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  1. #21
    Watashiwa forced me to make one. T_T
    Join Date
    Feb 2001


    Damage,eh?Counting PB...I once did 1934 on average damage with that dophin thigy...with 120% synchro.As for wep damage...I did about 903 damage on crit hit with shifta with maxed out ATP with my Twin Brand on 35% Machine in Mines.Yeah...that was long.As for a mech gun...I have a Justice with 50% Dark that did like...400 damage without shifta...per bullet.With shfta and neat things...I did nearly 800 damage with one bullet!I whooped ass with Sheo...he WISHES he had this so badly...
    oh yeah...Cheech wants my Twin Brand too! guys better find something cooler..cuz I ain't gonna give em up that easy.

    Booyah!-Hiro"The Hero"Shojin

  2. #22


    I beat all of you all.

    2000+!! With my trusty justy. But that was the special attack of course.

  3. #23


    Well, the other night I was playing around with my DB's saber, +40% machine, and on Vol Opt I was routinely getting 1150-1300 damage with the special+critical (one hit).

    However, I got one of those freak "super criticals" and got 1520 damage in one hit. No kidding. My friend was watching the tv and was disgusted (he is 25 levels behind, hehe).

    I was about level 82 at the time, 710 base ATP (max) with shifta 14.

    I certainly can see that with a 50% + DB saber or charge gladius (oh yeah) and shifta 15.... well, 1500 damage would be the typical critical, and 1750 or so the super critical.

    As for pure damage, Ive got a 45% dark repeater+20. If only it had a hit% bonus so that it hit more than 2 out of 3 times, because each bullet does ~300 damage.

    I agree that a charge repeater with high % would just own. But then again, any multi-enemy weapon with charge/drain TP type special would probably do even better in the enemy swarms.
    Like a good slicer, partisan, or shotgun type weapon with a extra damage special.

  4. #24
    Veteran Fighter
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Portland, Oregon


    With crit., shifta, maxed atp...blah blah
    my Gae Bolg +9 40% dark hit for 1400 something

    Since we're talking about mechguns...
    My Spirit Gatling + 13 with 45% machine can hit for around 900 dmg, 1000 on a crit with shifta, max atp, and all that stuff again. Fun to use every now and then, but as a support player, I don't use it much. * use weaps that take tp *

    You guys all take about how a charge rep would own, but a gatling is better than a repeater in everyway...
    raises ata by 3 more than rep
    atp by 4 more
    same grinding (+20)
    then there's the vulcan, but there's a couple things better AND worse about it so I won't talk about it

    Well, anyways, nice topic ^_^

  5. #25


    Gatlings cannot, as far as I know be bought in stores while repeaters can. Yes, the gatling is the strongest mechgun in the game, stronger than the lk4 combat by 3atp, while the repeater is the 3rd strongest, at 1 atp less than the lk4 combat.

    Charge is great, you don't lose hp, and you won't waste fluids and constantly be at tp levels where you can't cast resta and shifta.

    One hit? Yea I could all three pegs from the three bullets as one hit, since it is one button press. The two 50% charge repeaters I have do 1100 damage per bullet, and with 30% hit (also on both luckily) I can get 2/3 all the time and 3/3 almost all the time. That's a total of 3300 per hit.

    Yes, Dymlos hit for a lot with the chained mylla youlla (around 2500), and yes my pilla hit for 8800+ damage on a lot of poor dimenians and dark gunners. If I remember correctly, that game was with Dymlos and Star.

  6. #26


    just one question ambrai. was it 1300 on ruins very hard lvl? or another mode, because everybody can pretty much hit over a 1000 down over there easily...

  7. #27
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    U Got Got 2 Get Get With/B-O-S-T-O-N Type Sh#$


    With my last character I did 1650 damage with my baby, my C Bringers Rifle. Sigh...I Wish I still had [BBMFttM]aZn but sadly, I had to erase him and give away all my good ranger stuff.

    Protons Electrons Atoms Cause Explosions

    p.s. Has anyone noticed in the credits the grituitous picture of the nurse bending over??

  8. #28


    I can hit Dark Falz for 0!!!!!


  9. #29
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    London, England


    First I hit 1200 with Chaos Bringer's Rifle (special attack of course ) Now I can hit in excess off that with my Justy! can't remember the highest

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