This is a story of a very sad, sick individual. I don't know his name, just his alias on PSO.

He goes by the name of Cyruss and has the user id of: 300357427
He's one of those people who hang out in the lobbies with their level 100 character and a bank full of duped and gamesharked items to taunt new bies with all the cool things they can't have. See, i was one of those newbies once, and like an idiot I gave him my card, and tried my best to trade this dragonslayer for an item that would be useful for a young ranger character.

So I put up with the ego, laughed at the bad jokes etc and put up with the guy. Time passes, I'm still civil to the guy, even though he has an ego. calling himself my sugar-daddy and my god in various simple-mails (twice, he did give me an item) Well, one time I didn't want to deal with the ego. I was playing with friends and really wasn't interested in trading at all. If he wanted to drop in on the game great, but at least come quest with us. So he does, and all the while he's berating me and my friends about how they're useless without him around, etc etc.. I get tired of it and leave. People like this are no fun.

He keeps sending simple-mails to me, over and over kind of like messages left on an answering machine by a jilted lover. I mean really.. grow up. This happens over a few days, I have learned to ignore these by then until one day he pops up in one of my games, using a bug to player-kill me and the person I was questing with and to steal out weapons. Said he needed to teach me a lesson. Of course, I wasn't the only person he did this to, apparently he picked the day to get back at everyone who wouldn't put up with his abusive nature.

See folks, this is a scary individual, this guy forgot that this is a GAME and to plot revenge on people? -All female characters, I might add. I really should have saved the simple-mails somehow, these were really scary messages.. apparently he really thought that we were in.. a relationship.

Moral of this story? BE CAREFUL! There are people who don't know reality from fantasy, and will 'fall in love' with whatever female character they come across and get revenge when those feelings aren't returned. Girls, if asked if you are really a girl in real life.. LIE! Say you're a big burley man with hairy arms! Guys.. do NOT use PSO as a dating service! its a game! try to have fun.

That's all