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  1. #1

    Default HUcast mag help...

    Hello! I'm back. So unfortunately my GC memory corrupted out of nowhere and I lost my wonderful new RAcast and spankin' new Diwari, so I decided to start up on PSO PC as a HUcast. I decided on making a Nidra for my HUcast this time Little hovering scorpion dude, heh.

    So anyways all I am wondering is what the stats should be on this mag. Should I just go for 5def/145pow/50dex/0mind for HUcast? I'd just like the ideal stats for a HUcast Nidra.

    Thanks again guys!

  2. #2


    The best stats for a HUcast are 5/137/58/0.
    However, I really think that you should reconsider your mag choice. Nidra has decent abilities, but 6 of the 8 other rare mags can give you pumps at boss fights and when your photon bar fills. Just some food for thought.
    Last edited by Nisoth; Aug 18, 2008 at 01:23 AM.

  3. #3


    Heh, okay that sounds fine to me. Which mag would you personally suggest? Should I just go for a Diwari again? Does it have the ability to buff? I understand your suggestion in regards to maxing stats with the 5/137/58/0 as I have been reading that guide. So the mag gives 29 of the 33 ata, 4 coming from 2 Unit/Abilities to max out ATA. That's good with me :P So is Diwari a good choice then?

    Also, on a somewhat related note, I was wondering about how to play HUcast... Like, I don't seem to do well with a sword. If I can succeed at keeping them stunned, at the end of the combination he seems to step forward and leave himself wide open to attacks for a second... So is this typical? Should I expect to be healing a lot and such? The only thing I can figure is that I have to be able to finish the enemies off with one combo unless I want to dine on many monomates, heh. Is this how it typically plays? Thanks for any help anyone can provide.

  4. #4


    Any of Diwari, Pushan, Savitri, Deva, Rati and Rukmin offer pumps/heals, and all in the exact same manner. They're all the same mag with different faces.
    Also, I'm not adept at playing a cast quite yet, but be sure to take advantage of your traps. Don't underestimate your damage traps. They can be use for slimes, pan arms, tagging in multiplayer, and probably one or two things I can't think of right now.
    One of my friends (whose second char is a HUcast) suggest only doing two parts of a combo if you can't kill something in a single combo. Just experiment, and remember that not one person has all the answers. That's why we have the forums in the first place.

  5. #5


    Depending on the level of your HUcast, you might want to make more than one mag, one with more DEX. HUcasts really need it, especially when you first get to Ultimate.

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