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  1. #1


    In a far away galaxy, lies a sun, orbited by 3 planets. The Gurhal system.
    A place inhabited by humans, and their creations,
    CASTs, Newmens, and beasts.
    For 500 years, there was war among the races,
    a seemingly never-ending conflict. Then finally...
    An era of peace and prosperity that has lasted for 100 years.
    But now, a darkness has awoken, and threatens the Universe.

    (Opening Cinema)

    Episode 1 Chapter 10: Rite of Divination

    (The Gurhal Channel 5 logo appears, followed by Hal)
    --Hal: Hi! This is Gurhal Channel 5 Headline News, and I'm Hal. Let's look at today's top story. Dallgun, President of the GUARDIANS, announced during the Gurhal Alliance Committee Meeting that the Endrum Collective was responsible for the abduction of numerous A-Photon researchers. The Collective had already been under scrutiny for it's questionable tactics, but with this new information coming to light, it was agreed that the whole Collective be dissolved. The Alliance Army Investigation team looked deeper into the matter and forced Committee member and Endrum representation, Endrum Harness, to resign. However, the search for the missing scientists is still ongoing. In other news, astronomers are reporting high sunspot activity. This is a video of the sun just 6 hours ago. As you can see from these time lapse shots, activity has been increasing dramatically. The GUARDIANS have announced they are investigating whether or not this sudden burst in activity is in any way related to the appearance of a mysterious tower on Parum. This was Gurhal Channel 5 Headline News. I'm Hal reporting. Bye for now!
    (End Cutscene)

    Dagora City Guardians Branch Meeting Room
    (Ethan, Tonnio, and Leo stand together in the Meeting room. Lou enters from a door behind them)
    --Lou: I wanted to inform you, we have successfully retrieved No. 178. We shall repair her as soon as possible.
    --Leo: Good, so that'll keep her around.
    --Lou: Thank you for your help.
    --Ethan: Wow, that's a new one! Never thought I'd hear her say thanks.
    --Tonnio: Yeah, it's about time, though.
    --Lou: Such pleasantries are a waste of CPU energy, but I thought it was necessary to placate you.
    --Ethan: What?!
    --Tonnio: What's wrong with you!... I'm beginning to think you have no soul, whatsoever!
    --Lou: Of course not. Nor do I have a heart.
    --Tonnio: Alright, that's it! I'm turning you into scrap metal!
    (Leo grabs Tonnio from behind)
    --Leo: Tonnio, calm down. And make sure you watch your mouth now? We're all on the same team. If we can't understand each other, there's no way we can work together.
    --Lou: Understood. I shall be more careful.
    (An image of Lucaim Nav appears from a holographic projector)
    --Ethan: Headmaster Nav.
    --Nav: Thank you for bringing Lou back. Thanks to the data we retrieved, we've located the Confinement System on Moatoob. Tonnio and Leo. I want you to head to Moatoob and protect the Confinement System.
    --Tonnio & Leo: Yes sir!
    --Ethan: Huh? What about me?
    --Nav: Mr. Waber, I have a different job for you. The president would like to speak with you directly. He would like you to return to the GUARDIANS Colony.
    --Ethan: Y-Yes sir...
    --Nav: I'm counting on you. Hmm.
    (The image of Nav disappears)
    --Ethan: What's he want to talk about?
    --Leo: Probably something only you can do. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine.
    --Ethan: Sure.
    (End Cutscene)

    --Ethan: The President, eh? What could this mission be? I'd better get to GUARDIANS Headquarters.

    --Ethan: Have you heard anything, Lou? What does the president want with me?
    --Lou: That is classified information. I cannot tell you.
    --Ethan: Geez, you might as well tell me since I'm about to find out anyway!
    --Lou: I'm sorry, I cannot.
    --Ethan: You know, it doesn't feel right when you apologize...
    --Lou: Why is that?
    --Ethan: Nah, never mind... This way, at least it looks like you’ve got feelings, and that's better than nothing!
    --Lou: Thank you.
    --Ethan: No problem.

    --Ethan: You should go ahead without me.
    --Leo: All right, that's fine. But Ethan... Did something happen between you and Karen Erra?
    --Ethan: I... That'll take some time to explain.
    --Leo: I see...

    --Ethan: Did you make up with Liina?
    --Tonnio: Well, it doesn't look like she plans on ditching those rouges any time soon...
    --Ethan: She's as stubborn as you are.
    --Tonnio: Oh I'll get her to quit, there's no question about that!

    Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor
    --Ethan: Hello, Mina.
    --Mina: Oh, Ethan! I've been expecting you.
    --Ethan: I was called here by the president.
    --Mina: Understood. This way, please.

    Clyez City: Guardians Colony: President's Office
    (Ethan enters the President's office and is greeted by Lou)
    --Lou: We have been expecting you.
    --Ethan: Oh, hey Lou.
    --Lou: Nice to meet you. I am serial number Lou 24. The president awaits you.
    --Ethan: Uh... Y-Yeah. Man, I can't keep up.
    (Ethan approaches the president's desk)
    --Dallgun: Thank you for coming, Mr. Waber. You have probably been wondering... What could the President want of me?
    --Ethan: Well, yeah, it's crossed my mind.
    --Dallgun: Mmm. We have located the Confinement Systems on Parum and Moatoob, but the one on Neudaiz still eludes us. We are utilizing all the resources we have, but we've run out of leads.
    --Ethan: Have you investigated the Endrum Collective?
    --Dallgun: That would be a logical choice, but with Magashi dead, it makes it difficult to find any details.
    --Ethan: I see...
    --Dallgun: Which is why... we need divine assistance.
    --Ethan: Huh!?
    --Dallgun: Karen... uh, the Maiden, has the ability of divination. I asked Master Rutsu for permission, but I was denied. He said that it would put the Maiden's life in too much danger.
    --Ethan: So that's why you need me.
    --Dallgun: You might... have better luck by going and asking her personally.
    --Ethan: No way. She is no longer... the Karen that I knew. She is the Divine Maiden now. Anyway, she wouldn't even see me.
    --Dallgun: Mr. Waber, we are running out of time and options! If we don't complete the confinement the Unification Point, the SEED will destroy all of us.
    --Ethan: Unification Point?
    --Dallgun: Yes, Lou will explain it to you all in detail. Now, leave for Neudaiz!
    --Ethan: All right. I'll see what I can do.
    (End Cutscene)

    (Scene: Ethan, Lou, Dallgun)
    --Ethan: Can you explain something to me? What's the deal with the unification point and the confinement system? I haven't really understood what my missions were for lately.
    --Lou: ...
    --Dallgun: Go ahead, Lou.
    --Lou: All right, I will explain. Doctor Tomrain has been under protection by the GUARDIANS ever since the Mellvore Explosion eighteen years ago. During that time, he has been studying RELICS and A-Photons. Using the data gathered from the RELICS sites in the past few months, we have been able to piece together what happened eons ago. The ancient civilization and the SEED fought what we are calling the "Confinement War". The ancient civilization's heavy reliance on A-Photons attracted so many SEED, they knew they were in horrible danger. Their trump card in repelling the SEED was the confinement system. The confinement system is basically a giant nano transformer. It has the ability to send all surrounding SEED-Forms into a distorted space. If the three confinement systems on each planet are simultaneously activated, a huge pocket of distorted space will form and every SEED-Form in the solar system will be locked away. But this is only a possibility if the distance between each planet is exactly the same. In other words, this can only happen when the planets are perfectly aligned.
    --Ethan: And that's... the unification point?
    --Lou: Correct, and it's only a month away.
    --Ethan: What if we can't find all three confinement systems by then?
    --Lou: Then the next unification point won't take place during our lifetimes.
    --Ethan: So then there's no doubt we'd be destroyed... Then we've got to find that remaining confinement system!
    --Dallgun: If we run out of time, we won't stand a chance. I myself secured an appointment for you with Light Master Rutsu. I'm counting on you, Waber.
    (End Scene)

    Clyez City: Guardians Headquarters: Fifth Floor
    --Reporter: My Endrum Collective article didn't get published. My editor said it was for my own safety. Since when did safety equal censorship!? I'm so upset!
    --Reporter: I'm so upset! That article would have made a big difference!

