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  1. #1

    Default Chapped Lips Suck

    Seriously. I've been breathing through my mouth for about a month now due to a cold and allergies which obviously dries out your lips very quickly. I don't really use chap stick because chapped lips are never really a problem for me and I usually just end up licking it off. Also, I've started this really weird habit of biting my upper lip with my bottom teeth while working and that has left my already chapped and sore lips even worse. It really looks bad. I've begun to take the steps to treating them by applying vaseline to them everyday, moisturizing, and all that hoo-haa but they still hurt!

  2. #2


    Yes Chapped lips do indeed suck. Monkey balls to be exact. lol

    Seriously though, yeah I hate them with a passion. Although, I think I hate my cold more right now. =.=
    "Blade" M Beast Fighmaster of "Ten Star V" from Xbox 360 PSU.

  3. #3


    I recommend Blistex DCT! It works really well for me. Since I started using it about a year ago, my lips haven't chapped at all. It's better than plain old Vaseline because it has Shea Butter, Cocoa Butter (which are really good natural moisturizers) and a sunscreen to prevent any irritation from the sun. It smells a little bit medicinal, but it's worth it! Also, I find it doesn't make my lips shiny, which might interest you if you are a guy.

  4. #4
    Versatile but Indecisive Alizarin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soubrette View Post
    I recommend Blistex DCT!
    Recommendation noted. Been having problems with chapped lips as well. It's not fun especially since I like eating spicy foods around this season.

    And is it ok for use on open sores and cracked lips? I've had times where it gets to the point of bleeding, really not fun there.

  5. #5


    I've heard nothing but good about Blistex. I'm a religious user of Burt's Bees myself, that stuff is simply amazing. I've always had huge problems with my lips in cold, dry air, but I started using this stuff and it's like armor for your lips. But it has a wonderful honey/mint scent, so that might turn you off if you're a guy XD But there's plenty of options for you out there.

    Winter just wreaks havoc on my entire body. Cold, dry wind really, really irritates my eyes (even though I wear glasses), assaults my lips, and makes my skin feel terribly dry. Let's ban winter D:

  6. #6


    Oh! I love me some Burt's Bees. That stuff is really good! (Their shampoos + facial products are really good!)

    Quote Originally Posted by The Totally Awesome Shiina
    And is it ok for use on open sores and cracked lips? I've had times where it gets to the point of bleeding, really not fun there.
    I think for open sores, you might want to stay away from it because of the sunscreen. It would probably burn/sting badly when you applied it. I'd recommend something without a sunscreen and something more emollient as opposed to waxy. Blistex Lip Ointment would probably work well! I hope your lips get better. Chapped lips suck!

  7. #7
    Versatile but Indecisive Alizarin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by soubrette View Post
    I think for open sores, you might want to stay away from it because of the sunscreen. It would probably burn/sting badly when you applied it. I'd recommend something without a sunscreen and something more emollient as opposed to waxy. Blistex Lip Ointment would probably work well! I hope your lips get better. Chapped lips suck!
    Righty-O, I'll keep that in mind. Right now my lips are just dry and chappy, but they were pretty bad a few days before. Might as well treat them properly now.

  8. #8
    ZOOOOOOOM BlaizeYES's Avatar
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    huh. my lips dont really get chapped, its like 70 where i'm at. try to stay away from getting colds in the first place. for areas of your body that are already sensitive to getting dried out, like your lips, its best not to overly wet or give them too much attention... like licking, or picking at them. i dont use chapstick, when your lips got pieces of glitter and shit in it or they smell like a car freshener, just seems a little feminine to me.

  9. #9


    I got a severe case of chapped lips every year in the winter. I feel your pain. I have to use uber strong lip balm to even feel better. XD

  10. #10


    I feel ya, hopefully you won't ever get chapped lips AND elbowed in the face (like, on the lip).


    Now that I think about it, I believe the torn open lip led to chapped lips in the weeks that followed.

    But in all seriousness, try Polysporin if it's to the point of bleeding (even if it's bleeding a lil still). Once it formed a ''crust'' (sorry if I'm grossing you out) You can indeed go with Vaseline. That's what I applied straight in the cut of my lip.. once it stopped bleeding gallons of blood -.- AND was disinfected first by drinking Brandy, but if you're not legal, I'd just rinse with water.

    Peroxide might help but can also make your lips seem like they chap more? Thank the bubbly effect of the solution for that If you do go with peroxide anyway be sure to rinse with water after until the bubbles are almost all gone. AVOID STRONG DISINFECTING ALCOHOL. This is way too strong for big cuts... well assuming you'd get ''man, should I go to the doc get stitches?'' kind of cuts; which I don't think you'll get from chapped lips anyway.
    Last edited by BWS-1; Jan 10, 2009 at 02:34 PM.

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