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  1. #621
    Endless Possibilities Vashyron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MadDogg View Post
    You heard wrong, the 360 stayed legit hacks wise until this day. The only thing that ever went down on the 360 version was a grinder exploit, and that was quickly patched, servers rollbacked, users banned, and that was the end of that.
    Eh? It was in fact, last thing I remember someone called Snowfox actually did do some hacking and there is Video proof on youtube somewhere. Playing as Tails, having a blue name, changing ID and other stuff.

    Anyway on PSO2, I defiantly can't wait, I did actually have way more fun in PSO, but I do feel PSU improved on a lot of stuff, but also got much worse in other areas. Just hoping they get the best out of the 2 series and make it great.

    One of the things I most liked in PSO that wasn't there in PSU was how the Music made the Atmosphere, like say Ruins, it was all "Darker" music, but then actually changed in battle. (Which they defiantly need to do again, it was a awesome feature) Compared to in PSU the Hive areas, which has what I would call mad Circus Music playing all trough it non stop. Kills the Atmosphere really.
    Last edited by Vashyron; Oct 8, 2010 at 04:59 AM.

  2. #622


    Very good news.

  3. #623


    Hey, you guys.

    Just incase you're wondering on how badly SEGA loves to bank off advertising and nostalgia, take a look at this.

    We all knew Sonic 4 was just a bullshit way to get the "oldschool" fans riled up so they can detonate it in their faces with this shitty game, but Sega has just taken it to a whole new level with this shit.

    Doesn't spell good for PSO2, for anyone who doesn't know how sega operates.

  4. #624
    Back for More cbwing0's Avatar
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    At this point, all we know for sure is that the game exists. It is much too early to say if the game will or will not be any good. The chances of getting at least a formulaic and/or evolutionary sequel are favorable. Hopefully Sega will release some screenshots and gameplay footage in the near future, along with more details about the gameplay.

  5. #625


    Quote Originally Posted by RemiusTA View Post
    Hey, you guys.

    Just incase you're wondering on how badly SEGA loves to bank off advertising and nostalgia, take a look at this.
    What. The. Fuck. REALLY?? How pathetic can you get, Sega? What a bunch of trolls...

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  6. #626
    (⌐■_■) ShinMaruku's Avatar
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    Normally I would be happy but is it only Sonic Team making the game?
    I don't find any of the PSO games worth of the subscription fee due to the flat content and lack of real updates and support makes me leery. Hopefully when it comes out F2P will be in full swing.

  7. #627


    Alright, before I begin I would like to clarify that I have been tunnel running under PSO-World for many years now and have been playing Phantasy Star Online for just as long. With the recent announcement of a sequel to arguably one of the most vital (and influential) game in gaming history, along with the voracity and excitement stemming from the many pages of this thread; I myself, couldn't abstain from also acquiring the cajones to sign up to PSO-World myself in order to contribute to this thread, and PSO2 as a whole.

    Phantasy Star Online is that compelling and important to me.

    Now before I thoroughly diagnose PSO2, I would like to overview the past 'internet series' of Phantasy Star.

    Recently, as I'm sure you have all noticed; Sega has been birthing an abundance of Phantasy Star titles. I believe Phantasy Star Portable, Portable 2, and Zero fall under the category of 'recent'. I myself had thought that Sega had acquired a newfound realization and knowledge of the potential of the Phantasy Star series in toto. I myself thought there was definitely something mischievous and shady with the steady releases of Phantasy Star titles.

    They were building up for the Mack Daddy of Mack Daddies. A sequel to the beloved Phantasy Star Online. There's no doubt at all that Phantasy Star Online is one of Sega's, if not, Sega's finest creation. As such, when Phantasy Star Universe was released, naturally, there was a lot of worry and excitement as well.

    Worry that in what fashion the infamous surgeon, Sonic Team would be contorting said game, and excitement in the outcome of the operation.

    Like Phantasy Star Universe, we, us Hunters ourselves were also under the knife. When we awoke however, the finalized result is comparable to the outcome of Michael Jackson's nose. Unsightly and disappointing.

    However; I'm not here to be an elitist asshole and sit here in front of my computer screen typing to all of you about "the good 'ole days" and boast about how much better PSO is than PSU will ever be--with that being said; that isn't to say PSU did not introduce welcome features to the franchise.

    The character customization was obviously improved, some of the best, if not from my own personal experience, the best. Photon Arts were also nice, and though a tad flashy (a derivative from PSO's more calm and 'realistic' combat system), still quite interesting and doesn't reduce players to soft-hard-hard combos I'm sure the majority of us here are well used to.

    To finalize, PSU did bring some nice things to the table.

