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  1. #31
    Absolutely, positively the MOST unlucky person!!! Raine_Loire's Avatar
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    On 2008-05-21 15:58, BlaizeYES wrote:
    i saw it against my better judgement with some people that LOVED IT a few years ago... and surprisingly, those people i went to see it with are no longer with me.
    The movie killed them, huh? It's a sad and little known side effect from the movie.

    Actually, if we're going off topic, I can't stand movies where the average looking guy with mild retardation and a borderline personality disorder gets a really hot chick at the end of the movie. I don't know why, but it bugs me. It's not like I think good looking girls should only go for good looking guys, but come on! (I'm thinking most of Adam Sandler's movies as examples, lol)

  2. #32


    meh.... ppl are ignorant period. everywhere u go ur going to have to deal with ppl say bull like that. just forget what they're saying and do what u feel is right

  3. #33
    Curiously attractive for a fish man Zorafim's Avatar
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    Once you graduate and get a well paying job, they'll treat you like some sort of prince. Mexicans and most hispanics are a very simple people, they tend not to look too deeply into the future.
    Heh, reminds me of my sister when she visited my grandparents. If she gained weight, they'd comment on how fat she was and how she needed to lose weight. If she lost weight, they'd comment on how annerexic she looked and how she needed to eat more. You can't really look too deeply into what they say, their words are very narrow. Though, Cubans and Mexicans are very different...

  4. #34


    Shiroryuu, next time your family gets on your ass about dropping out of school, getting a minimum-wage job and eagerly making babies, I recommend that you, as succinctly as possible, explain the consequences of that course and immediately contrast it to the results of the alternative you've chosen.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kent View Post
    Teacher's Assistant. When I got signed on, I had to sign a paper saying that my fulfillment of the position would be terminated if I were to pursue any form of intimate relationship with another student (though, I don't think it goes retroactively, but that doesn't really matter, anyway).

    And yeah, I realize how it is about "I wanan make teh vidya gaemeZ!1 D:" and such, but I find it interesting that they don't lend an ear long enough to figure out that I'm one of those people who actually has the ability and passion required to do it - hell, I already have one game published (and learned a valuable lesson on "development hell," in the process). It's funny, because people who aren't relatives of one or more generations behind mine just love the idea and give all of the support they can (with a couple exceptions, such as my sister, who openly hates video games... Then steals my GameBoy Color and PlayStation 2 for Tetris and Guitar Hero, respectively).

    To be honest, though... I don't think I'm being that harsh on my stepsisters. I have a rather high tolerance for people living their own lives and following their own paths, but there's a point where it's the most wrought with failure (did I mention that only the middle child of the three, the one my age, has actually ever graduated high school or gotten a GED? I don't think I did), and rife with the worst, most convoluted, and nigh-nonexistant logic I've ever been able to perceive. There's also a point where it starts to interfere with my life, like when I'm visiting my mom over break...

    Things like leaving small children alone, going on an insane rampage of yelling and screaming on a whim (is that caused by children? :/ ), and willingly and knowingly going out cruising (probably on the way to visit the boyfriend, who just happens to be a drain on society) in someone else's vehicle, without permission or even so much as a permit (much less a license). Knowing their actual father, and hearing nothing but unsavory things about their mother (never met her myself, so I don't know about that), I can't help but imagine that this sort of thing is hereditary.

    Of course, it's not like I go around preaching hatred or their downfalls or anything - I'm not like thier father (who is just about as hateful as your average Klan member - he is one of those people that thinks races should never intermix). In basically all circumstances, I'm the only one around that's being civil. :/
    Y'know, Kent... You need to find a reasonably intelligent woman that doesn't drive you out of your skull, get to a comfortable and secure place in your life as quickly as you possibly can, and produce as much offspring as your breeding years will permit. Seriously. I read the quality of your post, and it's quite clear to me that it is your kind that just aren't reproducing enough, and thus, allowing the deficient to inherit the Earth.

    The inherent problem that mankind has as a race, is that without deliberate intervention, frequency of reproduction is inversely proportionate to intelligence. Consider this: That guy taking three different Advanced Placement science classes every year when you were in High School, and taking his math classes at the local Junior College at age 15-- no children. That idiot who sat next to you in World History, spending the entire period making fart jokes-- Fifteen children by the time he hits 25, large swaths of which do not share mothers. It is a regrettable circumstance that those with the requisite intelligence to possess a quantifiable portion of practical foresight, are consequently the subset of humanity that realize, prior to the point of no return, the disadvantages of producing more children than they have the means to support. The movie, "Idiocracy" demonstrated this principle rather nicely, I think, though the effect may have been somewhat embellished.

    Go team ph4il! 02/07/2016

  5. #35
    Absolutely, positively the MOST unlucky person!!! Raine_Loire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HUnewearl_Meira View Post
    Consider this: That guy taking three different Advanced Placement science classes every year when you were in High School, and taking his math classes at the local Junior College at age 15-- no children. That idiot who sat next to you in World History, spending the entire period making fart jokes-- Fifteen children by the time he hits 25, large swaths of which do not share mothers. It is a regrettable circumstance that those with the requisite intelligence to possess a quantifiable portion of practical foresight, are consequently the subset of humanity that realize, prior to the point of no return, the disadvantages of producing more children than they have the means to support. The movie, "Idiocracy" demonstrated this principle rather nicely, I think, though the effect may have been somewhat embellished.
    I like idiocracy, lol.

