Wow, I'm glad I decided against playing this one. It feels as old as the first one, and has much less originality in it. The enemy encounter rate is insane as well, and everything's the same.
Regardless, it's the only one in the series I haven't played, so I'm going to continue watching. I only got up to the end of the second generation, so maybe more thought was put into the third...

Okay, the third generation wasn't bad, but it was still incredibly tedious. They put some thought into the story, but the only way I'd play it is without a random monster battle rate. At least it puts some history behind PSU, and it makes it seem less generic by comparison...
And that falz fight was awesome. That has to be the coolest falz entrance I've seen.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Zorafim on 2008-04-15 22:34 ]</font>