing, and should have been long ago. I played through it on all iterations of PSO, listened to promises while waiting for PSU, and then played through it in PSU until I could no longer.

    On 2007-07-20 16:25, ShinAnt wrote:
    I hope this problem gets resolved for all can go back on hating Parum. Xd
    Haha, yes. Wise words indeed.

  5. #125


    know what the real problem is? Gameguard.... of all the online games I've played, gameguard ones get hacked the most frequently. Not even joking.


  6. #126


    I hear that alot actually.
    -Uni 11 Vet/Slacker"They told me I could do anything. So I f***ed a god!"

    PSN-Nicalrant Xbox Live-Nicalrant Wii code- A jumble of numbers, Ask me

  7. #127


    Not to like backseat mod or anything but is there some special reason this Ryuk guys account here hasn't been nuked o.o? It seems in bad taste ta leave him be and could like ya know maybe reflect poorly on PSOW. He didn't contribute to the game in a good way and here all he's doing is inciting like flames and stuff.

  8. #128


    The one thing I don't like is when people say "Oh well WoW has this" or "There is no hacking in WoW" like WoW is some magical game where there is no hacking and everyone who plays it is happy about every part of it. Honestly PSU isn't any different from any other ORPG. Yes there is hacking etc. but stuff like this happens in every other game regardless of security measures. And yes the game needs improvements but there is no game every made that has nothing that could possibly improved about it. Why can't you just thank ST when they attempt to do something about a problem? There was a hacking incident and they said they would try and replace or compensate everyone who had stuff stolen. Very very very few other companies would even think of doing that. And its pointless to say they should have had this fixed before. How can you fix a glitch that you don't know is there? Someone exploited it and now they are patching it to make sure it can't happen again. Thats about all you can do. There is no way to prevent any hacks from happening ever. You just have to deal with problems as they arise. ST is showing that they are trying to crack down on this stuff. The problem was handled rather quickly with e-mails being sent out to those who had problems the following day. I just don't understand what else you could expect from them.

  9. #129
    The Unofficial PSOW Lolibrarian
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Dallas, TX


    On 2007-07-19 18:19, Zorafim wrote:
    They... acknowledged us?
    But not the people that had it happen months ago (like me). Awesome!

  10. #130


    I didn't read all of that.. but.. hey.. this was supposed to be a topic of how stuff was going to be restored-> Why don't you got back to talking.. you know.. about the topic? I -still- think they wont. But. I want to know, how many of you believe they are? I don't say this to be a dick. I never said "I KNOW THEY AREN'T GOING TO" but, let's be real here. It' SegaTeam.. Anyways as I just said-> How many of you believe they will fix stuff? Even if it takes a while?

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