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  1. #1
    Random "Nice" Swordsman Calsetes's Avatar
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    Default Champions Online

    So, just curious if anyone out there is planning on picking up Champions Online when it comes out on the first? I know I plan on doing it, and also on buying a lifetime sub for it. City of Heroes never looked real good to me (it looked like Everquest or FFXI but you had Superman instead of Kragthor the Black-Blood-Hammer-Bonecrusher), but this one definitely looks interesting from "reading" some very hands-on info on it. It looks like it's more of an action-based combat system than the other games, where you actually have to hold a block button to block an attack, charge up moves, things like that.

    Anyway, just curious as to if anyone else saw anything about this, was planning on getting it, or what-have-you.
    Stupid, stupid rat creatures!

  2. #2
    Envoy Thalui89's Avatar
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    I've heard about it, read a little about it but I've decided its not for me. I play City of heroes fairly frequently and in my own opinion CoH looks better. Perhaps thats just because CoH was one of the first of its kind really (if not the first) so I'm still fairly loyal to that. Plus the fact CoH is still evolving. Oh and not to be bishy or anything but, i do fail to see how CoH resembles FFXI :S. I've played both and their completely different :S

    I think champions has some nice features and it will no doubt do well in an industry that has very little competition for games like it (the only competitor i can think of is CoH/CoV). However what I do know is that champions online lost a lot of potential customers due to the way the way it has been 'marketed'. Posting advertisements for champions online on city of heroes official forum wasnt exactly a smooth move, and many players who currently play CoH (and were considering buying champions) have decided that they won't go to champions due to the cheap tricks used to advertise it. That being said, it'll still get a whole lot of fans.

    The gaming industry sure is a cold cold world :P

  3. #3
    Random "Nice" Swordsman Calsetes's Avatar
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    That's cool. I know they were both made by the same developers, so that's the only reason I can see them advertising it on their forums. Still you bring up a good point about that - if people wanted to know about it, they'd find info on it themselves.

    I actually never played the Cities games, it's just stuff that I had heard about them (like you say "attack" and just select a few powers to use during the battle, and your guy still auto-attacks and moves in range, etc.) I could be way wrong, but that's just from what I had heard from a few people.
    Stupid, stupid rat creatures!

  4. #4


    So, you're not entirely sure about the developers or really even the game, but you're going to buy a lifetime membership?

    And I thought I had problems with impulse buying.

  5. #5
    Random "Nice" Swordsman Calsetes's Avatar
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    Well, my knowledge might not all be exactly read from different sources. Does it count if you write something yourself and you read about it?

    Regardless, I may have been testing it for the past few months. Still, it's about how much I'd spend playing it for a year, so might as well get it all out of the way now.
    Stupid, stupid rat creatures!

  6. #6
    Envoy Thalui89's Avatar
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    its similar in terms of you mvoe into range but theres no battle selection window, instead its abit like many othe rmmos such as Lineage 2 and wow in that you have a skill bar. Its abit faster paced than FFXI. Then again, a snail is... :P

    I reckon champs will be a good game but it'll be a case of your either a CoH fan or a champ fan. I can see there being some serious hate between players either side XD. Abit like wow players vs every other mmo players XP

    I can see why youve picked a life logn subscription, you may aswell get the msot out of a product you buy. Altho having said that I tend be more cautious...but then im a student and I'm tight!

  7. #7
    Random "Nice" Swordsman Calsetes's Avatar
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    Well..... the 8 extra slots can help out quite a bit. I already have ideas for at least 7, including one that looks like this guy (it's shocking how similar this guy is to the guy I wanna make!):

    Click me!
    Stupid, stupid rat creatures!

  8. #8


    I might get it if some of my friends get it but I'm probably not going to get it for two reasons.
    It feels like this game was announced so long ago and now its finally coming out. Hope it can survive in the intense MMO world.
    Nothing is sacred. Not that it ever was.

  9. #9


    I'm in the beta, since a guildmate is a developer for the game, he hooked us up. It's a good game and you can even play it with an Xbox 360 controller, but it's not my cup of tea (too super-hero-ish). I'll be playing Aion instead.

  10. #10


    Pre-ordered, gonna try the Open Beta on Monday.

    From all that I've read, it seems well thought-out, as well balanced as an MMO can be, and has a ton of character customization.

    I just hope it has enough varied content. That's what turned me off CoH, even though I loved the character creation options there.

    Think I'm going to like CO. I'm a fan of superhero type stuff in general, and "traditional" Fantasy makes me gag. :/ So I probably won't be trying Aion.

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