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  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Syn Jerriel View Post
    i think they do. Would be fun to hand out with them while they are drunk (also note todays date)
    Today's date is a joke.

    But I like your user title, stranger.
    PSU PC:
    Shonagar, M Cast, FF|FI|GT / Sharra, GH413
    Leon, M Newman, GM / Claire, GH441
    Artemis, F Cast, FF / Luna, GH433

    Quote Originally Posted by PACHI
    Is it just me, or do players always find something bad to say about Sega? Relax. It's a game. Go outside and build a sandcastle with your parents' fertilized soil and take a dump all over it.

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by ShonagarACE View Post
    Today's date is a joke.

    But I like your user title, stranger.

    Yea i do too stranger.

    So what are you buyin?
    [[Biggest Gaming community 30k memebers]]

    Main GT: Syn Jerriel

    GT for PSU: KoG Queenubcake
    Queen Nubcake 150 Protranser/FF/AcroTecher/FM @ 13
    Kitty 104 FT/AcroTecher/MF @10

  3. #23
    Heal-bombing you~. <3 Ethateral's Avatar
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    Cuyahoga Falls, OH


    Quote Originally Posted by Yunfa View Post
    Going off topic as always~

    Back on topic: HELL YEAH MAN! I TOTALLY AGREE PSU IS FREAKING AWSOME! I've sold my soul to SEGA, literally.

    - Not willing to pay for 2 accounts? Pfft thats hogwash, I BOUGHT over 5 PSU games for five of my friends in real life, one time I couldn't find any in any of the stores, so i went over to Blockbuster and paid a full $40 for it just for him to play on that night.

    - In fact, just recently I paid for one of my friends to come back and play Shred the Darkness w/ me.

    I did something along those lines. I used to play PSU demo on the 360, back in the day with two of my really good friends. They both had copies of PSU, but never wanted to pay for it. I got a job during that time. I got the game for myself and started paying for both of them and myself. I paid for both of them for 6 months, before I decided to have them pay for themselves. XD Totally worth it though. We all still play it too. :3 Sooooo glad I bought the real game~. <3 (Blade~~ X3 <3!!)
    PSO2 - Ethateral FONewearl
    PSP2i - Ethateral 200 FNewman Force 50

  4. #24


    i gotta see this party of drunk's!!!!!! and awesomeness is ikk hikk also used???

  5. #25


    I wouldn't say i've sold my soul to sega, but they've let me do what i want so far, so i cant complain, and yeah the only thing that would make psu that much better is ports of the PSO levels, like the ones we got now, the rare missions are ok, but i want a dragon boss, de rol le, their old forms even if it was VR missions or ones i had to use that eventual guardians cash i'd do it. would it be that hard to make a VR pso in PSU? lol like the classic battle mode from pso

  6. #26


    why not just add planet ragol!!!!!!

  7. #27


    cause Ragol is on PSO timeline, not PSU.

  8. #28


    thats why it'd only work in VR since pso technicly took place before PSO in the time frame if you had the planet i could see it working if it was in the same solar system, lol

  9. #29
    Yasminkov Fanboy Waki Miko Syamemaru!'s Avatar
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    In the Hall of the Mountain King!


    Quote Originally Posted by Overlord Zenon View Post
    thats why it'd only work in VR since pso technicly took place before PSO in the time frame if you had the planet i could see it working if it was in the same solar system, lol

    Actually PSO is from another dimension. I would make a "Interplanetary" joke here but that would tarnish the awesome song. But that doesn't mean that its not a good idea. In fact I would love a VR training mission! It could be like "Easy" (1-60), Medium (20-90, and hard (40-135). Each different mission having different groups of enemies and a an equally annoying ass boss.

  10. #30
    Yo, mad support...drink a quart then bamboo Itchee's Avatar
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    Gawik's Pub, Dagora City


    I have to take PSU in small doses.
    The community's insistence on running one mission repeatedly until your thumbs bleed really drains the fun out of the game (Well, at least for me it does). PSO/PSU will always hold a special place in my heart, but sadly, all of my friends left for greener pastures years upon years ago...this combined with my hectic work schedule only really allows me to play with randoms rather than people I know. I do like it, its just a shame people are so closed-minded about how they play PSU....I honestly have more fun playing the slot machines in Voloyal than running White Beast.
    Personally, I think PS:P is way more fun than what PSU has devolved into due to it being less of a headache to get things done solo if necessary and the lack of all the put-your-foot-through-the-monitor annoying bits that PSU seems to enjoy languishing in. Playing PS:P via XLink/Ad-Hoc Party is really fun....its a shame more people dont do it....
    Last edited by Itchee; Apr 21, 2009 at 10:08 AM.
    Itchee: PSP2 - RAcast

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