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  1. #71
    Adventurer of Arland Totori's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    ok.....where and how does the RP's work is it on a server or something ><' tell plz or PM me NVM i know now
    ( i go)
    Name: Hikaru
    Gender: Female
    Race: newman
    Class: Fortetecher
    Alignment Lawful Good
    Background: a young girl just recenly got into the guradains at a young age she got seperated by her family they where infrected by the SEED virus so she was adoted by a human girl named Sakura she had been living her sence 6 she had forgot what her real parents looked like so she joined the guradians to maybe find out more about the seed virus and a cure she has a fear of beast
    (kind of scrambled right now sorry ><)
    Last edited by Totori; Jun 2, 2008 at 10:44 PM. Reason: stupid question

  2. #72
    Got some guts... on my dagger Kelvie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Everything is here :

    Please, anyone, we need more rp on PSU. ;_;

  3. #73


    Name: Akumamaru
    Gender: Male
    Race: Newman
    Class: Fortefighter
    Alignment: neutral evil
    Backround: Abandon as a child he wandered neudaiz looking for his place that would shelter him. starved and nearly dead he was discovered by a male and female beasts. raising the boy as one of there own they taught him in the ways of skill up until the boy became of age. the SEED infestation spread though out his adoptive planet of moatoob infecting everything in its wake. scared his parents took the boy and fled out of harms way of the SEED. tragically the boys adoptive parents were killed by the Alliance Military the boy survived only by hiding under his adoptive parents corpses. now blinded by anger he seeks revenge on the one who took the only people who ever loved him in his life
    Last edited by Akumamaru; Jan 25, 2009 at 09:40 AM.
    Akumamaru - Male Newman - Lv. 180- All classes 20 - 30071088

  4. #74


    Name: Kathrine Daelyn
    Gender: Female
    Race: Newman
    Class: Fortetecher
    Alignment: neutral good

    She believes herself to be a princess, whether this be true or not doesn't really matter as she makes sure that she is treated like one. Since joining the guardians she has made 2 close friends who she dubbed her knights, and one other who just goes along with her games but never stops calling her childish.

    She often gets carried away in her games and tends to force others to do things they never would have thought they would do. She never uses physical force or her magic just convinces them usually with empty threats.

    If she were to tell you her story it would be a tale about abandonment and a latent magic ability in which she uses her powers naturally not with a weapon.

    Name: Devine Seraph
    Gender: Female
    Race: CAST
    Class: unknown
    Alignment: neutral good

    Not knowing her true origins she has always been searching for answers. She often would wake with nightmares of seeing horrifying beasts attacking her but she always was saved by a mysterious cast in red or black. She never really could tell. She always woke up too soon. Positive it was her sister she wanted to find her and finally have a family.

    /* She hasn't discovered this about herself as of yet */

    She was originally created as a prototype for Project CELESTIAL. She wasn't working fully and as such deemed a failure and was to be destroyed. She narrowly escaped and made it to a meadow on Parum. That is where she finally shut down from exhaustion. Kathrine found her there and brought her back to try and see if she couldn't save the little CAST.

    Kathrine's close friend Redwulf knew a lot about CAST's and was able to get Devi (Kathrine nicknamed her that for simplicity) up and running again.

    /* this is as far back as she remembers*/

    She went to go try and join the guardians but because of her unknown origins they denied her entrance. Kathrine saw fit that she help Devi and so she would lend her guardian pass to let Devi explore. She rarely let her leave the colony without one of her knights to escort Devi.

    She has since found a "sister" but not the person she was looking for. The person in her visions is still unknown but Kathrine's knight Reiniku took Devi under her wing and has been helping her find this sister. The two get a long so well they call each other siblings sometimes joking that Reini actually is that person.

    Devi is slowly breaking down and dying but she has hidden this secret from everybody but Reini. Her only hope is this mysterious CAST she keeps seeing as she sleeps restless nights in pain.
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