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  1. #241
    ARKS ID: RedAngelAlnet Alnet's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    A Wopal seaside villa


    Real Name: John
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: Ft. Rucker, AL
    Where you live right now: Springfield, MA
    Favorite Food(s): BBQ noodles, chili con carne, red beans and rice, New England clam chowder, yellowtail sashimi rolls, Royal Dansk butter cookies, Frosted Flakes cereal, New York-style cheesecake, baked macaroni and cheese, et al.
    ... I like eating.
    Favorite [Musicians]: Keiko Matsui, Rick James, Tito Nieves, Haruko Momoi, various video game/anime composers
    Favorite Song: Current favorite is Twilight by Hideki Okugawa (from Street Fighter III: Third Strike), and its various remixes. From each of my selected favorite musicians: Souvenir (Keiko Matsui), Mary Jane (Rick James), Bang Bang (Tito Nieves), Dang Dang気になる (Haruko Momoi)
    Favorite Soda: I don't drink soda.
    Married/Single/Dating: I'm single and not looking to date, but I do have a crush on someone.
    Have any pets?: A turtle. There is also a cat that roams this building, but he is not mine.
    Any other siblings?: Older half-brother, older half-sister, older brother, younger brother
    Video Game Systems Own(ed): NES, Genesis, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, Playstation 2/JPN Playstation 2, Playstation Portable, Playstation 3, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii
    Favorite Books: The Chosen by Chaim Potok, Escape by Carolyn Jessop, Explorations Beyond Reality: Living Evolution Through Genetic Memory by Shelley A. Kaehr, Ph.D, Bully: A True Story Of High School Revenge by Jim Schutze, various manga series
    Favorite TV Shows: I don't watch a lot of television. As of late, I have been a fan of Any Dream Will Do and The Apprentice UK on the BBC.
    Favorite Type of Weather: Partly cloudy or overcast, some light rain never hurts
    Favorite Genre of Music: Most probably Jazz or Techno, but prefer anything that doesn't have "Acid" or "Death" in front of it, and isn't Metal or Country. Even prefer Disco to those.
    Favorite School Subject: Changes depending on the semester.
    Likes: Bunnygirls
    Dislikes: Arthropods

    Character ID: 中原小麦

  2. #242
    Resist/RealLife++ Volcompat321's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Melbourne, Florida


    Where you live right now: Springfield, MA

    Dude, you live like 30 minutes from where I grew up! lol...

  3. #243
    Russia's Greatest Love Machine Rasputin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Real Name: Raz Putin
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: Russia, CA
    Where you live right now: San Jose, CA
    Favorite Food(s): Nachos, Chili, Lasagna, Burgers, Sandwiches, Chef Boyardee Ravioli, Pasta of any sort, Spicy stuff, hot dogs, ribs, potatoes, anything that will increase my manliness points, et al. (which makes perfect sense since food is people)
    Favorite Musicians: Kevin Moore, Daniel Gildenlöw, Doug Pinnick, Ludacris, Carole King, Franz Liszt, Frederic Chopin, et al. (which now makes sense since these are people)
    Favorite Song: Waking Every God by Pain of Salvation
    Favorite Soda: Root Beer
    Married/Single/Dating: Dating, and very happy
    Have any pets?: Not with me
    Any other siblings?: Younger sister
    Video Game Systems Own(ed): Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS, Xbawks, Xbawks 360
    Favorite Books: Any short story by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Entire Ender Series, Jurassic Park, and more that I can't think of right now
    Favorite TV Shows: Heroes
    Favorite Type of Weather: Hot with a cool breeze.
    Favorite Genre of Music: Music
    Favorite School Subject: Physics
    Likes: Music, the vidya, meat, having fun, long walks on the beach (and a short walk to one), black people, handsome men (no homo), beautiful women, free things, sex, contraceptives, Monopoly, pooping, freshly cleaned blankets, ice cold water, the internet
    Dislikes: Mayonnaise, shrimp, srs business, Filipinos, being wrong, guns, restaurants/eateries with no recycling bins, parking in San Francisco, maggots, buses that never come on time, accents, the internet

