Long ago...
On a planet not so far away...

Rise Of the Dark Cast

After fighting long in the war, It seems that the war would be over thanks to Maiden Trinity and her guardian Kafie. However, one of the loyal guards, Gai Giagain, grew jealous of Kafie being the guardian of the maiden. As Gia's jealousy grew, so dose the darkness of his heart. In a big surprise, Gai has assassinated the president in the confusion of the war. Not beleaving what Gai has done, Trinity goes alone to the caves to confront him. Unknown to Trinity, Kafie fallows her and hides within her spaceship....

Trinity looks around the caves, cautioning around for any monsters that is roaming in the shadows. Then without warning, she was knocked to the floor by Gai, who was hiding behind the electronic door. He pointed his Silenced Handgun at her but then withdrew it when he noticed her blue eyes. "Trinity!? What are you doing here?" Trinity got up back to her feet and steps away from Gai with a sad face. "Gai, I-I don't believe that you killed..." Gai looks down at Trinity. "I sorry to disappoint you, but I did." Trinity was in shock. Gai was the principle's best guard and they had no grudge among each other. "Gai, why...?" Trinity ask. Gai sighed and enplanes himself. "Trinity...when Kafie became your guardian, I was humiliated since he was my rival. I am stronger than him! I am faster than him! And he becomes YOUR guardian!? Why am I left behind!? Why am I NOT your guardian?!?!" She Smiles nervously and explain. "Gai...the reason he's my guardian is not that he's better than you, but that...I love him-" Gia steps back disbelievingly. "WHAT!??!" Trinity Closes her eyes and tries to fully explain herself. "I like you, Gai... and you're are strong, but I know Kafie is reliable and Kafie has alot of courage. And now you're heading in a path not even I dare to fallow!! The dark side is one path that no one should ever fallow. I can help you Gai. Please..."

Then a light shined from the darkness. Kafie appears from the shadows and Gai's rage grew. "You lair!! You're in it with him from the beginnings!" Gai back up and points his pistol at Trinity, but Kafie castes foie and knocks the weapon out of his hands. "No, Gai!" Answers Kafie. "I came on my own will. I knew by hiding in her ship, she will bring me to you. I'm sorry trinity. I know you're tiring to save him, but not everyone can be saved. Gai's falling to the dark side to the full potential within his heart. Once this happens, nonthing can save him." Gai then draws out his Reaper. "Then lits settle this!" Kafie wields his custom buster 3000. "Forgive me Trinity, for its the way of the guardians. If he lives, We'll lose the war because of his dark powers." Trinity burst into tears. "Why...?! WHY!?" She runs away from the start of the battle. They circled around with their sabers drawn. "See what you have done!?" Exclaimed Gai. "You have got her upset-" Kafie interrupts with rage. "You betrayed your friends! You betrayed the people! It was your lust for popularity and power that drawn her to tears!" Gai changes his pose. "Then prepare yourself...guardian of the maiden"

Gai charges forward, stabs his reaper twords Kafie. Kafie dodges out of the way, twists around his back, and slashes downward twords Gai's head; Gai reluctantly blocks his saber with his reaper over his head. Gai then swings at Kafie's side but he blocks by tilting the buster by his side and pushes Gai back with shockblow attack twords the edge. Gai regains his balance and dodges Kafie's jump attack. Kafie back flips and puts his guard up. "Nice move, but its too predictable." Gai attempts to get Kafie off his guard, but Kafie ignores him and continues the attack.

Kafie then chances Gai in a test of strength. Both Kafie and Gai push each other with their saber. Unsuspectingly, the edge starts to give way and and knocks both fighters off balance. Gai regains his balance and tackles Kafie off the edge with him. Gai was expecting to drown Kafie in the water, but the transfer platform to the mines was underneath them. They both land hard on the platform but Kafie tosses Gai aside.

Both Kafie and Gai jump up and slashes at each other as the wild waters the transport platform tilt side to side. Gai Slashes wildly at Kafie but he easily dodges and counters with every slash. Gai manages to avoid the counters and continues the assault.

The path they're fighting in was a closed down due to the dangers left behind by a mutant attack and heavy flooding.

The uncontrollable waters pushes them twords gigantic stalagtights which hangs on the top of the path, but both Kafie and Gai dodge them and continued slashing. Gai slashes one of the stalagtight and fires the sharp edge at Kafie. Kafie manages to grab it, twists around, and smacks Gai with it on the head. The peace of salagtight crumbled on Gai's head and Gai shakes the pain and peaces off.