    (Human Male)
    --Human Male: It looks like they've found that confinement system on Moatoob. That just leaves Neudaiz... The fate of the Gurhal System hangs in the balance. We've got to find that last tower no matter what!
    --Human Male: Something the ancient civilization left behind... Have we really been left no better choice than to rely on those ancient things?

    (Fisul Godes)
    --Ethan: Hello, sir!
    --Mr. Godes: Hey, Waber! You know, it's always really good to see you.
    --Ethan: ...Thank you!
    --Mr. Godes: You're always so cheerful, Ethan. Keep it up.
    --Ethan: Thanks. I'll try!
    --Mr. Godes: I ought to model myself after you and cheer up myself. At least, so says my daughter...
    --Ethan: Kumil?

    (After speaking with the President)
    --Mina: Welcome to the GUARDIANS! Protecting the future of Gurhal! Oh, hello Ethan! You're going to Neudaiz for your next mission, right? May the Holy Light guide you!

    (After speaking with the President, Lou appears)
    --Lou: The unification point... Did you understand all that?
    --Ethan: I wouldn't say I understood it completely, but I think I understood enough.
    --Lou: To be honest, our analysis isn't 100% complete, but this is our only means of suppressing the SEED. All we can do is try to get the job done. If we can't manage that, then the probability of our destruction is... 100%.
    --Ethan: Are you worried about being killed, Lou?
    --Lou: Well, I... Destruction would be most unfortunate for everyone involved.
    --Ethan: I see.
    --Lou: Destruction would be most unfortunate. Thus, let's ensure our success at the unification point.

    Clyez City: PPT Space Port: Fourth Floor
    (Scene: Ethan, Lumia)
    (As Ethan exits the Guardians Headquarters he meets Lumia)
    --Ethan: Lumia!
    --Lumia: Brother! Uh oh!
    --Ethan: What the heck is going on?
    --Lumia: The thing is... I came to pick up an application for the GUARDIANS training school.
    --Ethan: What? You shouldn't get involved! Go home!
    --Lumia: How come!? Hyuga thought it was a good idea!
    --Ethan: This isn't a game, Lumia. You could get really hurt!
    --Lumia: Of course I know that! But I hate just sitting around doing nothing! I can't just go about my life like normal while everyone else is doing all they can to protect the solar system!
    --Ethan: People like you are the ones we're protecting! Isn't that good enough?
    --Lumia: No way! I want to help, too!
    --Ethan: Lumia... I think this is a really bad idea.
    --Lumia: Don't be so unreasonable, Ethan!
    (Lumia runs off)
    (End Scene)

    (Jabutz Secbel)
    --Ethan: Hello, Mr. Chief Manager of Operations!
    --Jabutz: Oh, Ethan Waber... I got a question for you. Have you heard about a recent shuttle accident on Moatoob, where a Guardian was killed on duty?
    --Ethan: ...No. Is that true?
    --Jabutz: ...No, forget about it!
    --Ethan: Mr. Operational Manager, about the shuttle accident...
    --Jabutz: Forget I said anything! But don't mess it up! It's "Chief Manager of Operations!"

    (Beast Male)
    --Beast Male: Huge towers at the RELICS... Before the SEED showed up, I'd been to plenty of RELICS sites, but never saw anything like that! I bet it's even more impressive from up close!
    --Beast Male: But what could those towers be used for?

    (Porsh Tuvol)
    --Ethan: Hey, Porsh!
    --Porsh: Hi, Ethan.
    --Ethan: So about Mayton Pord...
    --Porsh: You know, I really don't want to talk about Mayton Pord.
    --Ethan: How come?
    --Porsh: It's something... that's in the past now.
    --Ethan: C'mon Porsh. This is important! Mayton has a little boy. That kid really believes that Mayton is coming home. He's waiting for him!
    --Porsh: I'm sorry...

    (Keiko Rotta)
    --Keiko: You're a Guardian, right? I have a question for you.
    --Ethan: Yes, what is it?
    --Keiko: How are things really looking? I mean, do you think you can save us or not?
    --Ethan: Of course we can! It is our duty to defend the Gurhal System at all costs!
    --Keiko: I see... Thank you, that's very encouraging.
    --Keiko: I appreciate your upbeat attitude.
    --Ethan: Thank you!

    Clyez City: Shopping Mall B: Third Floor
    (Mischec Pord)
    --Ethan: Hey, Mischec. How's it going?
    --Mischec: Great!
    --Ethan: You know, if you ever need to talk about anything, let me know. I'll be all ears!
    --Mischec: Where did that come from all of a sudden?
    --Ethan: (He reminds me of myself when I was his age...)
    --Mischec: What is it, Ethan?
    --Ethan: No, it's nothing.
    --Mischec: You're weird.

    (A-Photon Fanatic)
    --A-Photon Fanatic: They say that tower on Moatoob is a huge nano transformer! Those A-Photons are really something! But I guess they're also the reason we're having so many problems with the SEED. But the confinement system also uses A-Photons... It's sort of ironic.
    --A-Photon Fanatic: Because the tower wasn't discovered until now, I bet that means it was under some kind of nano transformation!

    (Photon Fanatic)
    --Photon Fanatic: Divinations seem to be a huge burden on the Divine Maiden. Plus, because of the SEED, the photons in the Gurhal System are all out of whack! I'll bet that has a huge impact on the Maiden's divinations!
    --Photon Fanatic: With the SEED around, I think it's safer to assume divinations are unreliable at best.

    --Astronomer: In this short time, with the data we've collected, we feel confident to conclude that the appearance of the SEED in the system of Gurhal is perfectly synchronized with the overwhelming increase in sunspot activity. However, we are still unsure as to why this is. I've petitioned for some equipment that will let me get closer to the sun, to observe... What with the state of the bureaucracy, though, I doubt they'll let me have what I want.
    --Astronomer: I doubt I'll be able to acquire an observational probe, for example...

    (Endy Fodz)
    --Ethan: Hey, Endy.
    --Endy: Hey! Ethan!
    --Ethan: What's up? You sure are in a good mood.
    --Endy: I've got a date... with a girl I helped out during a mission!
    --Ethan: I guess it's the little things...
    --Endy: I guess GUARDIANS get a lot of gratitude from people!
    --Ethan: Yeah...

    Clyez City: Shopping Mall A: Second Floor
    (Kumil Godes)
    --Kumil: Hey, Ethan! Does everyone in the GUARDIANS die on duty?
    --Ethan: no, of course not!
    --Kumil: My friend's dad, he died while he was working...
    --Ethan: I see...
    --Kumil: Dad's pretty upset, too.
    --Ethan: Well, it happens sometimes...
    --Kumil: I want to join the GUARDIANS too but... I hate being scared!
    --Ethan: Everyone hates being scared. That's why we fight.
    --Kumil: I don't get it.

    --Engineer: Within the RELICS, there are soldier machines called Stateria. They are battle machines from the ancient civilization. There's no end to my interest in how they work and what they are capable of!
    --Engineer: Stateria... I wonder if there's someplace I can research them?

