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  1. #1

    Default Preset messages translation for online.

    Hello! I am having a tough time playing online when I do not know what the other players are saying. It gets stressful when someone is talking directly to me, hehe.

    After searching, I came up with some translations to the preset messages you get by pressing select. Hopefully someone else can complete this.

    01. Hello.

    02. Let's advise each other. There is no word in English for this. It is like a salutation the Japanese uses.

    03. Thank you.


    05. Congratulations.


    07. Sorry.

    08. Adventure something?



    11. Yes.

    12. No.

    Apart from the above, how do you guys normally get by playing online? I keep quiet most of the time except for the occasion congrats and thank you...

    Thank you!

  2. #2


    I say arigatô all the time

  3. #3
    ドーンドゥス . . . Female Dawndus's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Connecticut + New York


    Don't feel bad if you're not a talker. PSU is the same deal. You're usually too busy pushing buttons like crazy to really take the time to say anything. Say Hello, or yoroshiku (nice to meet you, a pleasure being here, that sort of thing) which is the second option, when you first get in the party. Pop in some smilies and all that. When someone levels, congrat them. If you fall behind and have to catch up, say sorry. I think if you at least show you are human, everyone should be fine. I excuse quiet parties. . . simply because I know how it is with fast gameplay. No one has time to type anything out.

    1) Hello.
    2) Pleased to meet you.
    3) Thank you.
    4) Good job!
    5) Congratulations.
    6) (I'm having trouble with this one. Just a moment!)
    7) I'm sorry.
    8 ) Literally it's "Not adventurous?" I think this could be implied for if the party is done and doesn't continue, or, if the party is hesitant into continuing the map.
    9) Where do we go?
    10) Help!
    11) Yes.
    12) No.
    Last edited by Dawndus; Dec 8, 2009 at 11:51 AM. Reason: merge from double post, please edit your posts

  4. #4

  5. #5


    Eh... anyone know what preset text 08 means? I guess that is more useful, asking if everyone is ready for mission. Is that right?

  6. #6


    It's the equivalent of the 'Want to do a run?' in PSU (but it uses 'adventure' for run, that's all).

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