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  1. #31
    RAcast v2.03 amtalx's Avatar
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    Sure there might be another expansion...but they will continue to drip feed us content thats already on the disc. Maybe in 3 years this game might actually be complete.

  2. #32


    On 2007-12-04 18:17, Sinue_v2 wrote:
    I believe Sonic Team stated that Episode III would be the "end of our story". Whether this means there will be no more expansions and it's the end of PSU, or if the storyline is going to continue from some other place, time, or event - we don't know. I can't see them cutting PSU so short, and fully expect to see an Ep IV if for nothing else than keeping the servers going (and money coming in), as well as consistancy (PS I-IV, PSO Ep I - IV). Not to mention that they have gone back on their word, such as with the case of Ep III C.A.R.D before Blue Burst.

    It may be a case of Sega simply dropping the PS2 platform altogether for a future expansion and making the game just PC/Xbox - with the PC version still connected to PS2 AoI servers.

    I honestly can't see Sega revamping the entire game for the PS3, and if it does come to that platform - then it'll be a port, much like the X360 version. Enhanced graphics over the PS2 version, of course, but nothing spectacular.
    to be fair epsiode III was the end since if i recall correctly even though i never actually played it i think blue burst takes place in between episode II and episode III.

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  3. #33
    Newbishly Newbish Newb zemog's Avatar
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    On 2007-12-04 19:29, Pengfishh wrote:
    So, by and large, the PS2 is actually holding the game back. Hmph.
    Yes, as it did with FFXI... not having the ram capacity to permit the character variety you would find in WoW, for example...

    It's basically the same here... but the PS2 was the only platform to go with if they wanted any chance at all to make a profit... so noone can't be angry about choosing PS2... but if we truely want this game to grow, we need to accept the idea of leaving the PS2 behind. Bringing further expansions to just the PC and 360 would be necessary.

    I cannot believe that they would end the story after Ep3... that makes no sense... especially if they are aming for a 5 year lifecycle... after just over one year, we are already starting the "final" episode...

    So if PS2 is kept in the loop, there will be no more xpansion on disk... meaning no more new environments, enemies, weapons, clothing, etc... and they will only be able to continue new story with the same content we have now...
    Ranger (Main)
    Ship 2, block 20/21

  4. #34


    To be fair, having #3 be the end is a mainstay of the series. Especially if Alisha is correct about the PSO eps. Phantasy Star III was truly the end for the main storyline. PSIV took place concurrently and just wrapped up loose ends in the old Algo system.

    I could see an episode 4 being either a prequel or a "meanwhile while Ethan, Laia and co. save one part of the world....". I'm hoping for prequel, since it seems that PSU is heavily mining the PSO traditional locales. A *possible* story is that something went horribly horribly wrong in Ragol, all the Pioneer folks died, and Dark Falz (or something) created the SEED...which then shot on over to Gurhal in time for Ep 1.

  5. #35


    I wouldn't say Phantasy Star III was the end of the storyline. It was more of a side story than anything else and concluded nothing.

  6. #36


    On 2007-12-05 00:38, Ibuka wrote:
    I just don't see why they just can't make PSU PS2 ver a 2 disk game >.< Disk 1 for Story Mode and Disk 2 for Online Mode >.<
    There would be a lot redundant data that would have to be on both discs: cities, rooms, weapons, etc. It makes more sense to have just one disc rather than two with virtually all the same stuff on them. The actual code differences between Story and Network Mode shouldn't take up much space at all--at least not enough to warrant a second disc.

    On 2007-12-05 06:23, Chaosgyro wrote:
    To be fair, having #3 be the end is a mainstay of the series. Especially if Alisha is correct about the PSO eps. Phantasy Star III was truly the end for the main storyline. PSIV took place concurrently and just wrapped up loose ends in the old Algo system.
    Maybe that works with PSO, but that just isn't the case at all with the original series. For the most part the series was all about the Algol System and PS4 brought a close to that. PS3 didn't take place in the system at all and couldn't be said to have "ended" much of anything at all in that regard.
    Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

  7. #37


    Why do people have a hard time accepting the reality this is a Japanese game made for Japanese gamers first? The PS2 is still going strong in Japan. They won't be giving up the PS2 as easily as western gamers have.

  8. #38


    PS3 didn't take place in the system at all and couldn't be said to have "ended" much of anything at all in that regard.
    I bow to the superior wisdom. My own gut feel about it was that PS3 continued the thread of the Algoan (Algols?) fleeing from the destruction in PS2, dragging Dark Force with them, and winding up in an uncertain but potentially promising future. (the riding off into the sunset moment) PS4 did a sort of "meanwhile back in Algo.." thing. Again, just the way my own head categorized it.

  9. #39


    I'd be pissed. I'm not going to lie. I saw that World of Warcraft had an expansion early this year and a SECOND is already coming out in a month. ... Milking the players for money, anyone?

  10. #40


    i would think that since WOW been out since 2003. they would wanna put out another expansion ,

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