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  1. #21


    I agree with re-pricing the items, but only if the items cost more depending on your level. Scape dolls and trimates especially should have a multiplier to their prices.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by TChirath View Post
    I agree with re-pricing the items, but only if the items cost more depending on your level. Scape dolls and trimates especially should have a multiplier to their prices.
    a-effing-men. Maybe not trimates, but definately scape dolls.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by amtalx View Post
    Not so fast, kemo sabe. As someone that's been part of both servers, if the current state of the PC/PS2 economy is 'evened out' I can't imagine what it was like a year ago. D:
    But are the higher prices because of the haxeta or because of the smaller population? Someone on 360 said P-wand boards are 20 million there, whereas they're 50 million on PC/PS2. I could be wrong but I think that's because there are simply more people playing on 360, and more people playing means more rares will be found, lowering all the prices. I think overall the prices on PC/PS2 are pretty good. Most weapons in shops are reasonably priced, especially the common/A-rank stuff. There are some S-rank boards I can't even sell for 100K!

    And to answer the OP, yes I think it's a good idea, if only because I want more clothes to wear.

  4. #24
    RAcast v2.03 amtalx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stukasa View Post
    But are the higher prices because of the haxeta or because of the smaller population? Someone on 360 said P-wand boards are 20 million there, whereas they're 50 million on PC/PS2. I could be wrong but I think that's because there are simply more people playing on 360, and more people playing means more rares will be found, lowering all the prices. I think overall the prices on PC/PS2 are pretty good. Most weapons in shops are reasonably priced, especially the common/A-rank stuff. There are some S-rank boards I can't even sell for 100K!

    And to answer the OP, yes I think it's a good idea, if only because I want more clothes to wear.
    Well, it all goes back to supply and demand. You are correct in saying that there will be more P-wand boards on 360 because of the sheer force of people killing enemies to make them drop. However, since there are more people to run said missions, there are more people that want the boards as well. In the end, it ends up being proportional. More people making boards drop, more people that want to buy them.

    Over on 360, we were lucky that the glitch for getting quick money was Grinders and not meseta itself. The advantage to having Grinders glitched was that it didn't actually add and meseta to the economy. All it did was move the existing wealth to people that glitched. Its bad, but it doesn't screw the economy nearly as much. It only created a class of super rich people, which will inevitably spend that money and redistribute it anyway. Also, Grinders are a consumable resource, so they eventually disappear. Its not like having a bunch of glitched weapons that will never leave circulation. Thanks to the grinding boost, Grinder prices are back up high where they should be, and all the rich folks blew their money oh chewing gum and matchbox cars.

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by amtalx View Post
    Well, it all goes back to supply and demand. You are correct in saying that there will be more P-wand boards on 360 because of the sheer force of people killing enemies to make them drop. However, since there are more people to run said missions, there are more people that want the boards as well. In the end, it ends up being proportional. More people making boards drop, more people that want to buy them.

    Over on 360, we were lucky that the glitch for getting quick money was Grinders and not meseta itself. The advantage to having Grinders glitched was that it didn't actually add and meseta to the economy. All it did was move the existing wealth to people that glitched. Its bad, but it doesn't screw the economy nearly as much. It only created a class of super rich people, which will inevitably spend that money and redistribute it anyway. Also, Grinders are a consumable resource, so they eventually disappear. Its not like having a bunch of glitched weapons that will never leave circulation. Thanks to the grinding boost, Grinder prices are back up high where they should be, and all the rich folks blew their money oh chewing gum and matchbox cars.
    Spot on, theres a huge difference between creating grinders and creating meseta.

    I would like to point out that I never suggested repricing current items. This would have to much of detrimental effect to players trying to get into the game. The suggestion for re-pricing scapes is plausible, but increasing the price of photon charges and mates would only make PSU less accessible for new players. (right now the hardest range for startign your first character seems to be lvs 50-100, that change would mainly target players below lv 50.

  6. #26


    Make NPC prices variable depending on your level? That's the only way I could see a decent money sink working in this game.

  7. #27


    How about guaranteed 3* luck for 24 hours, for 1 million meseta. Im pretty sure people would buy that, I would, every day,

  8. #28
    Special Tactics Squad shadowsniper6's Avatar
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    Why reprice the healing items? it kinds sounds stupid..... anyway Why don't they just put it to where when someone buys from a player shop the person that sold something loses 2% or 5% of what ever was sold (if this was already said sorry i didn't read all of the post just some of them)
    Last edited by shadowsniper6; Oct 31, 2008 at 06:15 AM.

  9. #29


    Would love to see what prices would be on ps2/pc if RMT came to the servers. I mean damn, thats a lot of P-wands those farmers would be farming haha. Pwands going for 1 million meseta! Woot haha! 50% weapons! +10 weapons! Haha!

    Really, economies in mmos (even tho psu is not a mmo) are always f'ed up. They get f'ed up eventually and after that, there is no going back. Whatever you may propose on these forums does not mean people are going to do it nor do the ones who don't come to forums at all know about it anyway. Whatever valiant effort people make will be in utter phailure.

    So its a nice idea OP, but in the end, its never going to work. The game company who is in control of the game can only make the difference and..........."lol segac."
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  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by lexus_chris View Post
    How about guaranteed 3* luck for 24 hours, for 1 million meseta. Im pretty sure people would buy that, I would, every day,
    No, that would spark massive flame wars in psu general on the subject of luck and what it does.

    I think a system of interest rates would work pretty well. Meseta drops in lower level missions would be uneffected for new players starting out, and for everyone else drops would be based on the entire ammount of money in circulation. If everyone has tons of money to the point where its worthless, the best way is to stop the flow to bring back some of the value. Also spamming the same mission over and over again would reduce the end mission rewards. "good work gaurdians, you've purified this mission a hundred times now. the area is safe, move along".

    Repricing some NPC items or tinkering the system by actually making some of them worth buying might be a decent idea. Instead of merchants always having neutral weapons, having some with percents. Health items i would leave alone. Possibly making scapes more exspensive, mates should be leaft alone. Making materials more exspensive, or possibly limited edition items in shops might be pretty cool.

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