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Thread: Lazy MAG

  1. #1


    For some reason my MAG is really unresponsive. I max out both the Sync (120) and the IQ (200) but yet it never grant me the same auto protection it use to, not even during Boss fight or when I am critically low on HP. does any one know if the states have anything to do with it? or is there any other hidden factor that I don't know about?

  2. #2


    Answer this: do you put your MAG in the bank at the end of each game to avoid sync drop, and therefore never have to feed it?

    It's been suggested that a MAG that never gets fed stops doing even the slightest thing to help you (even PB max invincabilites stop happening).

  3. #3


    What your mag does is not only dependant on its sync and IQ, but also what type it is. For instance, Garuda mags will do nothing but heal you for certain events (1/10, boss, meter fill), as opposed to a Bana which will give you invincibility during those same events. If you post what kind of mag you have, it'll be easier to tell you what should happen.

    Pax, Lenneth

  4. #4


    My MAG is a KAMA and I do feed it on a regular basis. I am actually trying to bring up Defense (12 only!) the only thing I can find that only raise Defense is Paralysis (all of the other states are much higher) so I am not sure if its lack of support has something to do with me feeding it low level items. I have been mixing in Star but it doesn't seem to help either.

  5. #5
    General Psycho Coxy's Avatar
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    Mar 2001
    Liverpool, England


    my Apsaras is really good. im invincible every 5 mins! hes lvl 200 with pow 112!

  6. #6


    I just want to tell everybody that the Pitri mag is the most useless mag ever. It does nothing most of the time, and never Heals me... well it heals me when I go into boss, but what's the point? I'm usually max HP going into a boss. On the other hand, Soma is the best mag, every single time I get overwhelm, or I'm low on energy, it gives me Invinciblity hehehe.. I love it so much . Dark Falz is a peice of cake with Soma .

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