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  1. #1

    Default Rollback: Why It Had To Be Done.

    Now before I start, I would really like this to not devolve into complaining about what was lost or people telling others to move on etc.. but I have seen quite a few posts on here about the rollback yet know one actually seems positive as to what happened. I on the other hand luckily/unluckily figured it out straight away so here it is, why we had the rollback! (If this is common knowledge and I missed it I apologise but as far as I'm aware most people are just accepting the word of the GM's that there was a problem) For the record, I have no knowledge about specifics in regards to the PC/PS2 servers as I'm on 360 but I'd assume the issue was present in both servers.

    As you all know, just before maintenance starts we are all booted from the servers, obviously we are advised to log off but many of us would rather try and squeeze that extra run in and that normally doesn't cause any problems. In my case, my friend and I had just finished an electronic bran S2 run and once we had collected boss boxes and were loading up the coast we got booted. What was important to note was out of these boxes I had received a stun resist. Earlier in the day I had gotten my first stun resist making this one my second.

    After being booted I tried to get back on and it let me back on. Being as I hadn't had chance to buy all my mates etc... I went and did that. I stored my spoils for the day in my pm (stun resist and 20% fire Kan Yu notably (notably as its unique, not because its any good XD)). I then grabbed my 10/10 36% ground Bil De Axe to lend to a friend as I was currently a Fighgunner and thought he could make better use of it. I told him to get back on quickly so I could trade it to him so he could use it when the servers got back up if i wasn't on. Sadly though he didn't get my message in time and when I finally got booted the second and final time I was in his room with my axe in my inventory.

    So anyways, servers finally come back up and first thing I go to do is get the axe to lend to my friend. I don't seem to have it on me though so I wonder if it had just reset to my PM. I scour my weapon list and it wasn't there. I even checked my common box too for good measure but not surprisingly it wasn't in there either. Whilst looking in my character inventory I noticed that my mates weren't full (which I had repurchased) and that the items I'd stored (Stun resist and Kan Yu + mats etc..) were back on my character. Oddly enough though I had 2 stun resists in storage. I checked for the Kan Yu and that was there too. I obviously couldn't check walna's and stuff like that as I wasn't sure how many I had before or got in runs.

    So basically what had happened was that Character inventory was saved exactly as it was just before the first boot. Partner machine Inventory and Common Box inventory was saved exactly as it was just before the SECOND boot. This had the wonderful affect of duping everything you stored from character to storage in that time as well as deleting anything you took out of storage and left on your character. This is why the backup was corrupt. The 2 sets of data weren't synchronised, whoever or whatever's fault that was.

    This was just my personal experience so you can decide for yourselves how much it affected others but I know for a fact that the duplicated items caused trade windows to close immediately and state that the other person had closed the trade. I am not sure if this stopped you trading anything if you had duped items on you as the only things I traded with Ruby were duped items. I'm not sure if they were equippable or anything as I did nothing I wasn't told to do to ensure I had the best chance of recovering my axe.

    From the way the GM's were talking about this glitch in the sense that people would have lost everything only makes sense if the PSU servers delete characters/accounts with duped items found on them. No one could of possibly taken everything they owned out of storage. Also, from what I experienced of this glitch it didn't delete characters. I may be wrong but I think my theory about the servers sweeping for duped items and deleting associated characters seems plausible.

    If anyone logged back on in that brief period when some of us could get back on and stored anything whatsoever then it duped that item and would by the sound of it have deleted your character/account at some point.

    Now, I know this doesn't change the fact that the data that had to be rollback'd to caused alot of people to lose out on some very nice stuff. My hope is that by everyone understanding that the alternative to this rollback was people losing entire characters (literally) that no one lost much compared to what some people would of lost had the rollback not occurred. Again, I don't mean that to sound callous as I understand how painful it must of been to lose some of the stuff you guys did, just the alternative was leagues worse.

    So to finish I hope this has spread a bit of light onto the issues we have had. I wish everyone the best of luck finding new rares and hope that the compensation will be enough to help everyone feel somewhat better about what they did lose or nearly lost.

    Happy Hunting.
    Proud (soon to be) member of the (not so currently existential) Lollipop Gang.

  2. #2
    My Current Favorite Poster: KubaraManiac JAFO22000's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Texas Chainsaw Mascara, 'cause that's where you're from!


    So, what you're really saying is the people who are warned time and time again to log out because the servers are going down yet refuse to do so caused us to get rolled back? People who didn't heed instructions got special privileges?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by JAFO22000 View Post
    So, what you're really saying is the people who are warned time and time again to log out because the servers are going down yet refuse to do so caused us to get rolled back? People who didn't heed instructions got special privileges?
    Well it wasn't so much as the waiting till the last second, it was the getting back on again that did it. Now its up to everyone to decide whether its more our fault for trying to get back on and succeeding or their fault for letting us get back on =/
    Proud (soon to be) member of the (not so currently existential) Lollipop Gang.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan Law View Post
    Well it wasn't so much as the waiting till the last second, it was the getting back on again that did it. Now its up to everyone to decide whether its more our fault for trying to get back on and succeeding or their fault for letting us get back on =/
    Actually I didn't get back on early, nor did I wait to the last second to get off. I was still affected. I don't care because I basically got all my stuff back and then some, but this logic doesn't really follow. Are you saying only some were affected (the ones that waited to the last second to get off or got on early) or are you saying all were affected?
    Work hard, play harder.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Darius_Drake View Post
    Actually I didn't get back on early, nor did I wait to the last second to get off. I was still affected. I don't care because I basically got all my stuff back and then some, but this logic doesn't really follow. Are you saying only some were affected (the ones that waited to the last second to get off or got on early) or are you saying all were affected?
    As far as I was aware only the ones of us who got on during that 10 minutes were effected but if you didn't and still were effected then I'm stumped. Unless there was some kind of knock effect of some peoples data corruption affecting others data?
    Proud (soon to be) member of the (not so currently existential) Lollipop Gang.

  6. #6


    Im pretty sure the corruption happened not because of the players, but because Sega waited until the last possible minute to shut down the 360 servers. They ran out of time and the power was cut. This corrupted the data. Thats my theory and unless Sega comes out and gives an in detail account of what exactly happened (never gonna happen) I will continue to believe so. Your petty attempt to take the blame off of Sega will not move me. This remains sega's fault. They should've taken the servers down hours before the scheduled power outage.
    Ever hunting on and on for Friends, Enemies, and Rarz!

  7. #7


    Wow, I can give you the reason for the rollback in two words:


  8. #8


    I prefer to lump 100% of the blame onto Spartan Law. Mainly because he is here and I enjoy angry, unfocused mobbing. This is the internet after all.

    I'll be back with my torch and pitchfork.
    God damn I hate the internet.

  9. #9


    The rollback didn't effect me because I knew better and renewed my subscription a few days after the update.

  10. #10


    Interesting theory but the thing I don't get is why people tried to log back on after getting kicked off when you knew servers were going down anyway.
    (360) If you have a Love Inferno that you're thinking of selling, PM me pleeeeeease.

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