    (Mikua Tesran)
    --Mikua: *sigh*
    --Ethan: What's wrong Mikua? You look like it's the end of the world.
    --Mikua: Leave me alone. And yes, it probably IS the end of the world, as you put it.
    --Ethan: As long as the GUARDIANS are here, the world isn't going to end any time soon!
    --Ethan: So what? We're not friends any more?
    --Mikua: I said leave me alone!

    (Human Girl)
    --Human Girl: I do hope that those towers will help us bring peace to the Gurhal System! Then we'll be able to go back to normal shopping again, right?
    --Human Girl: Hurry up and use those towers! ...I can't take it anymore!

    (Fat Man)
    --Fat Man: They found a tower on Moatoob like the one in Mellvore? How many of them could there be?
    --Fat Man: When the SEED are gone, I want to see those towers up close!

    (Nano Transformer Fan)
    --Nano Transformer Fan: You say the towers are big nano transformers left behind by the ancient civilization? Even with current technology, we can only make nano transformers that create small pockets of distorted space. To think, a nano transformer that enormous...! The ancient civilization really did make astounding scientific progress, didn't it?
    --Nano Transformer Fan: It doesn't have to be one of those huge things... I just really want a nano transformer from the ancient civilization!

    (Mefon Lead)
    --Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Lead.
    --Mrs. Lead: Oh Ethan... Are you losing weight?
    --Ethan: Huh? Am I?
    --Mrs. Lead: Don't they feed you well? These days, it's nothing but gloomy news, day after day. You need to take a break every once in a while.
    --Ethan: I'll... try to eat something.
    --Mrs. Lead: You're getting too thin! You need to eat more!
    --Ethan: I'll snack on something...

    Clyez City: Central Table: First Floor
    (Arsh Milzu)
    --Ethan: Hello, Mrs. Milzu!
    --Mrs. Milzu: Oh, Ethan... I just got back from Neudaiz. You know Sinenu Forin, don't you?
    --Ethan: !!
    --Mrs. Milzu: Sinenu says hello.
    --Ethan: ...Thanks.
    --Ethan (thinking): Mrs. Milzu wouldn't know about Sinenu and her husband, would she?
    --Mrs. Milzu: Ethan? What's wrong?
    --Ethan: No, it's nothing...

    (Old Man)
    --Old Man: Why are people so scared of dying by the SEED?
    --Ethan: Nobody wants to die, old man.
    --Old Man: Yeah, but they've all got to go sometime!
    --Ethan: ...
    --Ethan: Old man! Look out! The SEED!
    --Old Man: ...
    --Ethan: You really don't care, do you?
    --Old Man: If you want to test me you're gonna have to do better than that!

    (Male Beast)
    --Male Beast: They found another one of those towers, this time on Moatoob. You know, the SEED probably... ...Nah, forget it!
    --Male Beast: Nothing... Forget I said anything!

    (Gapard Raz)
    --Gapard: Hey, Ethan! Guess what? I submitted my application for training school!
    --Ethan: Oh yeah? Right on!
    --Gapard: My mom's still not happy about it, but she seemed a lot more understanding when I told her I want to do something more with my life, something important.
    --Ethan: Yeah but you've still got to make it through training school...
    --Gapard: Hey, what are you trying to say? I'll make it!
    --Ethan: You finally worked up the nerve, so don't blow it on the tests!
    --Gapard: Don't worry, I'm no dummy!

    (Newman Male)
    --Newman Male: I heard that a huge RELICS tower was found in the deserts of Moatoob.
    --Newman Male: I looks just like the tower on Parum, but what could it be for?

    (Human Male)
    --Human Male: Just like on Parum, it looks like they've found a tower-like RELICS site on Moatoob! I guess those towers are supposed to repel the SEED. I don't really understand how that would work, though.
    --Human Male: How exactly are those towers supposed to repel the SEED?

    Ethan's Room
    (Talk to Pete)
    --Pete: Welcome home, Ethan.
    --Ethan: Hiya, Pete!
    --Pete: It appears that the Endrum Collective is going to be dissolved.
    --Ethan: Yeah, because we took down Magashi!
    --Pete: That should clear up a few puzzles.
    --Ethan: Let's hope so.
    --Pete: I've collected some more data. Please look it over at your leisure.
    --Pete: Is there anything you'd like to know about?
    (Ask about Magashi)
    --Ethan: What were Magashi and the Endrum Collective really after?
    --Pete: The investigation into the Endrum Collective has only just begun so there is little information available as of yet. It does seem apparent that, for whatever reason, they were in pursuit of A-Photons and A-Photon researchers. There also seems to be a connection between the SEED and A-Photons. I will continue to collect further information on the subject.
    --Ethan: I'm counting on you.
    (Ask about Tylor's Crew)
    --Pete: When it was revealed that they were dealing with the Endrum Collective, Tylor's crew immediately vacated their hideout. I imagine that they will do their best to disappear for awhile.
    (Ask about Karen)
    --Pete: The Divine Maiden is vigorously making appearances all over the Gurhal System. She has been quoted as saying, "Everyone needs care in times of need." She is said to be even more cheerful and engaging than before. She had planned to visit the colony, but that hasn't happened as of yet.
    --Ethan: I see... Karen must be doing really well then!
    (Ask about Confinement Systems)
    --Pete: It appears that the location of the Moatoob confinement system is contained within the Endrum Collective data brought back by the recovered Lou unit. But the location of the Neudaiz system is still not known. The confinement system exists in a nano-transformer-like state within distorted space. It seems it cannot be located through ordinary means of investigation. If we are unable to locate the device, we will have no chance of repelling the SEED attacks.
    --Ethan: We've got to find a way!
    (Ask again Later)
    ---(Before meeting the President)
    --Pete: Ethan, have you been to the president's chamber?
    --Ethan: No, not yet.
    --Pete: Mina has sent another message requesting that you go see the president as soon as possible.
    ---(After meeting the President)
    --Pete: You will be going to the Gurhal Communion, won't you? I'm sure it will be nice for you to see --Karen again, won't it?

    Pavilion of Air
    (Scene: Ethan, Guard)
    --Guard: What are you doing here!? You can't pass through here without permission!
    --Ethan: I'm Ethan Waber of the GUARDIANS Mobile Defense Force. I'm here on orders from the GUARDIANS president to see Light Master Rutsu. I have an appointment.
    --Guard: The GUARDIANS president? I'll go ask. Wait here.
    (Scene fades out, then fades back in)
    --Guard: Master Rutsu has agreed to meet with you. You may proceed.
    (Ethan enters the Pavilion)
    (End Scene)

    Inside the Pavilion of Air
    (Ethan stands before Light Master Rutsu and several COG Bodyguards)
    --Ethan: It's good to see you, sir.
    --Rutsu: I haven't forgotten what you've done. Tell me, what brings you here?
    --Ethan: Lord Rutsu, to request a divination from the Maiden.
    --Rutsu: I figured as much. I already gave my answer to the president. And my answer will be the same, regardless of who comes.
    --Ethan: But Lord Rutsu, we must do something!
    --Rutsu: We know this is serious. But you must understand my position. I cannot allow any harm to come to the Maiden.
    --Ethan: But your own Maiden said, everyone needs care in a time of need!
    --Rutsu: We have enough to worry about here on Neudaiz!
    --Ethan: This isn't just the fate of Neudaiz. All of Gurhal will be destroyed if we don't do something!
    (The Maiden enters from behind Lord Rutsu)
    --Karen: If there is something to be gained through divination, then it must be done. And if it aids in the quest to save this system, we must help. I will gladly sacrifice my life... if it means I can save the lives of others.
    --Rutsu: Maiden!... I understand. As the Maiden has said, this is a problem for all of Gurhal.
    --Ethan: Thank you, Lord Rutsu!!!
    --Rutsu: Very well. She must be taken to the Sacred Grounds. Please go now.
    (End Cutscene)

