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  1. #81


    SOA, for once.... just once... do the right thing. Bring PSO v.2 out to the U.S. Nearly anyone who owns the original will by v.2. I personally already own the import PSO & domestic. What do you think I'll be doin' in May?

  2. #82


    Add my name to the list too, I dont just want version 2, I NEED it like almost NOTHING ELSE. Please Sega.

    lvl 84 Humar
    lvl 47 Fomarl
    lvl 30 Hunewearl

  3. #83


    i totally agree please bring pso2 to the wprld especially the uk i hope please mail me if you want to play online!

  4. #84


    I want it so bad!!!! I want it now!!! right here on my desk... even not to realese it world wide on the same date would be stupid!!
    I live in sweden and if doesn't shop up here then I'll take my butcherknife out for a walk.
    ... and perhaps stop by at a certain game companys hq.

    Addictions..... AAAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!! Damn you SEGA for now ruling my life!!!

    oh.. and thanx...

    FREE "PSO" V.2!!!!!!!!

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    we need pso v.2. It would be very foolish not to bring it here seeing how many people will buy it!

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    we need pso v.2. It would be very foolish not to bring it here seeing how many people will buy it!

  7. #87


    You absolutely positively must must must bring PSO ver.2 to the states, it will be a hot seller.

    Else I'll go postal (or not) .

  8. #88


    It might not be definite for the usa but its far worse for europe, see

    STOP PRESS!! We've just heard that the upgrade disc WON'T be released in Europe, because Sega is retiscent to sell a game at full price that only has two new missions over the original. If this makes you mad, let us know.
    Don't these idiots realise that the obvious thing to do would be to realise it isn't a full new game and therefore don't release it at a full price. They would have nearly 100% guaranteed sales from all the people who have bought pso and thats ignoring the sales from people saying good things about pso.

    The alternative situation would be that they didn't release the disk and you get a lot of very unhappy european pso'ers reconsidering continued support of sega in the future and the vital word of mouth being very negative.

    I think grinner got things spot on when he said:

    this is a no brainer sega! Release it in the us. And please remember the saying when customers are treated well by a company, they tell 10 friends how good the company is, who in turn tell ten of their friends, etc. But when they're treated badly by a company they tell 20 friends....
    At a time when sega's pr isn't at its greatest anyway the bad word of mouth would damage them even more badly in europe where they do little if any advertising.

  9. #89
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Lowell, Mass, USA


    Damn right I want this heh

  10. #90
    PSO Assassin
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    London/United Kingdom


    It is my understanding that PSO sold phenomaly well in the States and you bet that every single person who bought it will get Ver.2 as well. Sega has made some bad mistakes in the past, but they can't be THAT stupid. Bring it on Sega, I can't wait!

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