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Thread: Getting bored?

  1. #21


    (...) and I'm kind of bored with just leveling. (...)
    *wide-eyes* You can... level... in PSU? Wow, live and learn. @.@

    Anyhow, you could just relax and talk to your friends and hang out in lobbies for awhile, until you feel more like playing. Personally though, I suggest maybe writing a background story for your character or drawing them. It gives you a whole different perspective when you worry less about the gameplay and pay more attention to the atmosphere and detail of the game. Or start a screenshot comic thread like a lot of people seem to have done. xD Or maybe write a guide or something. And while you do it, spend your time synthing some things and selling others, so when you feel like playing again, you'll have a bunch of new stuff and meseta to play with when you go back. :3

  2. #22


    when i get bored, i visit people rooms and play with there items, and leave messages of gratitude for having a nice playroom. Then i change my character apperance,visit the casino lv up once a day. And repeat the same each day .

  3. #23


    On 2007-12-12 17:17, Konstanse_Xx wrote:
    Hey Addark, it's me Josh from the Zaku Site.

    I'm taking a bit of a break too, I need it. If it helps what I do, try just playing it very casually if you do, or log off for a few days and rejoin when the updates come out. Try making alts as well(I'm running around atm as a new level 1).

    Hope that helps. n_n

    I SHOULD take a break but I really don't want to. ): Especially now that I have all the time in the world to play.
    Maybe, though. I could beat the offline story mode then everything online will be fun again. xD

  4. #24
    I aint your 'mate
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    before my xbox broke i found myself kind of mindlessly running all the missions i always ran. Getting bored i decided to do what everyone else said
    a.) picked a random skill or tech and a min lvl i wanted to get it too...and got it there....using pretty much nothing else (unless i REALLY needed too)

    b.) found a group of people that were willing to run through all the missions on one of the lines with me so that i had the lobbies open. this one was a fun one because i played a lot of runs i never had. I didnt finish though because i lagged out and it was i just went to bed

    c.) lvl your PM if its not lvled all the way that you can...

    d.) hunt for the weapon/board/item of your dreams and if need be synth it


    e.)make an alt and lvl its PM all the way too!

    ...i miss my box and my psu-ing

  5. #25


    Make more friends!!!!
    Sometimes it good to sit back and hang with people you like.

  6. #26


    *Do runs and uses drops to lv up PM.
    *Help people you exchanged partner cards with in unlocking all lobbies so they can warp.
    *Sit down in a lobby where their are a lot of people and listen to the funny conversations
    even if someone is cybering. XD
    *Do Execavation runs.
    Planning to replay PSP2 and prove to myself that the chaining mechanic do not slow down the pace of the combat. =/
    Planning to replay PSU (ep1 and 2) for story and gameplay, PSZ and PSP2 offline mode Only Also I'm keeping my FC for psz up though the Network Mode is closed.

  7. #27


    On 2007-12-12 13:31, Addark wrote:
    I love PSU, don't get me wrong (I know some people would flip out if I called their favorite game boring) - but I'm level 102 and I'm kind of bored with just leveling. I'm not really capable of soloing a lot of runs, mainly those with bosses.. but I'm willing to try, too. xD

    Aaanyway, what do you do when you're bored of your routine? >_> I've been hunting Shatos and considering going after Black Hearts to level some PAs in the process... I dunno. Tell me what you do. :3
    go to the item database look for items u don't have/ need, and get a team together to find said items.

    keep in mind the new missions drop more stuff than the old ones, and...

    there is the update tomorrow and the whole 1 more week of three star luck thing.

    i soldier through it cuz i know i have to suck it up and get stuff/ materials now cuz when it is over, it's over...well till maximum attack g anyway.

    there is a whole new mission out tomorrow, if u are bored....seriously dedicate a couple hrs to another game.....and be prepared to buy that item u been looking for from me.

  8. #28
    Master of Classes
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    On 2007-12-12 13:31, Addark wrote:
    I love PSU, don't get me wrong (I know some people would flip out if I called their favorite game boring) - but I'm level 102 and I'm kind of bored with just leveling. I'm not really capable of soloing a lot of runs, mainly those with bosses.. but I'm willing to try, too. xD

    Aaanyway, what do you do when you're bored of your routine? >_> I've been hunting Shatos and considering going after Black Hearts to level some PAs in the process... I dunno. Tell me what you do. :3
    if you get bored log off do something constructive besides if know the problem fix it.

  9. #29


    On 2007-12-12 19:57, Addark wrote:

    I SHOULD take a break but I really don't want to. ): Especially now that I have all the time in the world to play.
    Maybe, though. I could beat the offline story mode then everything online will be fun again. xD
    Can I stalk you tooo? Although I seldom go to the Zaku site. xD

    WTC, why is your holiday so long? Mine is only 2 weeks, and doesnt start till the 21st. T__T
    I wish I could play PSU more, but I have only logged on to get my coin all week. I have too many school assignments piled up that I need to finish before winter break. >__>

    Buuut, level 1 characters with a job and weapons you've never tried before are a lot of fun. I started a new one semi recently. 1hko's <3
    Grinding the same missions over and over again gets boring fast too. World tours are nice for a change of pace, and stoof.

  10. #30


    Start a new character, twink it out, try a new type class. This is always fun because it gives you freedom, depending on your money pool.

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