On 2008-02-14 23:52, Splash wrote:
As long as SEGA have their servers up, it is not "dead" yet.

And the private servers are very inferior compared to the official ones. Sure, there may be more support on it, but it's very glitchy to play on, considering how you need to download a lot of stuff to make it actually iron out a couple of bugs.
Inferior because the admins actually give a damn? And considering that you only need to download one additional patch inorder to play it(and modify a .txt file with a simple two line copy/paste), I take it you're not too good at math.

It's also not VERY glitchy. Yes, there are issues. However, they don't happen nearly as often as you make them out to be. The only really bad ones are the mag stat glitch, which can be solved by relogging after your mag evolves, and the unequip glitch, which all you need to do is relog to remedy, and even then, it's not particularily gamebreaking, just annoying. There are other glitches, but they're not bad enough to cause a huge problem, or are easily avoided.