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  1. #11
    Customary AWESOME Title Solstis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HUnewearl_Meira View Post
    As you've discovered, it's actually quite a normal procedure for routers to fail, from time to time. For some reason, they come with peculiar flaws, such as running out of RAM, after the log has gotten too large.

    If you want one that you can set up in your home, and it'll be guaranteed to work without ever having to fuck with it again, then, stop buying cheap equipment.

    Alternatively, you can build a new machine from reliable old junk, with multiple NIC cards, and install Debian on that. That'll work as a rather stable router, as well. You can stick it in a closet, and run it headless.
    Catalyst! The Mercedes of routers! Didn't think you could actually buy one (as a non-commercial consumer), nice.

  2. #12


    My family's router is from comcast. I'm not getting up to check right now though, I'm tired.

    Stupid tips that you should know already.
    Never get a D-link
    Never get a linksys

    Quote Originally Posted by loukaras View Post
    PSO-World is a game?

  3. #13


    Unless you love pain, and by pain I mean the sharp pains between the eyes, avoid Netgear and Belkin like the plague. Got a Netgear for $0.99 and while it ran wired networking fine out of the box, it refused to set up the wireless settings. The Belkin? Similar to what you experienced. It ran fine. So long as you reset the power every couple hours, otherwise it would lock out wired connections and turn off all wireless security settings. Oh, and when you turn it off you have to reload the previous settings so you can get that 30 minutes online.

    We've had three D-Link. One we replaced simply because it was older and didn't have 802.11n or gigabit. Second became a bit of a retarded stepchild that would randomly deny any new device connections. While that would certainly be a nice security feature if enabled, it's more just a pain in the ass when it kicks in whenever you turn on the computer. The third is this thing. So far it's put up with about 200 GB of just external traffic this month, what with downloading multiple Linux distros, the Windows 7 RCs, the updates for a clean install of XP SP1 all the way up to date, OSX 10.5.7, and lots more. It only gets finicky when I start doing the 100+GB single session transfers over the local network which is fixed by a quick reset. Frankly this router, in the 8 months or so we have had it, has been wonderful compared to that piece of flaming shit of a Belkin we had prior. And, I mean that damned thing was hot too when it ran which lead me to believe that to be one of the primary factors in it crapping out like it did. And, I realize you mentioned not wanting another of the same brands again but I have to say, for a non-commercial router to put up with as many as 16 devices at once, both wired (with three switches involved due to house layout) and wireless mixed 802.11g/n I've been nothing short of impressed with it and it has withstood the reviews.

    To reiterate about Belkin, my uncle insisted his router be a Belkin and picked up the cheapest 802.11g capable which Best Buy had at the time. It greeted us by behaving exactly like that Belkin we had. I toyed with it for a good two hours before finally giving up. So, again, Belkin routers of all routers are the hellspawn.

  4. #14


    I've been using mu D-Link DGL4300 for about a little over a year now and I've had absolutely no problems. ^Blitzkommando has the upgraded version of my router that I would like to purchase some time in the future.

  5. #15
    Warning +2 KodiaX987's Avatar
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    I realized something both strange and sad, and it is that every person I ask about routers both suggest me something radically different from everyone else and also claim that they are more right than everyone else. This has led me to a compiled list of suggestions that go so far as to conflict with each other, chief among them being:

    -Build your own homemade router.
    -Get a router that supports DD-WRT.
    -Get a commercial rackmount router.

    Also among them, I was told (along with the implied mention that anyone who thought otherwise was an idiot) the following "facts":

    -Linksys rocks.
    -Do not ever get a Linksys.
    -D-Link rocks.
    -Do not ever get a D-Link.
    -Belkin rocks.
    -Do not ever get a Belkin.
    -Netgear rocks.
    -Do not ever get a Netgear.
    -Buffalo rocks.
    -Do not ever get a Buffalo.
    -Avoid DD-WRT like the plague.
    -DD-WRT is the best thing to ever happen to the world of routers.
    -Your best bet is to build your own router yourself.
    -A homemade router is nothing but an unstable waste of money and energy.
    -Get a Linksys WRT310N-CA. I've been using it for 4 years and never had a problem with it.
    -Linksys WRT310N-CA reviews on "Dissatisfied with product", "Same Bad Experience", "worst router- do not buy", "Not Worth the Money", "Please do not buy this product".

    For shits and giggles, I ran a quick search on for routers. Every piece of hardware that had gotten a substantial amount of reviews didn't ever exceed 3 out of 5 stars.

    Above all, absolutely everyone I spoke to told me something to the effect of: "Everyone you spoke of your problem before hasn't got a fucking clue what he's talking about. And if you don't follow my advice to the letter, you are a fucking idiot as well."

    How strange. So no matter which decision I take, I am screwed.

  6. #16


    i kno you dont live in the uk but if theres anything similiar to the bt homehub its the best router ive ever used by far.
    I'm straight, so what?

  7. #17
    Kitty the Tigergirl Aisha_Clan-Clan's Avatar
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    Havn't had any problems with my Linksys WRT54G_V2-UG-Rev_NC. If I remember corectly, Got it in 2005. Although the only wireless units which uses it is parants pc and my Wii.
    Last edited by Aisha_Clan-Clan; May 22, 2009 at 01:27 PM. Reason: Zoom!

  8. #18
    Russia's Greatest Love Machine Rasputin's Avatar
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    I think you should stop feeding your routers laxatives

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by KodiaX987 View Post

    Also among them, I was told (along with the implied mention that anyone who thought otherwise was an idiot) the following "facts":

    Learn to understand a joke when you see one...?
    Quote Originally Posted by loukaras View Post
    PSO-World is a game?

  10. #20
    Midnight Caller Kylie's Avatar
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    No, no! Not more router drama. ;_; I've finally got my situation to somewhat work out. I have to keep switching my PS3 and 360 in the DMZ, but I'll take the time to forward ports properly when I get my second PC.

    PSO2: Kylie.HUnewearl.Sh02

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