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  1. #1
    Mercenary Alamar's Avatar
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    The following email addy is for the District 3 county supervisor.
    [email protected]

    This is a sad story indeed:
    I feel that the bear should not be put down. If you feel the same way then please write a quick e-mail.
    The bear was being a bear. It is a "wild" animal you can not "train" them.
    I do feel sorry for his family but this is a very on edge job. I believe we use these animal for our enjoyment.
    They are wild and need to stay that way. A zoo or natural reserve but not trained like this one was.
    Again if you think the bear should not be put down then please write. Thanks in advance.

    "It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
    Carl Sagan

  2. #2


    they shouldn't be "trained". the people know what they risk when
    training these things, animals are not meant to be circus performers
    or for show.

    but anyways killing the bear won't change anything, the damage
    was already done. just lock up the bear or send it into a natural
    reserve or something so it won't kill again.

    it's kind of like a cat, they are best left alone, if you pick them up and
    put them close to your face, don't blame them if they give you a scar
    or ripped clothes. if they want attention they'll come to you.
    people need to respect animals, they are not toys.

  3. #3



    Feed men, and then ask of them virtue!

  4. #4
    The Undefined ABDUR101's Avatar
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    I skimmed the article earlier; it wasn't really anyones fault from what I read, expecially the bears'. As for what to do with the bear; why do anything? There are still trainers there that care about and can care for it, let it be. You don't train wild animals without knowing that they can turn, there are plenty of reminders through a very short history that shows just that.

    When you handle anything wild, you are to expect to get bitten, nipped, mauled, gored, swiped at, etc. Thats the territory of the work, and for most trainers thats the thrill; that you are working with a truely wild animal.

    Besides, I doubt the guy who was killed would want the bear put down merely because of his own death; he knew the risks more than anyone considering all the stunts he's done in movies. Every animal trainer has been bitten and has scars and close calls to reminisce about.
    Look, he did it again.

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