  4. #244


    Real Name: Morgan
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: At sea (seriously)
    Where you live right now: Lake Geneva,Wi
    Favorite Food(s): Horse meat, Fish
    Favorite Song: Faded line, Sad mans tounge, Thrones
    Favorite Soda: None
    Married/Single/Dating: Dating a mean chick
    Have any pets?: My dog Fyodor
    Any other siblings?: lil sis
    Video Game Systems Own(ed): atari sega saturn n64 playstation 1 and 2 360
    Favorite Books: Ancient Myths (old book like 130 years old)
    Favorite TV Shows: River monsters, TUF
    Favorite Type of Weather: Sunny with a breeze
    Favorite Genre of Music: everything but country
    Favorite School Subject: been studying marine biology
    Likes: The ocean, Bow/Spear fishing, MMA (mainly muay thai)
    Dislikes:Being landlocked
    Last edited by -Morgan-; Jun 10, 2009 at 10:59 AM.
    Forever to renew the universe

  5. #245


    This is kinda cool so I suppose I'll participate Lots of young'uns in here though I'm quite surprised.

    Real Name: Andrea
    Age: 22
    Birthday: August 22
    Gender: Female
    Birthplace: Pittsburgh, PA
    Where you live right now: Pittsburgh, PA
    Favorite Food(s): Sushi, Mashed Potatoes, Perogies, Cheddar Cheese
    Favorite Bands: Manowar, L'Arc en Ciel, Evanescence, Staind, My Chemical Romance, Brad Paisley, Vitas, Rob Dougan, Video Game and Anime Soundtracks
    Favorite Song: at the moment Juno Reactor vs Don Davis - Navras
    Favorite Drinks: Black Cherry Vanilla Pepsi Jazz or Arizona Green Tea
    Married/Single/Dating: Engaged ^_-
    Have any pets?: Two huge fat cats
    Any other siblings?: 1 sister
    Favorite Console: Playstation 1 and 2
    Favorite Books: Exile's Honor - Mercedes Lackey, The Obsidian Trilogy - Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon, I, Jedi - Michael A. Stackpole, the Vampire Hunter D series
    Favorite Manga: Demon Diary, Rurouni Kenshin, Saiyuki, Full Metal Alchemist, Vampire Knight (too much to keep listing O.o)
    Favorite TV Shows: True Blood
    Favorite Type of Weather: Warmish and stormy
    Favorite Genre of Music: All but rap
    Favorite School Subject: Anything related to the arts
    Favorite Color: Green
    Favorite Word: Dweepi
    Favorite Game of All Time: Toss up between Suikoden I and Final Fantasy VII
    Likes: Anime, drawing, manga, LARPing, costuming, tabletop gaming, Aion, vampires
    Dislikes: the Twilight movies, being bored, not having a good PC to run my new game on high settings
    Favorite pizza toppings: Cheese and curly fries
    Favorite Super hero: Batman
    Last edited by autumn; Jun 11, 2009 at 09:32 PM.
    Getting bored of the typical MMO, enjoying muddling through moonspeak on PSO2.

  6. #246


    Real Name: Kent
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: Fridley, MN
    Where you live right now: Stillwater, MN (soon to change as I'm becoming a Marine)
    Favorite Food(s): Lasagna, Pizza, Tacos, Burritos, Ramen
    Favorite Musicians: Eric Church, Jason Aldean, Brad Paisley, Lil' Wayne, Kanye West, Ludacris, Queen, AC DC, Bon Jovi (I'm sorta diverse)
    Favorite Song: Leeroy Jenkins Remix, and on a more serious note Don't Stop Believing by Journey
    Favorite Soda: Mountain Dew
    Married/Single/Dating: Single and ready to mingle
    Have any pets?: 2 Springer spaniels that are super energetic and I love them
    Any other siblings?: Younger brother
    Video Game Systems Own(ed): Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, Game Boy Pocket, Game Boy Advance, Nintendo DS
    Favorite Books: Don't really have a favorite, last book I read for fun was the 5th Harry Potter book
    Favorite TV Shows: Family Guy, Robot Chicken, That 70s show, King of Queens, Everybody loves raymond
    Favorite Type of Weather: Sunny and 75 degrees with a slight breeze
    Favorite Genre of Music: Country/Rap/Rock depending on the day
    Favorite School Subject: Math
    Likes: Hockey, Lacrosse, Bowling, Baseball, Football, hanging out with friends even if your doing nothing, NHL 09, girls, joking around, telling jokes, making fun of friends jokingly, running, jumping, laughing, dancing, general mischief and shenanigans