    Ohtoku City: Guardians Branch: Meeting Room
    (Scene: Ethan, Lou)
    --Ethan: So the divination has to be preformed on the sacred grounds.
    --Lou: Understood. I will contact Lou unit 24.
    (Lou pauses a moment)
    --Lou: Dr. Tomrain and Lou unit 24 will be participating in the mission. We'll meet at the entrance to the sacred grounds. When you have finished getting prepared, inform one of the Lou units. Lou unit 24 will bring the doctor.
    (Mission "Divination Escort" now available)
    --Ethan: So then what about Karen... I mean, the Maiden?
    --Lou: It appears she will head to the sacred grounds separately. If we go by G-Flyer, we should arrive first. Well then, you are dismissed for now.
    (End Scene)

    Ohtoku City: Central District
    (Galmo Veag)
    --Ethan: Excuse me, but about that imposter newman trying to collect donations...
    --Galmo: That woman appears to be facing a lot of hardship. Her husband seems to be extremely devoted to the Divine Maiden. He went through their savings chasing after the Maiden and ran away, leaving his wife with debts to pay...
    --Ethan: That's awful!
    --Galmo: I want to get her into the Communion's support program, to aid her in rehabilitation, but I was refused.
    --Ethan: Why would she refuse?
    --Galmo: Thank you for your consideration!
    --Ethan: No problem...

    --Reporter: I tried to go to Mellvore, but I was turned away. But what surprised me most... The blockade is being run by not just the GUARDIANS, but by the Alliance Military, as well! This should get interesting!
    --Reporter: Keep me up to date on what's going on with the GUARDIANS, okay?

    (Kinian Tope)
    --Ethan: I love the Maiden"!
    --Kinian: Go Go Gurhal"!
    --Ethan: Gotcha! Admit it, you're in the Maiden's fan club, aren't you?
    --Kinian: Darn it...
    --Ethan: What would the Maiden think if she knew guys like you are Armed Servants?
    --Kinian: I don't have any ulterior motive! But can you keep quiet about this? Please!

    (Traveling Cast)
    --Ethan: So we meet again!
    --Traveling Cast: They're going to find the confinement system on this planet soon, right?
    --Ethan: You want to witness a historical moment?
    --Traveling Cast: Yeah, that's it!
    --Ethan: It'll probably get pretty wild here! I'd suggest going some place else!
    --Traveling Cast: Thanks for the advice!

    (COG Newman)
    --COG Newman: You mean... That tower is supposed to save us? I'm supposed to buy that?
    --COG Newman: There are still some things I just don't get. To think, we're being saved by something we don't even understand!

    (Pavilion of Air Guard)
    (Before meeting the President and after meeting Lord Rutsu)
    --Pavilion of Air Guard: The GUARDIANS are forcing the Divine Maiden to perform a divination! Even Master Rutsu is at his wit's end! To make matters worse, in addition to the divination being a huge burden on the Maiden, because of the SEED, the photons in the system are in disarray! Forcing the Maiden to deal with all of that... Do they want the Maiden to end up like Mirei!?
    --Pavilion of Air Guard: Are you sure you're not going to regret this?

    ---Yohmei Shop
    (Newman Male)
    --Newman Male: The Moatoob confinement system was found! The last one is supposed to be here, right? Where could it be?
    --Newman Male: Damn! I want to see a tower from up close, too!

    --Ethan: What's your deal?
    --Swindler: ...
    --Ethan: Just listen.
    --Swindler: I don't have to listen to you! Farewell!
    --Ethan: (If I just let her go, the Communion's reputation could suffer.)

    (Beast Male)
    --Beast Male: The Maiden fan club has been dissolved... No one believed me! But... That new Maiden doesn't seem like a bad person. She is different from the real Maiden, though...
    --Beast Male: What should I do now?

    ---Synthesis Shop
    (Purol Sieju)
    --Ethan: Hey, Purol!
    --Purol: ...
    --Ethan: What's wrong this time?
    --Purol: The Divine Maiden is a newman, right?
    --Ethan: That's right.
    --Purol: My mom and dad said that means that newmans are above the other races!
    --Ethan: (So that's what they're trying now!)
    --Purol: Is it true?
    --Ethan: The Maiden would never say she was above anyone else!
    --Purol: Now that you mention it, the Maiden does say to be nice to everyone, doesn't she?
    --Ethan: Yes, she does!

    (Fat Newman)
    --Fat Newman: How are those towers supposed to be our trump card against the SEED? You say there's a third tower on Neudaiz? Where on Neudaiz could something that huge be hiding?
    --Fat Newman: I hope you can find the last tower safely!

    ---Clothes Shop
    (Old Woman)
    --Old Woman: The Divine Maiden is the only one who can save us from destruction! The Alliance Military and the GUARDIANS with their weird excavated towers... What are they trying to do, anyway?
    --Old Woman: It would be so much better to use the Maiden's divination to find a way to stop the SEED!

    Ohtoku City: Guardians Branch
    (Bunami Seagol)
    --Ethan: How's it going, Bunami?
    --Bunami: Hey, Ethan!
    --Ethan: Bunami, you seem like a pretty strong person...
    --Bunami: Yeah, back when I was in the Mobile Defense Force, I rocked!
    --Ethan: You were in the Mobile Defense Force?
    --Ethan: Why don't you come back to the Mobile Defense Force, Bunami?
    --Bunami: If I could, I would. But there's more to it than that...

    (Kitov Milzu)
    --Ethan: Hello, Director Milzu.
    --Mr. Milzu: Oh, it's you...
    --Ethan: ...You look pretty tired.
    --Mr. Milzu: Really? I shouldn't be, but... Now that you mention it, yesterday my wife came to visit by chance. We talked about you.
    --Ethan: I see...
    --Mr. Milzu: Don't take a woman's intuition too lightly...
    --Ethan: What?
    --Mr. Milzu: Sorry, nothing...

    (Sinenu Forin)
    --Ethan: Hey.
    --Sinenu: What is it today? Are you here to find out more about me and Director Milzu?
    --Ethan: Huh!?
    --Sinenu: I'm an awful woman... Go tell his wife! See if I care!
    --Ethan: Hey, I think you misunderstood me...
    --Sinenu: The world's about to end... Nothing we do now is going to make any difference, anyway!
    --Ethan: That's no way to talk!

    (Before meeting the President)
    --Reyna: Thank you for visiting the GUARDIANS, defenders of Gurhal's future. We currently have no missions that you can take on.
    (After meeting the President)
    --Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS, protecting the future of Gurhal. Mr. Waber, I have spoken with the president. Good luck with Master Rutsu!
    --Ethan: I don't know if I can do this or not, but I've got to try!
    --Reyna: I will pray to the Holy Light for your success!
    --Ethan: Thanks, Reyna.
    (After meeting Lord Rutsu)
    --Reyna: Welcome to the GUARDIANS, protecting the future of Gurhal. I heard you successfully persuaded Master Rutsu! I never doubted you for a second, Mr. Waber!
    --Ethan: No, it wasn't me, it was Kar... Er... It was all thanks to the Divine Maiden, really.
    --Reyna: No, it was your doing, too. Please give yourself a little credit, Mr. Waber!
    --Ethan: Heh... Thank you!
    --Reyna: From here you are going to go to the sacred grounds, right? I will pray to the Holy Light to keep you safe!

    (After meeting the President, Lou appears)
    --Lou: Will the Divine Maiden consent to this?
    --Ethan: I don't know... I don't even know if I'll be able to meet her or not! In any case, I've accepted the mission so I'll do what I can.
    --Lou: Good luck, Mr. Waber.
    (After meeting Lord Rutsu)
    (Talk to Lou)
    --Lou: We are fortunate that the Maiden has consented.
    --Ethan: Yeah.
    --Lou: Thank you for undertaking this special mission.
    --Ethan: Be careful, someone might accidentally think you care!
    --Lou: For some reason I felt compelled to express my gratitude. I cannot explain why.
    (Add Lou to the Party)
    --Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted Lou unit 24.
    (Remove Lou from the Party)
    --Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted Lou unit 24.

