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  1. #11


    The designers for PSU have gone so far away from PSO that its really hard to even compare the two.

    The whole Photon physics thing i think is really interesting, and im glad they have used it the way they have (not too deep, but just enough to explain things), and the SEED from the start were already more dangerous than the D-cell lifeforms, which in all truth were just kind of mysterious and eerie. The SEED come out in fucking ARMIES and destroy planets. The D-Cell just infect and play mind games.

    The only thing wrong with PSU is its development cycle.

    Edit: MAGs do not need to return to PSU, and if they do, it should instead be some kind of Partner Machine gimmick and NOT how they were in PSO.

    They were neat, but they broke the game. Seriously. Really really seriously. A lv200 mag = Lv 15 character that can complete Hard Mode and destroy Normal Mode.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by RemiusTA View Post
    There would be no war if people would just discuss their PSO wishes and PSU hatred in their respective threads.

    I believe that I am most likely the reason why these outbreaks have occured when i made my Pre PSU vs Current PSU comparison thread. However, i have no clue how it turned into a PSO vs PSU War again.

    It wasnt even an attack on PSU. Hell, it really wasnt even an attack on Sonic Team. The message was this game actually had alot going for it and HAS alot in it now, its just that we need to collectively get together and try to make an impression on Sega of America, and let them AND Sega of Japan know how dissapointed we are in their service of the game.

    As for PSO vs PSU, its obvious that one does things far better than the other, or that one has things in surplus while one has scarcities. However, comparing them and saying that "THIS SHOULD BECOME THIS" really makes no sense, because then PSO wouldnt be PSO, and PSU wouldnt be PSU.

    I agree with the Stages, i agree with the Music, and in part i agree with the feeling, but in all truth they can go both ways. PSO has detailed level designs, but has far less actual levels. PSU has far more levels and far better monsters, but less detailed and interactive level designing.

    Its fine to say "Man they should really tighten up the stages like this was in PSO just a little bit", but saying "PALLETE SUCKS TECHNICS SUCK CLASSES SUCK ATMOSPHERE SUCKS BRING BACK MAGS PSU SUCKS SEGA FAILS" is obnoxious whining, and the whole forum can really do without it.

    Because the latter is exactly what you guys whine about. All the time.
    I agree, i never have done the whole whining thing that everything-sucks-so-this-game-sucks-and-so-does-everyone-else attitude. and i made this thread in a way to show there doesnt have to be a war. and i saw ur post AND LOVED IT but saw the war going on and was like WTF!!!... some people really need to get a cough* relationship* cough...or a puppy?

  3. #13
    Former Guardian Ken_Silver's Avatar
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    Yeah I agree with Remius in this one. We don't need Mags back. I think that Madoogs and Shadoogs are a good replacement for Mags.

    And PSU will be a good game in the end. Why? Because it is a good game and it's not even done yet. If Sega can attract this many people with most or even half of a game. Then it'll be even better once we get over the "hump" for lack of words.

    Once that happens, I think that people will come around. Besides, Sega will get the point and take time developing levels like they did in PSO. Compare old Rosenom city in Parum to the other stages from PSU v1. You can see the difference in that alone.
    Real Heroes do not fight wars. They are born to prevent them.

    Sorry for the horrible quality!
    Kenneth Silver - Male - Human - Former Guardian... for now.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Ken_Silver View Post
    Yeah I agree with Remius in this one. We don't need Mags back. I think that Madoogs and Shadoogs are a good replacement for Mags.

    And PSU will be a good game in the end. Why? Because it is a good game and it's not even done yet. If Sega can attract this many people with most or even half of a game. Then it'll be even better once we get over the "hump" for lack of words.

    Once that happens, I think that people will come around. Besides, Sega will get the point and take time developing levels like they did in PSO. Compare old Rosenom city in Parum to the other stages from PSU v1. You can see the difference in that alone.
    Yar they are starting to get our We're-paying-you-so-where-the-hell-is-our-crap attitude now haha WE MADE YOU SEGA!!!... sorry i get excited. granted don't bring the actual mags back, that's PSO only, but for PM's helluva lot's more variety... i want a kangaroo with a gudda skela!!!

