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  1. #1


    do you like offline or online better? why?

  2. #2
    Steam Baron! Guntz348's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Honolulu, HI. (aka Paradise USA)


    Onlines better because then you get to play with other people. You make a some freinds and just hang out in the lobby and talk. Hell I think we do more chatting and hanging then playing most the time. The only thing I want to do offline is see how fast I can get my hucaseal to ultimate and how low I can keep my level.

  3. #3


    Online is way better, playing with other guys to defeat a boss is sooo cool. I played one bos 8 times in one day, just because it's so much fun!

  4. #4


    equal for me... but I'm slowly online more than offline..

  5. #5


    I must admit, I'm a bit dubious about going online.

    I've only had the game a little while, and have only been going online the past couple of weeks, so I'm not totally up to speed with all the 'etiquette' and such when online. So far I've found a lot of people to be rude, obnoxious and totally intolerant.

    Case in point - I joined a team and we battled our way to the boss. We went back up to P1 to sort ourselves out before tackling the boss, and I forgot to buy some Moon (because I'm used to playing offline, it isn't normally my first priority at the shops). In the boss, the others died, and I told the others that I didn't have any Moon, and that I was sorry (I'm a HUcast as well, so no Techs). I immediately started to get all kinds of abuse from the others, which really pissed me off, and so I just disconnected half way through killing the boss (in hindsight, I should have killed it, got all the XP and the goodies, and then disconnected - hohum).

    That was just one example. There have been others too.

    Please note I said 'a lot of people'. I have found some genuinely nice people too, but they seem to mainly be on Formalhaut, which is the EU 50MHz server. It seems to be a lot more chilled out.

    So, I'm sorry if you are a nice online person, but as I said, most of my online forays have resulted in me getting abuse (and they've all been because I'm new and in situation I don't know about), and as such, I'm a little bit disheartened with the whole online thing.

  6. #6


    Well, since I don't have a BBA or anything to get me online I will say Offline is my favorite (but I really really want to go ONLINE!!!)

  7. #7


    Phantasy Star Online

    Ever since i cancelled my HL for GC, the game just sits there and collects dust. Even playing online is Waaaayy better than simply playing offline. Of course, its just my opinion

  8. #8


    i have to say that sometimes i prefer playing with budies offline than playing online, atleast that way i have a solid choice in the jerks i have to play with =)

  9. #9
    You may ask the Guru three questions.
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Ottawa, Canada


    Depends..... online is definetly the most fun, and usually the fastest and best way to quickly level up. But for rare hunting and raising mags I prefer playing offline. I might like offline more if I knew some more people that I could play with, cause from the little multiplayer ive player with my bro, Id have to say that the ability to reach over and choke the person that just yoinked that rare out from under you rocks.

  10. #10
    Battle Fiend
    Join Date
    Jun 2002


    I play both. I got to ult offline and turned lv 80 as I killed dark falz at 12:00 am in the morning. Perfect isn't?
    Gamertag: NoobBlenjar

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