Ok, I know that souds foolish because some of your have the best of luck finding Double Sabres and for the longest time I thought I had Double Sabres, when I just really had DB's Sabres and I found out the DB didn't stand for Double, lmao. Anyways, I want one of these sabres, and I'll trade something for it. Don't get foolish and ask for something like a P-Arms Blade because a Double Sabre only has a star rating of like 9, and I'll either pay or trade something of equal value. E-mail me at [email protected] with a list of what you want and if I have any of those items and I think it's a deal then I'll set up a time, server, etc. Be reasonable though!

OH, I wont be responding to any posts here, because he's hard as hell getting back to them. E-mail Only!