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  1. #11


    Well, one of my favorite weapons was hacked by a cheater.

    Last night, my slicer of assasin +9 with +35% machine 40% dark was stolen by some level 100, level 999 mag, magic in town, "do you want 9999999 meseta?" $%@$@%@.

    I asked for it back and he said ok... but then he said "its only +9"

    Me: "thats the max, give it back"
    %$*#%# : "oh yeah?"

    %#%$%#$% goes to town, comes back, says: "Not anymore, its +99 now"

    Me: " $%#% you"

    and I left.

    The guy was so pissed that I would not take his 999999 meseta or other items that he took mine and hacked it.

    Now, that weapon was not the greatest, but thats because EVERYTHING I have I found or traded with people I completely trust. I'm a Yellowboze, so other than lots of materials, and God/legs, I find squat.

    This was last night on Puck 09

    I could not join any of all of your password games because I don't have any of your guild cards and thus can't mail you. I have a few very trusted friends, but find myself joining unprotected games all the time.

    I often also play on Cordelia, because its so darn empty and the dupers/cheaters always go to crowded servers to show off.

    If any of you ever see me around, I'd gladly exchange guild cards so that I have more trusted people to play with. I often play around 11PM to 1AM, Pacific time...
    My char is NeiLast, a tall HUNewarl with spiky blonde hair and an eyepatch. I'm level 79 now.

    Anyhow, I heard that egg blasters don't go past +35 (or something like that), and that the +99 ones are all hacked.

    I don't want any hacked/special items.
    I hope SEGA modify's the server to erase all the Items that should not have been found yet or are hacked. That would make me happy.

    I was absolutely disgusted to see a level 40 char with a lvl 999 MAG and a spread needle do more damage than me, and not die once on Vhard Dark Falz.

    I would certainly be fine with a server that allowed ceaters... say half the servers dissalowed it and half allowed it. Then those people would be nice and segregated away from us who enjoy hunting for items/finding stuff on our own.

  2. #12
    Veteran Fighter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Wherever darkness lies...


    Exactly Nei!! I am so glad to hear from another PSO gamer who feels the same way i do.
    I get so tired of seeing these Hypocrites who say "I hate duped items!" but then they run around with a Lv999 Opa Opa or a Lavis Cannon or any other of the "rare" crap that has been duped.

    All of the people on PSO who know me personally, know that i earn all my own stuff. And i don't accept gifts unless i have actually found that weapon or item on my own first, and had lost it or gotten it deleted, (and if it isn't duped of course)
    My best Weapon is a Dragon Slayer+9 with 10% to dark
    and tons of other players punk on me by saying "don't you have anything good?" when they haven't even earned half of the things that i have on my own!
    I have had so many rare items deleted, like my
    Cross Scar, Agito, Bloody Art, Gae Bolg, and tons of other things i found on my own, but i don't go around begging for better stuff.

    But anyway, enough of my ranting. I would love to chill with you sometime Nei, i will look for you online, and would be glad to give you my card. I usually hang around Puck 9 sometimes just to see what's going down, but i can be found on Miranda 10 sometimes as well.

    and remember "Just say Dupes"

  3. #13


    egg blaster does indeed grind to +99

  4. #14


    "This was last night on Puck 09"

    Unfortunately, it seems that last night was the remains of an aborted attempt by a small group of hackers and cheats to swarm Puck 09 and "annoy" the "legits". Ugh.

    "I could not join any of all of your password games because I don't have any of your guild cards and thus can't mail you. I have a few very trusted friends, but find myself joining unprotected games all the time."

    As a general rule, if there is a PSOW password-protected game, try "SONIC" as the password. It's kind of the 'default' password, and if it works, it means that the people in there are welcoming new PSOW players, but just wanted to keep the increasing riff-raff out.

    If the password doesn't work (try upper and lowercase, just to be sure) then it is indeed a private game.

  5. #15


    It's stuff like this is why I never play open games, even in our own server. The only time I play open games is when I am not on a US server =(

    Sad isnt it, damn kids.
    Playing as Keahi on Phantasy Star Portable 2 - US Version.

  6. #16
    Ducky Loving Freak
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Underground in a fiberglass tree


    I have a question for Ambrai,if you read my story,i said that i had no idea i had dupped items given to me,i got rid of them all though,but when i was lv 46 i used one item the duppers (at the time i did not know they were duppers) gave to me,my mag was at lv 200 and i used a cell i had gotten from them,of corse it was dupped but i did not know it was,am i gonna get banned or will my mag get deleted becuase of what i did??

    ------Mina (-_-)

  7. #17


    Well, Sega has now officially done it. As of tonight, they have installed their new blocks on the servers.

    Now, those of you who have read my other posts know how vehemently against duping and cheating I am. But I must say, Sega has gone too far. Almost everyone in the game has a duped item, and 99.9% of them don't know which one. I had one, a duped chain sawd that had been sitting in my inventory, I knew it was duped, and kept it only for this day. I simply signed off and dropped it.

    Here's what you can do if you can't join/create a game because of duped items.

    1.Drop in the bank offline those items that are duped.

    2.If you don't know which, this is my THEORY... Drop all of your items offf in the offline bank, and then sign on, and I'm assuming these new dupehound codes Sega has installed will delete those items as they try to sign on. So far, this is UNTESTED, but I plan to use it on my Chain Sawd to test it.

    Anyone who know what to do is invited to post the method.

  8. #18


    I had the same problem, and I found out that my LIGHT RESIST which I had equipped (I was fighting Falz when the servers went down) had been duped. Well, since that is almost a MUST NEED when fighting Falz on a low level, I am lucky to have a legit one (which I found in RUINS 3 on NORMAL). But I did what you said, and put the duped one in the bank, then I logged on, and I WAS ABLE TO JOIN A GAME. So I guess it isn't perfect, but it is a start... I just wish they could only punish the cheaters, not everyone... Oh well, nothing is perfect. I guess you got to give alittle to get alittle, eh?

  9. #19


    Um... I meant LIGHT RELIEF. Not that it really matters or anything...

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