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Thread: FOmar?

  1. #1

    Default FOmar?

    Okay so i got my wife into PSO awhile back and she's always had this quirk about having different characters than each other. We both made the FOmarl and she didn't like it...tried to get her to make another force but she likes her, so i guess i won't argue. (I'll let her be weird, at least i have another person to play with lol)

    I'm going to make a FOmar. I have used him a lot in the past and hes great, but his ATA was the problem i didn't like. I need some suggestions for weapons to look for or evenwhat amount of hit %'s i need in ults ruins, and ep 2 ults. Last time the weapons i had with about 35% did well, but what about mech guns? (I couldn't hit for crap with specials or mechs with his max ATA, i'd like to know a little more about using him)

    Thanks for the info, i hope he turns out well.

  2. #2


    50hit mechguns are as good as you will get
    A Soul Banish is a decent Partisan and Partisans generally have good ATA boosts. The highest I got a FOmar was 40 so that's the best I can really add.

    You can also use Grass Assassin Sabers too which was something I found out after playing the game for years :/. I wish I knew sooner otherwise I might have used my FOmar more

  3. #3


    Yeah i used the Grassassasins a lot, along with a varista for it's special. I just remember using some L&K's and they had about 15% hit on them, couldn't hit for crap in ruins at his max ATA. I'll look for the soul banish. I should have one but i never used partisans with my FOmarl, she sort of slows down as her strikes further in the sequence, makes combos hard without a god battle...stuck with ranged more often.

    I've got some decent meach as far as vulcans and stuff, about 45% hit on it, i guess it should be suficient. I just hate how he couldn't hit in ruins, made melee too hard for what it was worth....maybe a soul banish would be a worthy weapon, it's very powerful.

  4. #4


    Update on it. Just got my FOmar into hard, lvl 18. Made him a whitill, named him Karver. He's pretty good overall, i love the tech damage. One question though...does get actually get a grants bonus?

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Yeah, he gets a bonus to Grants. Lower than Fomarl's, but still.

    As for hitting things...hit% is your friend. Through Normal-Very Hard, tech damage is sufficient to get you through. You won't really need to start using your ATP until you get to Ultimate.

    Luckily, by that point, you can have max ATA. 163 isn't great, by any means, but it's a decent start. Supplement it with the highest hit% weaponry you can get, preferably on stuff with high base ATA. Every other stat is irrelevant to you, compared to how important hit% is. Rare weapons with no hit will be less useful than non-rare stuff with hit, even at the highest levels of play.

    Three things will come in handy for you. A Handgun-type with hit, a Mechgun-type with hit and a Slicer-type with hit.

    Luckily for you, all three are available from the shops. Aim for 50% hit. Charge special is nice, but won't get as much use as it would on other characters, due to your low ATA. You won't be able to buy the yellow-photon stuff til level 151, so aim for stuff like Railguns and Gatlings.

    You can eventually (hopefully) find stuff that will end up giving you more ATA, but those three weapons are all you'll really "need". Now that you've got them, you need to do a bit of trial and error to learn what you can and can't use them against.

    For starters, forget that the Special Attack menu option even exists. Unless you're doing something like using Charge against Sil Dragon. Which, amazingly enough, is about all you'll be able to do with the standard 50% Charge Vulcans from the shop. Funny how that works out. >_>

    The majority of your killing will be done with Normal and Heavy hits. Don't underestimate them. Especially on mechguns, even a NNH combo can do a grievous amount of damage, far more safely than any pointy-stick melee can.

    Your Handgun-type will likely be the most accurate weapon you own. Use that against the big stuff that you have trouble hitting with your mechguns. If you have a God/Battle, you can keep grunt-type enemies flinched and unable to attack with continuous Normal hits. Things that you may need to do this on are stuff like Del-Ds and the Sinows.

