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  1. #51


    I played enough earlier day Western RPGs and the original Baldur's Gate to not worry at all about the difficulty of Japenese RPGs. They never have, and likely never will compare. (Sans a few of the early chapters of a certain SRPG series, Shining Force. Where they knock your block off near the start, if you don't utilize all possible positional advantages along with your moves.)

  2. #52
    RAcast v2.03 amtalx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Akaimizu View Post
    Baldur's Gate
    I miss those days...

  3. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Akaimizu View Post
    I played enough earlier day Western RPGs and the original Baldur's Gate to not worry at all about the difficulty of Japenese RPGs. They never have, and likely never will compare. (Sans a few of the early chapters of a certain SRPG series, Shining Force. Where they knock your block off near the start, if you don't utilize all possible positional advantages along with your moves.)
    You might get a kick out of The Last Remnant. Some technical issues aside (and really, installing to the HDD alleviates them to quite an extent), the game is really fun, and certainly not afraid to kick the player's ass.

    Assuming you play the 360 version, and not PC ezmode.

    ProTip: To damage your credibility, simply call any of the Phantasy Star games "massively-multiplayer."

  4. #54


    Last Remnant for 360 and Demon's Souls for PS3 are some no-mercy RPG's that will tear your shit up if you aren't uber.
    #1 International MAG+ TA Champion in PSU. Co-Founder of Royalz

  5. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by joefro View Post
    God of War (in defense of halo)
    God of War isn't that bad, hell Santa Monica studio said GOW3 would be the last in the series. Plus the GOW collection. Hyped? Definitely. Milked? Not really.

    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsomWolf View Post

    As far as most milked games...

    Final Fantasy (I mean, they're making already a XIVth one... not that I dislike number 14, but it's a bit too much. Then again, Squeenix didn't do much games outside of FF series... oh sure, there's Last Remnant, but that's a game for hardcore, die-hard fans of turn-based RPG's with jRPG flavor... )
    Yes, more Squeenix hate.

    If it wasn't for FF, they'd be trash. But, they refuse to give their other IPs a chance like Chrono/Parasite Eve games. I'd most certainly rather have one of those than FF13! They should sell them to a different developer.

    To everyone: Don't confuse Overhyped and Milked. Though hype kind of relates to something being milked, some companies won't let hype and $ abuse their series, like God of War
    Last edited by Sexy_Raine; Nov 3, 2009 at 07:05 PM.
    My wanted games of 2013:
    Ducktales(PS3), Ys Celceta(Vita), Beyond: Two Souls(PS3), Legend of Heroes:Sen no Kiseki (PS3, JP version)

  6. #56
    RAcast v2.03 amtalx's Avatar
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    I don't agree that Final Fantasy as a series has been milked. In order for something to be milked, it needs to be reusing the same franchise elements beyond their natural lifespan. Since the only things of significance that most Final Fantasy games share between each iteration is the name, 'milked' doesn't apply. Sure, you could pull the 'similar gameplay mechanics' card. But guess what? Just about all JRPGs have the same mechanics. Now if you were to say that the JRPG genre as a whole is milked, you might be onto something.

    On a different note. I do think FF7 has been milked, but more so by overzealous fans than SE.

  7. #57


    1. Street Fighter
    2. Megaman
    3. Guitar Hero/Rock Band music games

  8. #58


    Magic: The Gathering and Saw.

    Oh wait, we're talking about games right?

    I'd have to say Street Fighter, Call of Duty and Pokemon.
    I wouldn't say Halo and Warcraft (RTS games + WoW) are as far as the game series go, but there are way too much knock-off products made out of them nowadays (card games, board games, mugs, etc.).
    Although I loved FFVII (well, only the first few hours in Midgar, the cargo scene/first encounter with Jenova, and the whole bit with the Weapons rambling around the world map, actually), I agree there has been too much spin-offs/knock-offs out of it. I'd have been contempted with only a next gen remake (as well as one for FFVI) so I could see Midgar in full 3D.

    Quote Originally Posted by amtalx View Post
    I miss those days...
    So do I. I'm so wanting a new Planescape game.

  9. #59
    ARKS ID: RedAngelAlnet Alnet's Avatar
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    1.) Touhou. God, half of the internet does not need to be made of Touhou references. I swear, the fandom of this series does more work than the actual development team, making doujin games and manga and remixing music and so on.

    2.) Guitar Hero/Rock Band. It never really interested me, though after several years of DDR, I can understand why people would like it. But it's really getting played out, if you'll pardon the pun.

    3.) Street Fighter/Final Fantasy. It's a draw for me on these two. The only Street Fighter game I -really- liked was Street Fighter III: Third Strike, but the series on the whole isn't to my distaste. Final Fantasy has a few games I like, my favorite being Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS1. My problem lies in that there's entirely too many remakes in these series. Honestly, how many revisions of Street Fighter II are there? And now they're making a revision of Street Fighter IV? And Final Fantasy has been remaking portable versions of their older games for the last few years at an alarming pace, like FF1, FFIV, and FFTactics. It's sickening as to how many people will buy the same game they've already beaten years ago, just because they can put it in their pocket.


    Character ID: 中原小麦

  10. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Alnet View Post

    You see why there are no madden games on my XBL list of games played? Because let's face it, there is no competition for Madden ever since EA and NFL had their little exclusive deal. I think it's coming back to bite the NFL in the ass in my opinion, and EA damn sure isn't doing the little things to make Madden different every year from all the others.

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