    Dagora City: Central District
    (Faroi Koid)
    --Faroi: Hello, Mr. Waber!
    --Ethan: Hey, Faroi!
    --Faroi: Mr. Waber, don't worry about what I said before.
    --Ethan: I'm not, really.
    --Faroi: I think my dad is a rouge.
    --Ethan: Oh?
    --Faroi: It kinda sucks.
    --Ethan: ...
    --Faroi: Having a rouge for a dad sucks.
    --Ethan: ...

    (Emun Ohka)
    --Emun: Grrr! I won't forgive her... I'll tear her up and bury her in the desert!
    --Ethan: ...Huh? Ms. Ohka...
    --Emun: Oh, Mr. Waber!
    --Ethan: You seem awfully upset about something!
    --Emun: Huh? No... no, I'm fine...
    --Ethan: Ms. Ohka, you mustn't resort to violence. Especially not a nanoblast!
    --Emun: Y... You think I could...? Hahaha!
    --Ethan: (She may look pretty, but she's still a beast!)

    (Human Woman)
    --Human Woman: Hey kid! You're just in time! I need your help!
    --Ethan: Again?
    --Human Woman: Someone ran off with my money! A joint investor...
    --Ethan: What was their name?
    --Human Woman: It was a rouge.
    --Ethan: A rouge? Don't you know what the rouges are? They are basically thieves!
    --Human Woman: Really? I didn't know...
    --Human Woman: It's all right. I still have some money left. It was an expensive lesson, but I'll reflect on it.
    --Ethan: I guess that's good...

    (Fat Beast)
    --Fat Beast: The Endrum Collective was finally dismantled. It might not be all that well known, but a lot of rouge smugglers have been eliminated by the Endrum Collective. Of course you can't say it was all the Endrum Collective's fault...
    --Fat Beast: Now maybe some of the rouges killed by the Endrum Collective can finally rest in peace.

    (Bukle Kinron)
    --Bukle: Hey, Ethan!
    --Ethan: Hey, Blukle!
    --Bukle: ...It's Bukle! Meh, forget it... It looks like you don't know, so I'll tell you this once...
    --Ethan: Tell me what?
    --Bukle: About the boss. You never heard of Gawik Vopa? He was a legendary rouge.
    --Ethan: Really!
    --Bukle: You'd better watch how you talk to him. He's been known to kill over nothin'.
    --Ethan: Really?

    (Pipi Vol)
    --Ethan: (Her again!)
    --Pipi: Hey, were you trying to avoid me just now?
    --Ethan: Um... Not really.
    --Pipi: Don't be coy! Are you a man or what? C'mere, lemme check for ya!
    --Ethan: What are you talking about!?
    --Pipi: You don't get it, do ya? Let me check out those muscles!
    --Ethan: The GUARDIANS are very busy... Excuse me!
    --Pipi: Finally showing a bit of courage, are ya? Fine, I'll let you go this time...
    --Ethan: Yeah, I'm sorry...
    --Pipi: Hmph... I must be losing my touch.

    --Ethan: Hey, you still doing this?
    --Extortionist: Get away from me, you freak! You trying to make an enemy out of me? That's why I can't stand you Guardians!
    --Ethan: Why won't you listen to what I have to say?
    --Extortionist: I'd rather bleed to death than take orders from a Guardian! A long time ago, I trusted someone and put him in charge of my street gangs. But he betrayed me, and up and ran off to join the GUARDIANS...
    --Ethan: ...Are you talking about Tonnio?
    --Extortionist: Hah... So he's a friend of yours?
    --Ethan: Tonnio wouldn't betray anyone. Open your eyes! You're old enough to know better...
    --Extortionist: Hey! Don't disrespect my age!

    (Jonb Lead)
    --Ethan: Hey, Jonb!
    --Jonb: Hey, Ethan! So it looks like I was finally able to get some time off.
    --Ethan: That's great!
    --Jonb: Not that this is any time to be taking breaks...
    --Jonb: My mother's birthday is coming up so I figured I'd go and see her or something.
    --Ethan: Your mother will be so happy!

    (Old Cast)
    --Ethan: I'm with the GUARDIANS. Isn't there anything I can do for you?
    --Old Cast: Your charity will bring you no reward. There's no price on my head.
    --Ethan: I can't leave a fellow soldier to die!
    --Old Cast: I hate fighting. But for a soldier, there's no way to escape it other than death.
    --Ethan: ...Isn't that painful?
    --Old Cast: I appreciate your concern. However... my reactor will shut off quickly, and it will be over painlessly.

    ---Synthesis Shop
    (Small Beast)
    --Small Beast: The most profitable acquisition I've ever made was a Laconium 87 gemstone. I must have sold that gemstone for near 1,000,000 Meseta... That's what gemstones go for! But if you refine it and stick it in one of the jewelry stores on Parum, you're talking ten times that price at least!
    --Small Beast: Of course Moatoob's valuable underground resources aren't limited to just jewels. That's why there's no end to those coming to Moatoob looking to get rich quick.

    ---Gawik's Pub
    (Gawik Vopa)
    (Before speaking to Bukle)
    --Gawik: Well, well. Mr. Waber! Thanks for your continued patronage!
    --Ethan: (Even though I've never been a paying customer...)
    --Gawik: Take your coat off and stay a while!
    --Ethan: Sorry, I can't.
    (After speaking with Bukle)
    --Ethan: Hello, Gawik!
    --Gawik: Well, well. Mr. Waber! Thanks for your continued patronage!
    --Ethan: (He doesn't look like a rouge.) Gawik, I heard you used to be a rouge...
    --Gawik: Gimmie a break! Is that what Bukle's been telling people?
    --Gawik: I washed my hands of that stuff a long time ago. Now my only goal is to keep this place in business.
    --Ethan: Sorry, I didn't mean to pry.

    (Old Beast)
    --Old Beast: You're really workin' hard out there, ain't ya? You remind me of me when I was younger. I sold a cure-all wonder drug made of Lunga liver. I went door to door until I couldn't walk no more... all just to earn money for my next business. Little by little I was able to increase my sales. Before I knew it, I was in charge of a mining company! I was a huge success... F-Forget it, though... Just a little nostalgic is all...
    --Old Beast: Back then I had so much energy...

    (Beast Male)
    --Beast Male: You're friends with Tylor!? C-Can you introduce me sometime? I'm a huge fan! Hey! You laughin' at me!? Tylor is so punk-rock! With that Landeel, they don't have to rely on nothin' or nobody... Just living a life without laws... That's the life for me!
    --Beast Male: C'mon! Next time you see him, tell him about me, won't ya?

    Dagora City: Guardians Branch
    (Solen Hanp)
    --Solen: Hello, Ethan.
    --Ethan: Mr. Hanp, you don't look well.
    --Solen: That little punk girl got up in my face...
    --Ethan: She did? To you!?
    --Solen: She's always trying to get me to lick her boots and show off my muscles to prove I'm a man. She's a lot of fun...
    --Ethan: You didn't... did you?
    --Solen: Are you kidding? I gave her a good talking to!
    --Solen: When she calms down, she's not such a bad egg.
    --Ethan: Really?

    (Beast Girl)
    --Beast Girl: Confinement systems... you mean those big towers! With something that magnificent, all you can do is rely on it's power and hope everything goes as it should. But there's still one we haven't found yet, isn't there?
    --Beast Girl: I'll be praying for your victory!