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Ken_Silver View Post
    Once that happens, I think that people will come around. Besides, Sega will get the point and take time developing levels like they did in PSO. Compare old Rosenom city in Parum to the other stages from PSU v1. You can see the difference in that alone.

    In fact, compare VR Temple/Spaceship in Ep2 to Forest/Caves in Ep1.

    compare the Ruins to the Seabed.

    Compare the MUSIC in PSO to the Music in PSO Ep2.

    Compare the ALL THE STAGES in PSO Episode 1 to the Mountains/Jungle/Seaside stages.

    There is a subtle difference. PSO was just as lame as PSU in its time peroid. Nobody could notice because of how old it was. Just like Sonic Adventure for the DC got 9.0 ratings + in its time, but Sonic Adventure 2:Battle for the GCN got 7.0's and 6's.

  6. #16


    My opinion about this pso / psu thing, psu is a better overall game than pso. About pso on psu, the only things I would like to have on psu about pso is the pso areas as missions (like the illusion missions, but without being rare missions and without having exp/rare rate boost), but with the bosses in the end. The different blocks from those missions could have the environment/background from the parts of the pso missions (forest b1 - forest 1, forest b2 - forest 2).
    But if they could just make completely new areas and new bosses, instead of reskinning what we already have or rehashing old areas from pso, would be alot better :P.

    About just psu, there should be a rebalance in the current missions we have ._.
    Soon (probably after MAG extension, or even after dengeki idea when it'll be), we'll be getting S2 on several aoi missions, those missions are going to get monsters higher than lvl 150...Most old v1 missions are going to be left behind with monsters between lvl 100 and 115, some missions even have monsters between lvl 80 and 95 at S2, the highest difficulty x.x (50 lvls below our lvl cap, 70 lvls below jp lvl cap)
    PSO2 EN (Ship 1): Johana
    PSO2 JP (Ship 2): Johana, Ezodagrom, Luppi, Lana, Yukari, Blune, Elysia, Elena
    PSU EN/JP: Johana, Blune, Ezodagrom, Luppi/Johana, Lana


  7. #17
    Cult of Cast Supremacy Raven5_1's Avatar
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    to be honest pso was my first online gaming experience i love it to this day. if they re-released PSO with improved graphics and new levels i would be on it like a flash. i admit to being irritated by PSU at the start having played episode 2 i was actually upset to see it wasnt on the cube, and i didnt have a strong enough computer to play it.

    eventually i got a laptop and decided to take the plunge and i hit upon he thing that nearly destroyed any chance of me enjoying the game.

    the community was in shambles. everything was basicly split into three sections. japan, the 360 comunity, and the pc/ps2 community.

    add to this the trickling updates as well as the fact being in the uk the main bulk of the pc/ps2 community came online when i was about to go to bed it became an uphill struggle to get enjoyment out of this game it became necessary for me to stick to hotspots or struggle through solo.

    dispite that, if i didn't enjoy playing, if i didnt enjoy the fun i have when i find and join a team i would not be playing psu.

    but i do thing the lobbies are a problem we have too many lobbies it cause the community to be spread too thin. unless you're at a hot spot you have to search multiple universes and go to each planet and almost every lobby to find teams.

    also, never once have i thought that this needed to be pso reloaded, sure some things from pso could improve this game but the wealth of class choices, the character customisation, the wealth of weps allows me to enjoy psu as it is. in fact i got irritated by sega's half assed attempt to cash in on pso with things like mag i mean when i saw Kireek running round with an ank dedda and dark fish it was a kick to the teeth because you realised that it really was half arsed. they bring in the levels and the music and some of the characters yet they cant be bothered to use the proper weapons or to not do another reskin of a boss and slap an old name on it. i would of prefered to keep pso and psu seperate.

  8. #18


    I already contributed to this in the other tread, don't feel like saying things twice.

    I think we can all agree now that PSU isn't a bad game. It's the attitude people have towards it.
    I don't get people. Never have. Never will.
    PSO2: Account Name: VentAileron, Character: ラフィーナ (Raffina)

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