Out of rage, Gai trips Kafie and slashes down on him. Kafie manages to guard with his buster and pushes Gai up and rolls backward back to his feet on the edge. Gai tries to push Kafie off into the vicious water, but he avoids Gai and Gai swings his arms to prevent himself from falling off. Kafie backs ups, knowing the fight would dodge and they would go into an infinite loop. They get into another test of strength once again but by their forse attacks. They fired many techniques from fore to zoie but they where equally matched.

"FEEL MY WRAITH!!" Yell Gai, as he charges his medge attack and fires it twords Kafie. Kafie manages to surrounds himself with a grantz shield, protecting him from an instant death. Then Gai jumps in the air and stabs down twords Kafie's head. Kafie dodges his attack, but the attack was strong enough to split the platform into scattered halfs like broken glass. The remains of the platform began to sink to the bottom of the underground lake. Gai and Kafie jump off the rocks, Gai chasing Kafie down in his angry rage in his heart. Finally, Kafie lands on a huge rock that steadily held his weight firmly. The rock was higher than the platform Gai was standing on.

"Stop, Gai!!" Excalmed Kafie, "I have the higher ground! If you continue, You will lose more than the battle!" But Gai laughed and replied "You underestimated me, Kafie! That is your downfall!" Kafie couldn't beleave that Gai wasn't thinking wisely and was fighting without any thought in his mind and was blinded by rage. Kafie then notices Gai preparing to his attack. Kafie prepares and warns the angry swordsman. "DON'T DO IT!!" Yelled Kafie. Gai doesn't listen and prepares his jump."This is the end, Master Kafie Katu!" Gai jumps high in the air, attempting to finish Kafie with a powerful, striking blow with his Reaper. However, Kafie took advantage of Gai's opening and slashes twice at him.

Kafie slashes hits Gai, decapitating both his legs and the right arm. Gai's Reaper lands by Kafie's feet and he picks it up and turns it off. Gai starts wailing in pain and anger. Kafie steps back and yells at him. "YOU WHERE SUPPOSE TO BE A GUARDIAN!! NOT AN ASSASSIN!! YOU'RE SUPPOSE TO BRING THE PEOPLE LIGHT!! NOT LEAVE THEM FOREVER WITHIN THE DARKNESS!!" Gai growled twords Kafie in agony and frustration. Kafie continues, but more calmly. "You where my friend. You where trinity's friend...You betrayed both us and our friendship." Gai looked into Kafie's eyes and he saw the true darkness within his yellow eyes. "I HATE YOU!!!!!" Gai's yell echoed though the underwater lake. "I'm sorry, but you brought the pain onto yourself. Now I leave you to own agony." Kafie walks away and Gai slipped into the wild waters, being washed away with the flow.

Kafie returns to the caves where Trinity was hiding. He looks around and saw nonthing but shadows."Trinity!? Are you here?" No response from the darkness. "Trinity?! Where are you?!" but then Kafie understood how she's feeling since they are connected in a way. "Trinity..." Kafie said, tiring to apologize to her. "I know you can't bare the fact that Gai has fallen from us and that I had to defeat him. I cannot beleave it myself. How one loyal man fallen to darkness. He was jealous of me and I wasn't trying to be the best. All I wanted to become accepted, Not a godlike idol." Kafie sighed, knowing he and Gai has hurt her emotionally. "I'm sorry this all happened. We all can't see what might happen next, but we can prepare for the worst." Still no response within the darkness. "If it makes you happy, I will resign from being your guardian you'll never see me again. I will leave you where you can be free and you will never worry again." Kafie turns around and Trinity held him in his arms, still crying from the unbelievable event that has occurred. "I'm sorry" Kafie keeps repeating to her, as he join Trinity in tears.

Withing the entrance of the mines, the dark lord waits with his cast minions for Gai's corpse. The corpse then washes up the rocky ramp and the dark lord examines it. "He barely alive!" he exclaim to his minions. "Quickly, load him up and bring him to my personal ship. We have to preserve him and build him his new body!" The minions grabs Gai's remains and caries his to the loading dock. The dark lord has other plans for Gai.

After hours, Gai thought he would die and be in another life. But with the assistances form the dark lord, Gai has been changed forever. The Gai that everyone knew has became another name everyone fears. "Arise, My purple. Arise, Darth Checkoff!! Arise!!!" The table lifts up and the new Darth minion stands on his feet. He looks at his own hands in surprise of his new transformation. He then saw his new metallic face when one of the Dark lord's minions raise a mirror at him. Checkoff's rage grew and he punches though the mirror, choke the minion, and unleashed a blast which decapitated the defenseless android. "NO!!!" His anger grew to great proportions and his dark energy could be felt around the universe. The universe would never forget the dark feeling that day as they know about the rise of the dark cast.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: DamonKatu on 2007-07-21 14:00 ]</font>