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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by SakuraJr View Post
    What? Can you prove this?
    I was there and male male teams were asked to disband and find female counterparts. Pretty much from there it was a bunch of "If you dont like it gtfo... etc. etc."

    In hindsight, it wouldn't had been such a big problem if the event wasn't being advertised as a teamwork, partner styled event. And the big anouncement that gay couples weren't allowed didn't come out until just before the event started. Practically a waste of an hour of my time.

    EDIT: Or not. Since we won second place?

    Quote Originally Posted by DreXxiN View Post
    Interesting assumption guys :P

    Ask Inuyasha, we were looking for you guys to give you the second place prize
    So you came to your senses and realized that a COUPLE event that only allowed a HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES was discrimination?
    Last edited by Cray; Jun 22, 2008 at 11:16 PM.

  2. #52


    That was some pretty shitty proof man .

    Oh well, guess this is the kinda criticism I get for trying to spice things up!

    Unforutnately, male and female couple were the THEME, and i explained before hand I'd accept convincing gay couples, not ones who were using homosexuality as an excuse to run with male beasts and ruin the competition for everyone.
    I'm sorry, someone spamming "im drunk and gay lolol so let me play with a man" isn't very convincing to me.

    What's next, A non cast fortefighter event, are you going to call me racist? This is INGAME, Guys characters did play with OTHER GUYS, who were on FEMALE characters! They are sprites! Grow the hell up, I'm not anti gay! ALL of our events were themed, and I'm not "Hating on forte classes" because we had an event for guntechers and wartechers. So just chill out okay? We were looking for you guys to give you 2 mil a peice, but you ran off crying and making assumptions too fast.

    Anyway, I hope eveyrone enjoyed this event! It seems to have gotten some great feedback. Until next time fellas!

  3. #53


    It was a fantastic event, and Drex isn't Antigay... Your pretty imature to suggest that just because of some so silly as a virtual game.... Everyone needs to just relax, and go dance in the club

  4. #54


    Agreed, this club finale is sick!

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by DreXxiN View Post
    That was some pretty shitty proof man .

    Oh well, guess this is the kinda criticism I get for trying to spice things up!

    Unforutnately, male and female couple were the THEME, and i explained before hand I'd accept convincing gay couples, not ones who were using homosexuality as an excuse to run with male beasts and ruin the competition for everyone.
    I'm sorry, someone spamming "im drunk and gay lolol so let me play with a man" isn't very convincing to me.

    What's next, A non cast fortefighter event, are you going to call me racist? This is INGAME, Guys characters did play with OTHER GUYS, who were on FEMALE characters! They are sprites! Grow the hell up, I'm not anti gay! ALL of our events were themed, and I'm not "Hating on forte classes" because we had an event for guntechers and wartechers. So just chill out okay? We were looking for you guys to give you 2 mil a peice, but you ran off crying and making assumptions too fast.

    Anyway, I hope eveyrone enjoyed this event! It seems to have gotten some great feedback. Until next time fellas!
    Proof? So now I have to prove that my partner was Banken and my 'moderator' was Kyta, Angel something. Sorry I dont remember your name ;[.

    I'm an AT. My race and gender doesn't really scream imbalanced and event ruining to me. And ran off crying? We left because you stated it yourself. "Its my rules and if you don't like it gtfo."
    And you DID NOT explain you would accept convincing gay couples. Is this something you conjured up at the last second, after we spent fifteen or so minutes arguing? Heh.

    Seems like you realized you were wrong and tried to make last minute amends. Really, I wouldn't have a problem with your event at all if you just didn't advertise it so vaguely. No one should've been calling it a couple event or even some teamwork partnership event. It should've been a gender event. Because in all honesty that's exactly what it was.

  6. #56


    It was probably actually explained WAY before you got to the hot springs, being that it was the 4th EVENT in the series of events. This was all breifed before. I'm sorry you weren't there, and I really didn't mean to offend any homosexuals. I seriously hate discrimination.

    If you want to further discuss this, PLEASE PM me. as for any "My rules" harshness, I'm sorry, I did NOT expect a near full star of people to be attending and it was a very complicated event, so It was hard for me and seo both to manage it.

    It was well worth it though, as many people enjoyed this day

  7. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by DreXxiN View Post
    It was probably actually explained WAY before you got to the hot springs, being that it was the 4th EVENT in the series of events. This was all breifed before. I'm sorry you weren't there, and I really didn't mean to offend any homosexuals. I seriously hate discrimination.

    If you want to further discuss this, PLEASE PM me. as for any "My rules" harshness, I'm sorry, I did NOT expect a near full star of people to be attending and it was a very complicated event, so It was hard for me and seo both to manage it.

    It was well worth it though, as many people enjoyed this day
    Yes that might explain it. And I personally wouldn't have been able to deal with so many people.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gryffin View Post
    It was a fantastic event, and Drex isn't Antigay... Your pretty imature to suggest that just because of some so silly as a virtual game.... Everyone needs to just relax, and go dance in the club
    I don't know if you're aware of this or not. But people do channel their phobias and prejudices through online communities. I know it's hard to believe but... I don't think I was handling this immaturely. I didn't know Drex prior to this.

    And I do appreciate you offering us the 2m prize.

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Cray View Post
    Yes that might explain it. And I personally wouldn't have been able to deal with so many people.

    I don't know if you're aware of this or not. But people do channel their phobias and prejudices through online communities. I know it's hard to believe but... I don't think I was handling this immaturely. I didn't know Drex prior to this.

    And I do appreciate you offering us the 2m prize.

    Oh no, I'm well aware. I've seen MANY people freak out in PSU when a guy dances on them, or whatever. But It's another thing to ACCUSE someone you don't know. Hell, I didn't know Drex until this, but he's a nice guy... And besides, It's alot easier to TAG someone as something than it is for that person to remove it. Labels aren't good, and no one is fit to label anyone other than one's self. :P

  9. #59


    Pardon my friend/boyfriend cray lol he is not handling the situation well. To me the event was fun to test out my skills and what not and I was so happy when we came out of the mission first.

    The only thing I am truly disapointed is that I asked if we can skip thru the mission and DreXxin said we can, you might have said the point reduction afterwards but I only paid attention to YES YOU CAN part, so I flew thru the whole mission in 9 mins thinking we would be number 1. Otherwise If i had known I woulda S ranked it and probably still won first place :P lol I really wanted to test out my skills and I couldnt which was truly unfortunate.

    Then after finding that out, I find out that same sex was not allowed when right before the game, DreXxin or Seority said IT WAS OK to be same sex, but after we won people started pointing fingers at us saying it was not fair which I found insulting. People said 2 male beast is not fair when my partner cray was a AT and I was the main damage dealer. So whatever race/gender cray would have been would not have mattered, same with me, because it was my equiptment and PA lvl that counted.

    That being said it was a fun event but maybe less rules next time so people like us that just jumped in the event can follow along instead of being really confused. overall, good job tho guys I had fun and hope to see you guys again. This time plz allow us gay couples lol

  10. #60


    I really did dude, trust me. :P And I agree to Cray, it was kinda a gender thing, but I did not expect it to be that big again, and I'm sorry it was more flawlessly organized >_<.

    Anywho, really I'm accepting of everyone, and I'd like to say this is the first PSU event I've ever ran, and I must say wow. I'm surprised with it's success. But being that it was my first, I have many things to work on, and was not only expecting positive feedback!

    I'll definitely work on clarity, but for now, I think I'll work on getting the tens of millions back I've given away XP

    Oh and by the way, Happy Birthday Sonic!

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