  7. #247
    B is for Bay Sick. bay sick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    the bay bruhh.


    Name: Josh.
    Place: Colorado :/
    born: in cali. [bay area!]
    Race: native american
    Drink: ice tea [don't drink soda]
    food: spagettii.
    likes: video games, girls, baseball.
    dislikes: argueing, cussing, soda
    GT: bay siikk

  8. #248


    Real Name: Cassie

    Age: 15

    Gender: female

    Birthplace: Huntinton Beach, CA

    Where you live right now: Orange, CA

    Favorite Food(s): PEANUT BUTTER, anything from the Veggie Grill

    Favorite Bands: hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... the Offspring, Screeching Weasel, the Ramones, Civet, Green Day, Pink Floyd, Rancid... that's all i can think of right now ^-^;

    Favorite Song: gaaaaaah.... uuh right now it's Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls

    Favorite Soda: Welch's Grape Soda!!!!

    Married/Single/Dating: Single

    Have any pets?: a toy poodle named Teddy!!! (he doesn't make me sneeze...)

    Any other siblings?: older brother (29)

    Video Game Systems Owned: GBColor, GBA, Sega Genesis, SNES, N64, GC, Wii, PS2

    Favorite Books: Hairstyles of the Damned / Tender as Hellfire (both by Joe Meno)

    Favorite TV Shows: LA Ink, Miami Ink, anything on Fuel or Fuse

    Favorite Type of Weather: overcast

    Favorite Genres of Music: Punk, Rock, some metal, jazz, classical

    Favorite School Subject: art and lunch. the rest of school CAN SUCK IT. lol
    excuse me, but i have minds to twist and values to warp.

  9. #249


    Real name:Matt




    Where you live right now:Orange,CA

    FAvorite food:salads,steak/chicken,apples

    Favorite bands:Honestly i dont listen to music. People call me weird for it, but idc.

    Favorite song: Like I said no music. Seabed/Desert from PSO.

    Soda: Orange juice.


    Any pets?: A chiuwauwa[idk I forgot how to spell that] named Pinchee[pronounced Peen-chee]

    Other siblings:Younger brother and sister.

    Consoles owned: N64,Dreamcast,GC,PS1,xbox,xbox360

    Favorite books: Dont read much either. Only when school school asks for it. anyway OXM, and GI.

    Favorite TV shows: Dont watch TV.

    Favorite weather: Heat. I love me some heat. But I like all weather.

    Favorite genres of music:None

    Favorite school subject:History[super easy subject] and PE

  10. #250


    Alze, Texas
    Favorite Drink:Tea (Don't like sugar too much)
    Fav. Band: Metallica, Pink Floyd, Guns N' Roses
    Siblings: 4 Sisters and 1 Brother.
    Favorite Weather: Coldest days of winter, and cold, cloudy, quiet rains.
    Systems owned: Too many, but currently DS, GC, PS2, and Wii.
    Pets: 2 Cats, Ven and Toby.
    Fav. Show: Bleach
    Fav Subject: Art
    Books: I really have no idea, i've read so many.
    Hobby: Enjoying games. Big fan of PSO, Worms, Disgaea, ect.
    Last edited by Reksanden; Aug 4, 2009 at 02:50 AM.

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