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Thread: FoNewm build

  1. #1

    Default FoNewm build

    As the title says, what sort of material/mag/equip should I be shooting for on a Fonewm? And what spells should be staples on the palette?

  2. #2


    From what I know, HUNewms are highly mobile, yet frail HUnters. They have high dodge, accuracy, and MST at the expense of Attack Power, life, and defense power.

    I'm likely building mine based around runnning around in melee, tossing heals and support spells when needed. My Mag will be 75 power, 25 Hit with 30 Power, 20 Swift, and 30 Mind. That should give me a balance of all the things I want from my HUNewm.

    I suggest that someone who knows what they're talking about say something too.

    EDIT: Wrong numbers. Woops!

    Also, wrong class. I'm sorry, I now realize I wrote for HUnewm, not FOnewm. I feel like a tard...
    Last edited by P6N; Apr 6, 2010 at 11:26 AM.

  3. #3


    Uh, P6N, you gave him the wrong advice. Remember, newmans and Casts can only use 80 mats. If you want to tech spam, do all mind for both mats and mag(except for 1 point in something else for PB). If you want to use slicers, use around 50(?) hit mats. If you want to do magical sign/gimegid spam, use about 30(?) hit mats. For weapons, use rods for tech spamming, slicers for slicing, and wands for magical sign/gimegid. Use robes with 4 slots or pizza box with 4 slots and divine mind/hit(if melee or slicer). For techs, use what ever tech is good agaisnt the hostiles in the area. If I had to pick one though, it would be megid or zonde. Also, I think your best course of action is tech spamming. I don't have a FOnewm so I am not completely positive.
    Last edited by Mumblypeg; Apr 6, 2010 at 11:19 AM.
    FC: 1720 3926 3178
    HUmar LV 86
    RAcast LV 42
    FOnewearl LV 48

  4. #4


    geez, does anyone one no what they are talking about anymore?

    FOnewm get 160 ATA @ lvl 100. the general consensus is 530-550 ATA in SH but if you use Zalure, which reduces enemy evasion, you would need roughly 450-480 ATA.

    Alice Olivia has 251 ATA: 160+251=411. Magical Sign(MS) has 160% ATA which modifies weapon ATA: 160+1.6(251)=561.6. this is more than enough to hit w/o the use of a Hit mag, Mats, or Zalure. casting Zalure will actually lower your DPS. just use Mind mats and mag. moving on!

    Loneos has 166 ATA: 160+166=326, use a 100 Hit Mag: 326+100=426, 3 D/Hit Units: 426+45=471, and use Zalure. don't EVER use Hit mats, unless your using something with lower accuracy than a 7* slicer, which judging the weapons equipable by a FOnewm, there isn't any! Shurinken/Shinobi combo yields significantly more ATA (50 bonus+5 more ATA on Kouga), so D/Hits aren't a necessity but shurikens don't have celeb so they are pretty much support for tech casts (highest MST of the slicers)

    Recap: 100 Hit Mag, 80 Mind Mats, and 3 D/Hits for slicer

    Kerykion has 199 ATA.... wait, why do you care?! techs don't need ATA cuz they don't miss. Mind mats and mag is the way to go. use Tech Save and/or PP Recov if you feel the need for a better mana pool. strongest Rod is Psycho Wand and trickle downs to White Disaster and Kerykion as best rods in the game.

    cuz of FOnewm tech bonus, tech spam is solid but i've heard that MS is better DPS overall
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    my to do list:
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    2. take over the world
    3. buy groceries

  5. #5


    hey, at least I was half right
    FC: 1720 3926 3178
    HUmar LV 86
    RAcast LV 42
    FOnewearl LV 48

  6. #6


    Yeah, sorry about that last post. Disregard, It was late last night and I thought you meant HUnewm for a minute.

    For a FOnewm, personally, I would tech spam constantly, and put all of my mats and mag points into MST and mind: Your spells would be incredibly powerful, making normal attacks pointless.

    For slicers, use your Mag for the Hit you need, since the math for damage uses mats but not mags.

    About the DPS point from earlier, tech spam might do less DPS but wouldn't the versatility gained by all of your different spells be better? Stun, Burn, freeze, AOE, Heals, Buffs/Debuffs would all be easier to attach to your palette since you won't need heavy attacks anymore.

    Sorry for the poopy advice from before...
    Last edited by P6N; Apr 6, 2010 at 11:25 AM.

  7. #7


    on a MST geared force, MS kills the mob after two casts. MS with lvl 5 celeb does more than Rafoie and is faster. MS+Gimegid fells mobs quicker than tech spam. you have the option to be "versatile" but stun doesn't kill the enemies faster. not to mention Ra-level spells only yield level 1 elements

    also about techs. your attack techs will vary from area to area. most of the time, zonde and foie are the main techs
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    my to do list:
    1. find a job
    2. take over the world
    3. buy groceries

  8. #8


    I'm just going to make a a sticky topic explaining the builds for every class, and the "Magic" ATA and EVP numbers and seuch...

  9. #9


    you got numbers chukie?
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    my to do list:
    1. find a job
    2. take over the world
    3. buy groceries

  10. #10


    I made them somewhere is a past GFAQS topic...

    Was thinking about making a sticky that showed everyones base ATA at 100/EVP and doing the math on some frequently used weapons and such.

    Also addressing many Faq's like "What mats should I use" or "If 100 power mats only increases my damage output by 20, why dont I use HP?" And things like that...

    If you're interested in contributing data that'd be nice .-.

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