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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    New Jersey


    On 2003-03-10 06:58, Buuyon wrote:
    I got my char to 60 in about...20 hours...well thats because i corrupted and wanted to play with my friends in ult...oh this of topic but...KEYBOARD COMES TODAY YAAAAAAYYY!!!!!
    I corrupted twice yesterday. Even after my friends helped me get my stuff back. Im at level 1. ;_;

  2. #12
    Certified & Licensed PSO Insurance Broker
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    The deepest pits of Hell


    Canabin trick.

  3. #13
    Jonny 5 is alive !
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    United States


    whats that steal exp trick...where u can get like 60000 exp per room or something like that...someone talked about it about 3 weeks ago on this board

  4. #14
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    NYC, Staten Island (the forgotten borough)


    I think someone used a God Hand and used the special on a Pan arms that was stuck in a door. It netted a lot of exp.

  5. #15


    On 2003-03-09 22:51, Sashi wrote:
    Endless Nightmare Quest.
    Close my friend, close. But no cigar, as the overused phrase goes.

    A friend and I were going through the new quests for fun earlier tonight (whoo! Useless candy!), and we got to EN. Not only is it VERY short, it yeilded less EXP than Heat Sword, which would had given roughly 20,000 EXP according to my friend who actually pays attention to these things.

    What I suggest is to use Heat Sword for your forest runs, and then Endless Nightmare 2 for your caves run, which ends up being much better. But this is just a suggestion, as I said. Things will be much better when we get EN for Mines and Ruins, which will yeild much more EXP, and in turn, delicious levels. ^_^

    Oh, yeah. You're going to need caffine. Lots and lots of caffine.

  6. #16


    I just round around and do soem shit and hope I get some exp and have fun doing and it hasnt failed yet!

  7. #17
    Last Pureblooded ß-type Mystil's Avatar
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    Apr 2002


    Endless Nightmare #4 would do nicely, if it was back in the game. And now I know why people do heat sword.
    Miranda F Newman Fighter (PSO2: NG) Ship 2
    ~Past Characters~
    DC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 100 » 102 (Ver.2)
    GC PSO: Silhouette HUnewearl 161 :: Za'leshea FOnewearl 172
    PSU: Eternia F Beast FF15 Lvl142(PC) :: Elemia F Cast GM20 lvl174(360)

  8. #18


    Yer the best way on DC was 1 force and 3 racasrs with needles just killing everything in sight on endless 4 its very fast.

  9. #19


    Fake In Yellow if your a lower level. I went from lv 62-67 last nite. You can kill 3 el rappies with one big stone... not literally. While your doing fake in yellow you can get a rare from pal/el rappy and you gain levels. What more could you want.

    *copy from one of my previous posts*
    Unlocked Ult in Multimode
    2 characters on Ult
    2 controllers

    Stage1:Goto Multimode
    Stage2:Choose which stage you want
    Stage3:Use the desire character to level up

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Maybe Illinois, Maybe Hell...


    i think you are talking about the androids steal exp bonus. the only characters who can get the bonus are androids.

    first you will need the proper gear. a mag with 60 or more dex and 0 pow would be ideal. you want the special to work, but the mosters to take very little damage. next you will need a lords or kings weapon. railguns or rayguns with hit percents are also ideal. rangers would have good results with beams or lasers. you will also need a multi hit weapon for mothverts. a final impact or kings arms for rangers, and a gungnir for hunters.

    play as fast as possible through normal, hard, and very hard. the lower your level when entering ultimate the easier it is to get levels there. ultimate is where you can take advantage of the android bonus. strip your character of as much power as possible to make enemies last longer. use a dex mag and arm units to boost your special attack success rate. try to use light, special, special attacks on bartles and gulgus'. with a single hit weapon an andriod steals 80 exp. multi hit weapons steal 40. on mothverts single hit weapons steal 58 exp and multi hit weapons steal 28. if you are hitting for puny damgage you could potentially steal 10000 per bartle and gulgus.

    i raised a racast from 88 to 102 in one sitting offline. this took about 6 hours. this would be like one hit killing an endless supply of monsters in very hard ruins for the same amount of time. if you were to start at a lower level than 88 you could get many more levels than that. at level 100 it becomes less efficient. at that point you will be hurting the monsters more, so they dont last as long. the levels also become spaced out too far to get quickly. around level 100 you would be better off to play online in mines or ruins.

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