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  1. #11


    The reason why we thank you is because most techers are selfish dicks and don't cast buffs and resta unless it's themselves that need it, and so we are appreciative of the ones that actually support everyone else on their team.


  2. #12
    Ancient PSO Foggey Zarode's Avatar
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    And this is why Remedy should not party with Zarode!

    But I do understand, I think...


    I get annoyed when everyone says thanks after I heal/buff them. I like it the first time, but I gets old after the third time. <_<; C'est le vie?

  3. #13
    Fighmaster mizukage's Avatar
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    Remedy, take off the fire element Yamata-senba, nobody is going to flame you. People who dislike getting flamed, which is like 99.9% of the population here will also choose not to flame others.

    In terms of appreciation when getting healed or buffed. If it occurs once in awhile, an expression of gratitude would be necessary and seem appropriate.

    However, if the heals and buffs are very frequent, such as having it done for more than 10 times in 5 minutes, constant display of appreciation may end up annoying the individual doing the heals and the buffs, which in return hurts the friendship and/or teamwork.

    In other words, too much of something good can be possibly bad. It is nice to heal/buff others. It is nice to see expressions of gratitude and see appreciation in return, but too much of either is actually annoying. More over, when a comrade choose to heal/buff another, he/she is not doing it for the purpose of seeing expressions of gratitude, but rather either obligated to the friendship in-between or possibly find it fun/nice to do so.

  4. #14
    Down for the Getdown
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    On 2007-11-15 19:35, Uncle_bob wrote:
    The reason why we thank you is because most techers are selfish dicks and don't cast buffs and resta unless it's themselves that need it, and so we are appreciative of the ones that actually support everyone else on their team.


  5. #15


    I think the problem is that ForteTechers aren't defined in their roles - and their role in the party is defined by the players choice. They can nuke, support, or both. But players tend to thank FTs and WTs who support because it's their choice. Nobody thanks the WHM in FFXI each time they heal, because that's their job. Their choice was already made when they picked to be a WHM, and that's the ONLY reason why they invited you to the party - to do THAT job.

    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  6. #16


    omg! that is so funny to me your the first forteteacher that ive heard of that hates being thanked for doing your job. in my opinion i thank FT for heals and buffs all the time not just because its your job i do it because that the polite way to say when someone goes out of their way to cast a resta, buff or giresta. and saying ty all the time doesnt mean that your not being a good FT in the end. and for the record i use "ty" all the time and most of the FT that i say it to dont have a problem with me saying it ether. Plus i think you are a good forteteacher if ive ever played with u before just still cant figure out why u would let one little word that melee fighters say all the time bother you. i just like to say ty because thats the way i was taught what to say when someone does something nice for me in that case forteteachers. and one more thing with a forteteacher around i save a hell of alot of money then i usually do with out one

  7. #17


    All of my thanks are hand typed, because for some reason, I'm to lazy to type up some macros.

    Ironic, no?

  8. #18


    i dont see the differnece between the macros if u ask me they both mean the same thing wether you type ty or thank you they both mean the same thing.

  9. #19
    Tired Cynic
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    I generally thank once for buffs and then don't waste time thanking the fT over and over again.

    Don't really care either if no-one thanks me for buffs when I'm playing fT. It's my job as the party supporter, and thanks doesn't kill monsters.

  10. #20
    This is a sketch Powder Keg's Avatar
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