    However the smart guy being the best candidate to pass on his genetic code (but not)- and the stupid slacker being the one who has 20 kids- isn't always the case. My ex husband had finished high school credits by 16 and was dually enrolled at a community college the next 2 years. He got his HS diploma and his AA the same time. And that was the pinnacle of his career for the next SIX years. After that, he went to college, changed his major every semester, from music theory to physics, to pre pharm, you get the picture. When I met him, he had no direction at all, just intended to go to college until he was 30, because classes were the only thing he thought he was good at. And he was sort of incompetent at anything else. I had to do his paperwork, the taxes, the fafsas, etc... When we were married and expecting a baby (and I- as the "mentally inferior" one in his eyes- had to sacrifice college to work full time to support us) he finally just chose a career path to follow someone he wanted to be like- my dad- he's now a chemist, but stopped at 25 with a BS. It's a screeching halt for someone who had started out like he did!

    Also, once we were married, I found out his brother is a cross dresser (possible transgender, we don't know if he just dresses that way or wants to BE that way) and his mom is schizophrenic. His apparently wonderful genes aren't really winning the lottery after all. After we divorced, he went nuts, kidnapped my daughter- blah blah blah 3 years of court- and now HE of all people is raising her. And he's now remarried to a girl who wants at least 6 more kids (although, to his credit, he's held her off for a few years now- I think she MAY be losing interest, lol).

    On the other hand, my first HS bf was an idiot. Cars, girls, alcohol- that was all he was interested in. I ended up doing most of his finals for him his first semester in college just so he would pass. Total idiot. He's now almost 30, with no kids, and he's loaded. Of course, he's the exact same person, he used a ton of his money to open a club in his basement... whooo, a club in his basement. It's good he didn't have kids, however I feel that genetically he is the better of the 2. He has a large, loving, really fun family, and under all the idiocy, he's a really nice guy- which I can't honestly say about my ex-husband.

    I could quote more, my own family for example, my dad is one of 8 kids, only 3 of which graduated high school, he's the ONLY one who graduated college, and he has a masters degree. He had 3 kids- our IQs are all genius level, but we don't have the DRIVE my dad has. So his genes- came from God knows where- and failed to pass on.

    I just think you can't classify what genes someone is going to pass on- or how many times they're going to pass them on- is as simply determined as your post makes it sound. And a lot has to do with the other parent as well, lol. But I know you were using a generalization, I just wanted to add my 2 cents to it ^_^ I guess my point is- if Kent gets that reasonably intelligent girl, he should spend a LOT of time with her family first. Like- camp outs for a week at a time. Maybe have a psychiatrist "happen" to drop by their house and chat them up. Something subtle like that.

    But if you want an example to prove your point about people having more children than they have the means for- look at nearly ALL army families. Every time I run across someone here they ask when Laguna and I are going to have any more kids. When we laugh and say "ha ha ha... please." They ask if we hate kids. I don't get the urge to have more kids than a minivan has seats for- we just are starting to get our lives back now that our son is 5!

    And @ Kent- about the yelling and screaming... yeah- sometimes kids DO cause that :P A LOT of times, depending on their ages. (I'm kidding of course, it isn't to the extreme YOU mentioned )

  6. #36


    Lol. I'm Puerto Rican.

    Most of my generation is married already (most of the males have been to jail too). I'm the only one from my generation (in my family) that is going to school. Lol.

    Try being an unmarried 19 year old homosexual from a latino family. =D

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Raine_Loire View Post
    When I met him, he had no direction at all, just intended to go to college until he was 30
    I love college... It's actually kind of depressing that I'm graduating at the end of September - it means I stop.

    ...For the time being. I just wish Game Design had a doctorate I could get.

    But I know you were using a generalization, I just wanted to add my 2 cents to it ^_^ I guess my point is- if Kent gets that reasonably intelligent girl, he should spend a LOT of time with her family first. Like- camp outs for a week at a time. Maybe have a psychiatrist "happen" to drop by their house and chat them up. Something subtle like that.
    For the most part, the reasonable intelligent ones aren't exactly... All that sane. :/ There is one, however, who is not only reasonably intelligent (knows something along the lines of three languages now, is kind of a programmer, and realizes how computers work)... But her mother absolutely loves my cheesecakes. >_>

    With my luck, it won't work out because the lot of us are too level-headed. lol

    ProTip: To damage your credibility, simply call any of the Phantasy Star games "massively-multiplayer."

  8. #38
    Absolutely, positively the MOST unlucky person!!! Raine_Loire's Avatar
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    The mother liking you is the first step, anyway :P

    You just have to remember that you can't be level headed 100% of the time and you'll be fine ^_^

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by Zorafim View Post
    Once you graduate and get a well paying job, they'll treat you like some sort of prince. Mexicans and most hispanics are a very simple people, they tend not to look too deeply into the future.
    Heh, reminds me of my sister when she visited my grandparents. If she gained weight, they'd comment on how fat she was and how she needed to lose weight. If she lost weight, they'd comment on how annerexic she looked and how she needed to eat more. You can't really look too deeply into what they say, their words are very narrow. Though, Cubans and Mexicans are very different...
    Yeah, I know. Latinos in general would say that a girl that is thin would need to lose weight, but don't say much to those who are overweight. They and my dad think I'm a wierdo because when I see a thin Asian girl and say something like "She's hot!", they'll be like "WTF you talking about? She's too skinny and flat."

  10. #40


    Its the total reverse amongst white people. They are totally paranoid about young people having children, saying that you must be 30 or something before you can take care of a kid ... BS

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