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Thread: New Gun, sorta

  1. #1
    Veteran Fighter
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Pioneer 2


    I came across a 'Bravice' or similar in the Very Hard caves. I believe Rei posted a picture of it, though I've never heard of it elsewhere. It's stronger than a Varista, but oddly, despite it being a handgun, my hunter can't use it.

  2. #2


    Nice Find, my lvl 100 RAmar never found one in 190 hrs.

    Anyways, the Bravace is the most powerful standard rare handgun. It goes Varista > Custom Ray v.00 > Bravace.

    Usually the 3rd standard rare can only be equipped by its standard class. I.e. L&K 14 Combat mechgun can only be equipped by rangers even though all class can equip the others.

    Hope that helps

  3. #3


    Thanks for the info. I got a Bravice from a conjoined Pan Arms in caves, Very Hard, on a team made by a Whitehill. It is my first real rare yet.

  4. #4


    Yeah, I found my Bravace in Caves 3 on Hard in a room created by an Oran. I'm not sure what dropped it, but I do know it was either a Pan-Arms or an Evil Shark, not sure which though... Good luck in finding one!

  5. #5


    this also goes for the Durandal(saber),Diska of Braveman(slicer),L&K14 (Mechgun) only can be used by one class.

  6. #6
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    los angeles, ca


    well...going along with where it was found. i also got one from a conjoined pan arms in caves on v.hard. i killed it with my special attack before it could separate. at first, when i equipped, i just thought it was another varista, but luckily SPIKE was with me at the time, and told me that it was probably a bravace. i handed it over for him to try to equip it, and sure enough, he wasn't able to (being a humar), so i assume that only ranger class characters can equip it. anyways, it is stronger than a varista, but the problem that i have with it, is that it LOOKS just like a regular handgun. but i guess it is nice to have. the way you can tell by looking at it is that the color of it remains yellow, and not changing from green to blue like a varista does. although i'm not sure if the custom ray is also just yellow. oh...and i think the game was created by someone who was whitill. on a random note, does anybody know what section id and what creature in what area/level can i get the material to create a c-bringer's rifle? thanks in advance...


  7. #7


    god! I forgot what I wanted to say, such beauty blinds my mind, Shir *

    *that pic reminds me of the one I voted for in the contest, hmmm, interesting

  8. #8


    ::cough, cough::

  9. #9


    Az, imagine if I didn't know that the Bravace dropped from Pan Arms and you left it there, heh. That would have sucked. It's probably great in Mines too since it's special is lightning.

    As for the C-bringer, I hear the best place to look is Hard Ruins. Arms seem to drop more on Hard than any other difficulty. Heh, and don't be surprised if one drops from a Delsaber (I heard they do sometimes).

  10. #10
    Rappy Hunter
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    los angeles, ca

    Default're right spike, i probably would've just dropped it and not bothered to id it w/ a tekker. i haven't tried using it in mines yet, but i'll do that soon. it's really not all that though. you know how your custom ray isn't all that powerful. well, neither is this bravace. the lighting damage doesn't really take all that much off. it's better to just use the regular attacks. i still prefer using varistas or meteor smashes w/ good photon % instead. oh, and thanks for the c-bringer's info. i gotta do more hard ruins now. one thing though, is it just me, or have they made the doors in online play such that you can't walk through them anymore? i tried and tried at like 3 different locations yesterday and i couldn't do it. anyways...


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