    Slicer-type's for groups of grunts. Use it to supplement appropriate-element damage from your techs. The combination of the two can take out groups pretty quickly. It's not as flashy as a partisan, but since the only Partisans you can use are rares with either no hit (Soul Eater) or that only drop in Episode 2 (Soul Banish), your chances of getting the necessary (20%+) hit on them are nearly nonexistent. So, for your sake, unless you get that lucky and find a Soul Banish with high hit, you're better off forgetting they exist. Stick with Slicers. Since you're not in melee range, they're far safer, even if you occasionally miss. And the fact that they're buyable with 50% hit means that you won't miss as often as you would with other stuff.

    Mechguns are your workhorse. They're your most damaging option, once you have sufficient base ATP and ATA. Since you're offline, you may be able to get by with NHH combos on the weaker grunts, or stuff that's Frozen (read: enemies in Forest). For everything else, NNH will likely be your bread and butter. You may not hit all 9 shots on every enemy, but even 7/9 will do a hell of a lot of damage, and push the enemy back fairly far. The big advantage of mechguns over melee is that you can stay out of enemy counterattack range. And that when you fire, you don't step forward, unlike, say...a Saber. Abuse this range advantage for all its worth.

    If you're up against a single enemy and having trouble hitting, start off with a NNH. If you hit all attacks with that, try NHH. If you don't, drop to NNN. If that doesn't work, it's time to either switch to your Handgun-type, or start using techs.

    Whatever you do, don't try to use stuff like Grass Assassin's Sabers in Ultimate. The lack of hit will get you hurt, badly. The problem with inaccurate melee is that you're at such close range when using it that even one miss, or one mistimed hit means that you're wide open for a beating. At least with guns, you have the ability to move if you miss.

  7. #7


    Okay, so i'm pretty muchgoing down the right path. I've got all my stuff the FOmarl i was making had still, gatlings with loads of hit, varista with hit, etc. I've got a soul eater for lower levels of melee, so i think i'll be good. I've also got a havoc slicer type (red ones, forgot the name) with 50% hit. As far as the grass assasins, i remember using a FOmar in ults and i usedthe weapon A LOT. It's great IMO, just isn't good past caves. Mines and Ruins is where my problems started with his ATA. Everything before that he was good.

    I've got a good start, hopefully i'll work with him more. Interesting to think about giving up the specials for the most part. I can see why using the normal and heavy's would be more effective since he sort of has magic to make up for the freeze specials and such. I guess i'll try to play him a bit more differently than i did before.

  8. #8
    Dreams of surfing rappies NegaTsukasa's Avatar
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    Apr 2008
    over the river and through the woods.


    I'm too tired to make a long and highly detailed post like the guy two above me. so I will say when you get your hands on G assasins sabers they can take you to ULT. mode. for me they did.
    second try to find a Battle Verge or a Braves Hammer for a good low-mid leveled rod. Alive Aqhu works as well. Mech Guns and Scythes will get you on the right foot as well.
    Oh ya... and be sure to save up a good amount of meseta. Forces (regardless of what you do to stay alive) take up alote of money from the start and at certian levels in fluids and Mates
    (especialy later on) depending on where you go and how you use your FOmar
    I'll cut it AM...yawn. -_-
    Last edited by NegaTsukasa; Jun 19, 2008 at 01:51 AM.

  9. #9


    Ive got everything i need pretty much. Got him in hard mines at lvl 22, all melee to this point. All techs above 1,not too high but some are in the 20's. I've got the weapons he needs for now and loads of mats, he's on the right track. I'm liking it so far, but i've got to get a few items with hit and get myself online for a few things as well...just got to get the GCN, go t the network adapter so i should be good pretty soon.

  10. #10


    Ya Fomar really excels well with any weapon you give him (shifta deband & Rallen Jellen make the difference for sure), but it really requires your weapons have some hit.

    I would say any saber weapon (generally provide lots of ata already) and a nice mech gun with hit and you should be solid. Durandal and Victor Axe seem easy enough to find, with any Vulcan or Gattling with hit. Twin Chakaram, Double Saber, or Red saber are a little bit harder to find but make good weapon's as well.

    Grass Assassins are nice but they seem to miss a lot and I have never gotten an enemy weapon with any extra %s on them so i don't know if they can be found with hit (which kind of stinks). But hey you can get away with a lot at lower levels anyway, hit only becomes an issue at Ult really.

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