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  1. #1

    Default cant decide on a Hu

    I've been playing a Humar and I'm disappointed with his techniques. Without the mind of a Fo, Resta doesn't cut it. The only tech I use is Anti. These also cost PP that could be used on PAs.

    I was thinking of starting over as a Cast. The traps seem to be comparable to the Humar's techs and hes equipped with better attack and accuracy. Granted, traps are more difficult to use compared to techs, but I cant help but see the fun in a well placed trap

    I play a high level Fomar so there might be a slight bias on the strength of a Humar's tech power.

    Is their something I'm missing? it seem the cast is blatantly better suited for Hu. What makes a Humar worthwhile?

  2. #2


    If you want your Resta to heal more as a HUmar, equip a Slicer before using Resta. I play HUmar and I ALWAYS keep my Tri Magenta in my inventory so I can cast better Resta. It's usually the last weapon in the inventory's auto-sort, so it's easy to switch to, too.

    And traps really aren't that good. The only ones worth writing home about are Burn Traps and Heal Traps, the former because burn can be a powerful status condition, and the latter because they work as a pre-emptive way to ressurrect yourself without Scapes.

    That said, HUcasts ARE more accurate, more durable, and more powerful than HUmars. HUmar's advantage is that he can play a minor support role in the absence of real Forces by being able to cast S/D (Which you should definately give a try if you haven't already) and cast Resta (Admittedly, he can't do much with it without a good slicer).

    Adittedly, HUnewm/earl have better MST HUmar, and have amazing EVP, so maybe you might want to try those if you want a Hunter with techs.
    Last edited by Teirusu; Jan 12, 2010 at 08:17 PM.

  3. #3


    yea man honestly i love my hunewm things hit him hard but the trick is thats only WHEN he gets hit my evasion is at roughly upper 500's and its rare for me to get hit outside of boss fights and to be honest if you stack your stats right and get the highest level buffs your dmg output is usually just under a cast by about 30-60 points which really isnt that much ie my hits are 200 cast is 240 kinda deal

  4. #4


    Perhaps my vision of the Hu class is a bit skewed. I stereotyped them into a tanking class. my Humar runs with a shield. My damage isn't perfect but I take one hell of a hit. My purpose is survival. I try to take a majority of the damage so my "weaker" friends wont have to.
    I have to admit, I didn't consider Shifta/Deband in my arsenal. This is a major buff to Humar.

    I never thought much on a Hunewearl. I wasn't attracted to their low HP, but perhaps with the right mats and mag, I could avoid most damage completely. The better techs and PP recovery could be amazing.

    Thank you very much for the info. I'll try them all! I enjoy this game WAY to much. leveling a couple alts isn't a problem...

  5. #5


    Hunters aren't forces. You're not going to be able to use techs as effectively as them, but as said, you could be a backup support player, when the group lacks a force. While not great, your healing is better than nothing.

    In my opinion, if you want a strong hunter, go HUcast or HUcaseal. If you want a hunter who can use techs, go HUnewm or HUnewearl.
    Camille - HUnewearl - lvl 100 | Asterion - RAmarl - lvl 70 | Lucidique - FOnewearl - lvl 100

    PM me your FC + nickname, if you add me.

  6. #6


    Anything that is not force or newman should not be depending on Resta for healing~ (unless someone decides to use a slicer...)

    Although the cast hunters have the worst deal on traps Ice/Confu Confu/Heal to 10 they have the highest stats that are most important to the class; ATP, DEF, ATA, and HP.

    Though human hunters can provide support, a newman is better at that job not to mention the highest EVP in the game.
    PSP2 Characters:
    Jun Lv.185 M-Newman H:10 R:11 F:28 V:30
    Shurelia Lv.76 F-Newman H:1 R:1 F:5 V:16

  7. #7


    My 29 Humar fought and beat Dark Falz in normal. I wasn't impressed with his abilities in this fight. My Fo did a much better job. It cost me three Escape Dolls and every mate I had. Granted the shield wasn't the best choice of weaponry but the damage dealt seemed too high.

    One more question: How would a Hunewm with a his higher Mst on shifta/deband + high EVP compare to a Hucast defensively and offensively?

  8. #8


    In comparison a HUnewm is considerably more frail than a HUcast but when you get used to monster behavior you'll eventually find that you won't be getting hit as much based on instinct.

    Though a cast's resources are limited that is replaced by their superior offensive/defensive stats. While Resta with a pure ATP build on a HUnewm can still heal 1/3 of your base HP at any lv. Shifta provides a very desirable boost to your base ATP/MST which plays a big part in the damage formula. While Deband is fairly weak in this game a good player should be able to dodge most enemy attacks with ease.

    In this game EVP > DFP because you completely dodge the attack without any stalling animation, as if nothing happened at all, if you don't get knocked down due to your high DFP you will be stunned for a time.

    However from my experience newmans develop very late into the game, you won't see very high growth in stats until higher levels. Which is probably why they keep getting described as being for advanced players... but once you get to high levels with one they seem unstoppable due to their PP regeneration being more than enough to keep them at max most of the time, I love PA spamming and not having to use items and worry about resources.

    Casts however seem to develop fairly early into the game and stay strong with unrivaled offensive stats, a sloppy player(my brother refuses to use the roll) will have trouble playing them with their limited resources though paired with the fact that they will get hit most of the time.

    The damage difference though isn't that huge unless they use high mod PAs like Over End. Also consider that every weapon will suck on everyone in SH mode unless they have a high element or decent monster % boosts on it.
    Last edited by sylwyn; Jan 12, 2010 at 11:16 PM.
    PSP2 Characters:
    Jun Lv.185 M-Newman H:10 R:11 F:28 V:30
    Shurelia Lv.76 F-Newman H:1 R:1 F:5 V:16

  9. #9


    Use a HUcast or HUcaseal. If you're strong enough you won't need to use ANY magic. Just stock up on Monomates, Dimates, and if you play on SH, Trimates as well. Have the Dimates and Difluids on your palette. Trimates are for hard bosses and Monomates are for emergencies. If you play online, have a good weapon, and you follow what I said you will rarely die.
    My friend code: 3266-5224-5252
    Add me and PM me your friend code

  10. #10


    Personally, i love my hunewearl to bits. the damage output is very nice (~220/heavy hit in valley with lv15 shifta/zalure) 0% native/beast but lv4 celeb. my resta is powerful enough to keep myself healed past most/all damage that hits me.. i rarely use attack techs, unless someone else is doing surport
    Pso2 - Ship2: Proud manager of team Celestial
    Quote Originally Posted by Azure Falcon View Post
    Loading tunnels have gone from 10-15 seconds down to 2-3 seconds and the normal lobby stuttering mess is buttery smooth currently.
    This must be some kind of glitch, I refuse to believe Sega have finally fixed this game's horrible performance problems.

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