    (Before meeting the President)
    --Mana: Hey, this here's the GUARDIANS. We protect the future of Gurhal.
    --Ethan: Hello, Mana!
    --Mana: You got called in by the president, right?
    --Ethan: Yeah, that's true.
    --Mana: Then you'd best get moving to GUARDIANS Headquarters. It ain't every day you get called in to meet the big cheese! The Holy Light is watching out for you!
    (After meeting the President)
    --Mana: Hey. This is the GUARDIANS! Protecting the future of Gurhal.
    --Ethan: Hello, Mana.
    --Mana: Your mission is on Neudaiz, right? This ain't no time to be fooling around! Get going!
    --Ethan: I'll be on my way soon!
    --Mana: You'd better get to work before you get your bottom kicked... by me! The Holy Light is watching over you!

    (After meeting the President, Lou appears)
    --Lou: Mr. Waber, why aren't you on Neudaiz?
    --Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping by.
    (Add Lou to the Party)
    --Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted Lou unit 24.
    (Remove Lou from the Party)
    --Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted Lou unit 24.

    Holtes City: Central Square
    (PPT Caseal)
    --Ethan: Hello.
    --PPT Caseal: What?
    --Ethan: Nothing. I was just saying hello.
    --PPT Caseal: Do you have any business to discuss with me?
    --Ethan: We'll we talked before, so I thought I'd say hello.
    --PPT Caseal: This isn't the kind of place for that. Surely you can't be so oblivious!
    --Ethan: Yeah, I know, but...
    --PPT Caseal: Before, we had something to discuss. When we don't, you mustn't speak to me.
    --Ethan: (She really is completely different from the CAST at the colony!)

    (Green Cast)
    --Green Cast: What did you say? If we don't rely on the Divine Maiden's divination, then the Gurhal System will never have peace? Could that be true?
    --Green Cast: I... don't know what to say.

    (Blue Caseal)
    --Blue Caseal: How come the SEED are still causing so much trouble? You'd think things could've been taken care of by now. The GUARDIANS are no good, if you ask me!
    --Blue Caseal: You need to work harder!

    (Yellow Cast)
    --Yellow Cast: The GUARDIANS announced that the towers were our trump card against the SEED. Is that really true?
    --Yellow Cast: I wonder if there's any danger of explosion? We don't want to end up with another Mellvore Explosion!

    (AMF Cast)
    --AMF Cast: Hey, you're in the GUARDIANS, aren't you?
    --Ethan: Yeah. So?
    --AMF Cast: Just get out of here! You Guardians are a real nuisance, wandering around here!
    --Ethan: YOU'RE a nuisance...
    --Ethan: Oh, I get it. You don't like me because I talk to the girl at the cafe. Is that it?
    --AMF Cast: Hey! Don't mess with soldiers in the Alliance Military!

    Holtes City: West District
    (Speal Fonce)
    --Ethan: Hello, Speal.
    --Speal: You've got bad timing. You shouldn't be here. The Alliance Military is all shook up over what happened to the Endrum Collective.
    --Ethan: I know. We're the ones who did it.
    --Speal: ... You seem rather calm about it.
    --Speal: Please, you really ought to go home. Don't get the Alliance Military worked up today!
    --Ethan: But...

    (Yokus Melton)
    --Ethan: Hey, Yokus.
    --Yokus: Hi Ethan.
    --Ethan: ...
    --Yokus: What?
    --Ethan: Nothing. I shouldn't have said anything.
    --Yokus: Well you've already said something now, so...
    --Ethan: Hey...
    --Yokus: Fine! You win! I just wanted to start over fresh, here on Parum...
    --Ethan: Is that why you're always acting so weird?

    (Mikaris Geid)
    --Ethan: Mikaris...
    --Mikaris: Hey, Ethan. Do you have any ideas? You know... about my dilemma?
    --Ethan: Do you know Commander Geece?
    --Mikaris: He's in another unit, but yes, I know of him.
    --Ethan: I thought it might be nice if you could help him raise his son.
    --Mikaris: No way! That stubborn fool is actually raising a kid?
    --Ethan: A human boy, in fact.
    --Mikaris: Is he still a baby? I'd like to raise a baby...
    --Ethan: So, what do you think, Mikaris?
    --Mikaris: ...Now you'll have to give me some time to think.

    ---G.R.M. Shop
    (Stank Geece)
    --Stank: I'd better tighten up the ranks before we get shown up by you guys!
    --Ethan: Hehe. Well, we'll see.

    (Madris Carn)
    --Ethan: Hi Madris!
    --Madris: Hey, Ethan.
    --Ethan: What's the matter?
    --Madris: There's a lot of tension in the Alliance Military right now. It's especially hard for me since I came from the GUARDIANS. My kind isn't really welcome here.
    --Ethan: Well then... maybe you should think about coming back to the GUARDIANS?
    --Madris: I came this far to learn high-level combat from the Alliance Military...
    --Ethan: But if you're stuck doing office work, how will that help you learn high-level combat? You should come back and fight alongside me!
    --Madris: I'll think about it.

    ---Parts Shop
    (Prafo Kaluen)
    --Ethan: Hey, Prafo!
    --Prafo: ...
    --Ethan: Prafo?
    --Prafo: ...
    --Ethan: (I wonder what happened?)
    --Ethan: (I'd better leave him be for now...)

    Holtes City: East District
    (Human Male)
    --Human Male: I went to one of the anti-CAST movement's assemblies. There were a lot of people there who felt the same way as I do. We talked for a long time about how to overturn the CAST supremacy. I don't think my feelings are going to change on this subject any time soon.
    --Human Male: I feel pretty solid in my beliefs.

    (Rol Medoc)
    --Ethan: Hey, Rol. How are you?
    --Rol: If I get friendly with a Guardian, the Alliance Military will give me a hard time. So go away!
    --Ethan: Sorry about that.
    --Rol: You don't understand what it's like out here everyday...
    --Ethan: You haven't been listening to anything I've said, have you?
    --Rol: Leave me alone!
    --Ethan: Fine.

    (Quiro Medoc)
    --Ethan: Hello, Mr. Medoc.
    --Mr. Medoc: Hey, you're a Guardian, right? You don't have time to waste hanging around here today, do you? Especially since the number of Alliance Military troops has increased... They all seem pretty nervous about something.
    --Ethan: I'll be fine.
    --Mr. Medoc: Ah... If only I could get off this loathsome rock and move to a whole new planet! Alas...
    --Ethan: Mr. Medoc, you've got to try to look on the bright side of things. Stop focusing on what you don't have and appreciate what you do!
    --Mr. Medoc: Well, maybe...

    Holtes City: Guardians Branch
    (Human Female)
    --Human Female: The towers are essentially huge RELICS sites, aren't they? You don't see that kind of architecture in our own buildings so it's a pretty natural conclusion. I've been to the RELICS countless times, and it's always been apparent that the ancient civilization was far more advanced than we are today. How is it that such a great civilization was overthrown?
    --Human Female: Our ancestors left that device behind for us, didn't they?

    (Black Cast)
    --Black Cast: Those huge towers are a confinement system... and our trump card against the SEED. We must protect those towers no matter what the cost!
    --Black Cast: We must protect those towers no matter what the cost!

    (Human Male)
    --Human Male: Ethan, I have to ask you something... The Divine Maiden... It's Karen, isn't it? It's okay, you don't have to say anything. These are things I'm sure you're not allowed to talk about. Even if the believers don't realize it, I know it in my heart because I've always watched over Karen...
    --Human Male: Whatever Karen is going through... I sure hope she's happy!

    (Before meeting the President)
    --Sheena: Welcoming to the GUARDIANS, making the futures for Gurhal! We have no missions here now that you can accept.
    (After meeting the President)
    --Sheena: Welcoming to Gurhal! The GUARDIANS are making the peace of the world!
    --Ethan: Hello, Sheena!
    --Sheena: Mr. Waber! Your current mission is on Neudaiz! It is again important mission!
    --Ethan: Yeah, a little too important if you ask me. I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed.
    --Sheena: Mr. Waber can do it! The Holy Spirit will guidance you!

    (After meeting the President, Lou appears)
    --Lou: Mr. Waber. Why aren't you on Neudaiz?
    --Ethan: I know. I'm just stopping in.
    (Add Lou to the Party)
    --Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted Lou unit 24.
    (Remove Lou from the Party)
    --Lou: Understood. ... I have contacted Lou unit 24.

    (Start "Divination Escort" Mission)

    Agata Islands: Block A-1
    (Ethan, Lou, and Dr. Tomrain stand in a clearing at the edge of the Agata Islands. A COG Limousine ship descends from the sky and lands. The Divine Maiden, escorted by two bodyguards disembark and approach the party. Dr. Tomrain reaches to shake her hand)
    --Dr. Tomrain: It's an honor to meet you. Thank you for your assistance.
    --Karen: If my powers can help, then that is thanks enough for me. I am at your service.
    --Dr. Tomrain: Well then, shall we begin?
    (The Maiden turns to her bodyguards)
    --Karen: I'm sorry, but you two must wait here.
    --Bodyguard: Maiden, it's too dangerous. We must keep our eyes on you.
    --Karen: Thank you, but no. The Guardians will be with me the whole time. I will be in safe hands.
    --Bodyguard: If that is your wish, then I obey. Please be careful.
    --Karen: Thank you.
    (She turns to Ethan)
    --Karen: Let us continue. I'm counting on you for protection.
    --Ethan: Of course, Divine Maiden!
    (The party exits, leaving the bodyguards behind)
    (End Cutscene)

    Agata Islands: Block A-2
    --Karen: There is a buddhist temple beyond this. Let's head there first.

    (Fight your way through Blocks A-1 through A-4)

    Kokura Temple: Block A-1
    (Scene: Ethan, Karen, Lou, Dr. Tomrain)
    (When the party enters the abandoned temple, they find it frozen over)
    --Ethan: This is the temple of the sacred grounds? It doesn't seem very popular. This chill...! Could it be? Has it been infected by SEED?
    --Karen: This temple was built for pilgrims and to protect the sacred grounds. many people from the Communion of Gurhal resided within it. But about a month ago, it fell under heavy SEED attack and became uninhabitable. After that, the grounds were purified countless times and eventually were recovered. But with no one around to care for it, the temple deteriorated to what you see before you. The inside is still full of SEED.
    --Ethan: The SEED invaded the sacred grounds, could it mean...
    --Karen: Yes. I think I know what you're thinking, and you're right. The sacred grounds are inside the Agata RELICS site, found by newmans long ago.
    --Ethan: Then could the Neudaiz confinement system be located on the sacred grounds?
    --Karen: No. The thought did occur to me, but when I did a little investigation, there was no information to support that theory. But the sacred grounds have an extremely high photon concentration. If we carry out the rite of divination here, I'm confident we'll be able to target the location of the confinement system. The Agata RELICS site is just ahead after we exit this temple. The temple is filled with SEED-Forms and infected native creatures. Let's be careful!
    (End Scene)

    (Fight your way from Block A-1 through A-4)

    Agata Islands: Outside the Sacred Grounds
    (The party exits the Temple into a clearing before a gigantic cone shaped RELICS site)
    --Karen: That is the Sacred Grounds of Gurhal.
    --Dr. Tomrain: it will take a moment to set up the equipment. If you don't mind, Maiden, would you please wait here?
    --Karen: Yes, certainly.
    --Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber. I'll leave it to you to keep watch over the Maiden.
    --Ethan: Yes sir!
    --Dr. Tomrain: Let's go, Lou.
    --Lou: Yes sir.
    (Lou and Dr. Tomrain exit. Karen rests herself on a nearby rock)
    --Karen: How've you been?
    --Ethan: Oh, fine, Karen... I mean Maiden.
    --Karen: Oh, it's alright. It's just the two of us here.
    --Ethan: Oh... Okay. ...Karen.
    --Karen: It's been so long since we've talked like this.
    --Ethan: Yeah, you seem so busy with all that Maiden stuff.
    --Karen: Yeah, I've traveled all over... meeting all sorts of people. And I've realized just how many people out there... really do need my help. I can feel myself changing little by little.
    --Ethan: Changing? What do you mean?
    --Karen: Well... that I no longer belong only to myself. I belong to everyone. I can feel this bond with the people... stronger than ever. I was so alone without my mother... And then I lost Mirei... now I have something to fight for.
    --Ethan: Something to fight for...
    --Karen: And Ethan, you're here to fight for me, right?
    --Ethan: Yeah, of course!
    --Karen: Heh heh heh... I'm counting on you.
    (A Kagajibari springs from the ground behind them)
    --Ethan: Damn, already?!
    (End Cutscene)

    (Trial Start)
    (Defeat Kagajibari)
    (Trial End)

    (Scene: Ethan, Karen)
    --Ethan: Karen, are you all right?
    --Karen: Yeah, it's just hard to move around in this getup.
    --Ethan: I guess you can use TECHNICs now, huh?
    --Karen: Well... I'm still in training.
    --Ethan: Well, they're probably ready by now. Let's go.
    --Karen: ...All right.
    (Karen and Ethan exit)
    (End Scene)

    The Altar of Divination
    (Ethan and Karen approach Dr. Tomrain and Lou who are working on holographic computer panels which are displayed before the altar)
    --Dr. Tomrain: Maiden, if you'd be so kind.
    --Karen: Yes...
    (Karen turns to Ethan, who nods in approval. She approaches the altar, and is bathed in a bright glow as her clothes change to ceremonial robes. Streams of light rise from the ground and envelop her as she begins the divination)
    --Karen: Ah yes. I can feel the light gathering...
    (From above, streaks of light pierce the sky, signifying an impeding SEED attack)
    --Ethan: Damn! They found us!
    --Dr. Tomrain: It's too dangerous to continue! We must stop this now!
    --Karen: No, let me finish! We haven't gone this far for nothing! I must continue. For the sake of Gurhal! The future depends on us!
    --Ethan: You let me deal with this!! I'll be by your side... Go ahead! Lou, let's go!
    --Lou: Yes!
    (Ethan and Lou exit)
    (End Cutscene)

    Agata Islands: Block B-1
    (Scene: Ethan, Lou)
    (As the pair enter Block: B-1 they are confronted with the twisted landscape of Fire SEED infection)
    --Ethan: I can't believe the SEED have spread this far already!
    (Lou closes and locks the gate behind them)
    --Lou: This should slow down it's progress toward the sacred grounds, but it's only a matter of time before security here is breached.
    --Ethan: Damn it, after ice comes the flame SEED!
    --Lou (shout): !
    --Ethan: What is it, Lou?
    --Lou: Hold on for a moment, please. I've received a satellite update on the current state of infestation for this area. The infestation is growing at an unprecedented speed. The sacred grounds will be in danger soon at the current rate of infestation.
    --Ethan: ...What should we do?
    --Lou: There are six SEED cores in this area. If we can purify them all, we should be able to hold off any further infestation. But, if we should fail... the Maiden, along with the sacred grounds, will probably be swallowed up by the SEED.
    --Ethan: No way. I won't let that happen! I made a promise to Karen, that I would protect her!
    --Lou: Even so, at this time, and at this scale... It is almost as if someone is intentionally creating this infestation...
    --Ethan: You think this is some sort of conspiracy, like someone is manipulating the SEED? That's kind of a strange thing for a CAST to say, what with no supporting proof... Well, before we worry about that, let's focus on stopping this current infestation!
    --Lou: ...Yes. Understood.
    (Ethan and Lou exit)
    (End Scene)

    (Trial Start)

    (Fight through to Block B-3. After destroying each SEED-Core, Ethan comments)
    --Ethan: Great, I got one!
    --Ethan: That makes two!
    --Ethan: Number three!
    --Ethan: And four!
    --Ethan: Just one left!

    Agata Islands: Block B-3
    (Destroy the final SEED-Core)
    (Trial End)

    (Another bright object streaks across the sky and crashes to the ground nearby. Dr. Tomrain comms Ethan)
    --Dr. Tomrain: Mr. Waber! There's more over here! Come quickly!
    --Ethan: Yes sir!
    (Ethan and Lou exit)
    (End Cutscene)

    (Scene: Ethan, Lou)
    --Lou: To return to the sacred grounds, it would be faster to continue ahead rather than turning back on the path we came on.
    --Ethan: Wait there, Karen. I'll be there soon!
    (End Scene)

    Agata Islands: Block C-1
    (Scene: Ethan, Lou, Bruce)
    (As Ethan and Lou enter block C-1, they come upon Bruce standing next to his cargo carrier)
    --Bruce: Welcome!
    --Ethan: Bruce!?
    --Lou: Bruce, it is dangerous here. And it is also against the rules for you to be here.
    --Bruce: Always a stickler for the rules, aren't ya? Well, rules are made to be broken, my little friend. Besides, somebody's got to keep an eye out for ya!
    --Lou: This isn't any of your concern.
    --Bruce: You're breaking my heart, Lou. Well, let's save the chit-chat for later. You've got to get to the sacred grounds quickly, right? Stock up and get supplied here before ya go!
    --Ethan: Thanks, Bruce.
    --Lou: This mission being classified, I shall leave this out of the report.
    --Bruce: Thanks, doll! I knew you had it in ya!
    (End Scene)

    --Bruce: You'd better hurry. I've got a bad feeling about this one...
    --Ethan: Bruce...

    (As Ethan advances into the block, he is attacked by machines)
    --Ethan: Endrum Collective's battle machinery! What are they doing here!?
    --Lou: ...

    (Attempt to exit to Block D-1)
    --Lou: This is the wrong way to the sacred grounds.

    Agata Islands: Block C-2
    (Lou and Ethan enter a clearing. As they do so, a bright object from the sky impacts the ground in a fireball. From out of the flames emerges Magashi, twisted and consumed by the SEED)
    --Ethan: Magashi?! You're supposed to be dead!
    --Magashi: Unfortunately for you, though my prior body was destroyed the power of the SEED has brought me back again! To kill you!
    --Ethan: What?!
    --Magashi: Now you will pay for what you did to me!! Prepare to die!
    (Magashi leaps in attack at Ethan)
    (End Cutscene)

    (Start Trial)
    --Ethan: I've never heard of the SEED infecting CASTs!
    --Lou: ...?
    (Defeat SEED-Magashi)
    (End Trial)

    (SEED-Magashi stand before Ethan, injured but not defeated)
    --Magashi: Hehehe... Grr... You have grown strong... But you haven't won yet!
    (SEED-Magashi leaps into the air, escaping)
    (End Cutscene)

    (Scene: Ethan, Lou)
    --Ethan: He got away! What the heck is going on!? Did he have something to do with those machines from before!?
    --Lou: I don't know. I suppose it's possible.
    --Ethan: But never mind that! Do you think this SEED attack was Magashi's doing?
    --Lou: I cannot say.
    --Ethan: What is he trying to do!?
    --Lou: I do not know.
    --Ethan: Is that all you can say? Think for a second!
    --Lou: I will only say what I know for certain. If we rush into speculation, we could play right into their hands. Please calm yourself, Mr. Waber. Now we must focus our attention on more immediate matters. Specifically, we must ensure that the divination is preformed successfully. If we can't do that, then it is unlikely that we will be able to accomplish anything.
    --Ethan: ... You're right, Lou. I'm sorry. I... I guess I let myself get worked up.
    --Lou: Forget it. Soon we will have the results of the divination. Let's return to the doctor's location.
    --Ethan: Yeah, okay.
    (End Scene)

    The Altar of Divination
    (Karen continues on with the divination uninterrupted ritual as Ethan and Lou return to the altar room)
    --Ethan: Karen!
    (The particles of light flow around Karen even more intensely. They flow up from her body to form a glowing, pulsating, singularity above her head. The light expands as the divination begins. Scene changes to a dark landscape filled with armies of Strateria as they march against the advancing SEED force. They enter combat, trading blows and destroying one another. The scene changes to show legions of Strateria as far as the eye can see marching while SEED forms fall in great numbers from the sky. The scene changes again to multitudes of rank and file Strateria standing guard in the shadow of a confinement system tower. The scene finally changes back to the Altar of Divination, as the light fades from Karen's form)
    --Dr. Tomrain: Excellent! We got everything we needed!
    --Lou: The results were better than anticipated. You may stop now.
    --Ethan: You've done it, Karen! Thanks...
    (Karen collapses, exhausted)
    --Ethan: Karen!
    (Ethan rushes to Karen's side and holds her)
    --Ethan: Karen!
    --Karen: Ethan... Ethan, I'm glad I could help...
    --Ethan: You hang in there! You hear me?!
    --Karen: Do you think Mirei would be pleased?
    --Ethan: Yes. Of course...
    (Karen loses consciousness)
    --Ethan: Karen! Karen!!!!!
    (End Cutscene)

    (Ending Cinema)

    Chapter 11 Episode Preview
    --Narrator: At last the time of the Unification Point draws near. Assigned to protect the Moatoob confinement system, Ethan and his companions encounter an intolerant Fullyen Curtz, who refuses to work with them. Will the plan to stop the SEED succeed with such hostility between supposed allies? Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Unification Point.

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Sinue_v2 on 2007-10-01 18:32 ]</font>

  2. #2


    Chapter 11 Alternate Episode Preview
    --Ethan: Professor Tomrain, what should I do?
    --Dr. Tomrain: What's the matter, Mr. Waber?
    --Ethan: I'm never gonna see Karen ever again...
    --Dr. Tomrain: Hmm... That is a problem, yes. Lou, what do you think?
    --Lou: There is a 99% probability that you will never see her again.
    --Ethan: Huh?! See! She's gone... forever...
    --Dr. Tomrain: Don't be so defeatist Waber. The power of science will help us.
    --Ethan: Really, Professor?
    --Dr. Tomrain: Yes. First, we'll use the confinement system to send you to an alternate dimension.
    --Ethan: Are you for real?
    --Dr. Tomrain: Yes, yes. And then, we'll do the same with the Communion of Gurhal and Karen!
    --Ethan: And then?
    --Dr. Tomrain: So then, we end up creating a little pocket dimension for just the two of you to be together for all time.
    --Ethan: That's crazy! Are you sure you're not getting senile Professor?
    --Dr. Tomrain: How rude! I certainly am not! Here, I'll prove it to you by doing the preview. Ahem... Next time on Phantasy Star Universe: Unification Point. There... now then, what were we talking about?
    --Ethan: You ARE going senile!

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  3. #3
    Curiously attractive for a fish man Zorafim's Avatar
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    May 2006
    Under the sea


    Dear Lord, those alternate previews are great. Not one of them has failed to make me laugh.

    Erm, I'm sorry. Where are you saving these again? Are you just typing them up on PSOW, or is there some place else you're keeping them?

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zorafim on 2007-10-02 11:39 ]</font>

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