    Now people; I know Sega quite well. They're a corporate god. Sonic Team is noticeably more of a hindrance than a useful addition. Like having an arm on your buttocks even. In theory, having an extra anything would be nice, but in Sonic Team's position, instead of making it difficult to sit they produce bad games.

    Valkyria Chronicles? Developed by Sega Wow and look how it turned out.

    Virtua Fighter 5? Border Break? Sega AM2.

    There's no doubt in my mind that Shining Force Cross is an AM2 creation as well.

    Sega's other subsidiaries simply do a better job than Sonic Team in terms of producing something that someone, particularly a gamer would like to play.

    I'm sure I don't need to give any examples, but I'm sure any mention of an abortive Sonic title is enough to send many people here on tirades for various reasons which I am far too familiar with.

    The question is: is Sega ready?

    Well; that in all honesty, is for Sega to clarify. Phantasy Star Online is legendary, and was definitely ahead of its time--that's what makes it such a special game. Once Naka had separated himself from the big S to pursue his own personal creative differences, Sonic titles had drastically fallen in quality and not too far from the tree landed the worm-infested PSU. Does the boot fit?

    However, PSO has high expectations. Incredibly high expectations which are always hoped to be met or replicated in some manner or form with every mention, hinting of, or actual release of Phantasy Star-based material. It always comes up. Phantasy Star Online is Sega's summa cum laude, and our sanctuary.

    Phantasy Star Online itself was built upon by a new team with no surviving members of the first four original role-playing titles; so luck and a bit of understanding is what gave Phantasy Star Online the credibility it still retains today in the year of 2010, originally released over a decade ago.

    Of course, a concern with a PSO2 would be the fee.

    Allow me to digress. Computer games such as Maple Story (or any [insert generic Korean MMO 'x' here]) are incredibly successful, despite being F2P (and very poorly designed).

    Just my own personal thoughts here; but what keeps Maple Story alive is specialized content based on real life currency.

    Let's say for example there is a particular weapon or armor exclusive to certain shops within Pioneer 2 which can only be purchased (or simply accessed), by paying a certain fee of say '800 Sega Dollars' which is equivalent to eight ($ real dollars.

    Also; certain maps can cost certain amounts of money. If PSO2 was F2P, say a content update of a new area of Ragol designated as 'Catacombs' was released, although you can normally continue to play Forest, Caves, Mines and Ruins if you wished (areas which come with the disk); you would need to pay 800 Sega Dollars for the map(s) download, and therefore you are still receiving quality and quantity, whilst balancing out (and completely negating) the need for a monthly subscription. The problem with this structure however, is the need for many updates to either continually be introducing new armor, weapons, clothing, and various items that need to be bought in specialty shops, or newer areas in order to keep PSO2 afloat.

    I mention this solely because a monthly fee seems to be the major turnoff which prevents many from wishing to continue playing an internet Phantasy Star title online.

    In the end, it all comes down to marketing.

    Sega is quite notorious for their 'up and down' moments; but as it stands Sega is currently the number two of Japanese software and hardware developer at the moment; Nintendo leads the pack--surprising huh?

    Notice the amount of companies flocking to Sega in order to have their titles published? Fill in the blanks.

    Now, I love PSO-World, and if I could give anything back to the community for all this website has done for me I would; but the least I can do is support those whom have the same ideals as me, and that is to aspire the creation a game befitting the title of PSO2. We did not wait this long to have our dreams weighed on a scale with excrement in order to see which one was more capable.

    I apologize in the future for posting this as I did not read the thread long enough to see if this had already been included, but it seems as if some 'gameplay' has been posted of PSO2 already. It's a tech demo showcasing what a potential Central Control Area would look like in next-gen, and I must say...PSO was graphically impressive on the GCN, and if this is to be expected on consoles at any point in time (if it is ever confirmed), at least the pixels are up to par with the aforementioned legend.

    I also enjoyed the usage of premium The Frenzy Wilds music during the video. Although it could have been implemented by uploader.

    I hope I will be welcomed here at PSO-World; I think it's about time I finally joined. And to commemorate the 10th Anniversary (and announcement of PSO2) I have began anew, a RAmarl whom is level 20 and in the Mines, and a RAmar whom is level 1 who I plan to both have at level 200 before the time PSO2 is released. I apologize for the informality of this post.

  8. #628
    Douche of Tears Ffuzzy-Logik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Italia View Post
    You do realize this is fake, right?

  9. #629


    I was a bit iffy about at it at first; I figured there would have been more mention of it otherwise.

    Still impressive if you ask me though.

  10. #630
    Douche of Tears Ffuzzy-Logik's Avatar
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    It's from some other game altogether. The uploader just swapped the music and slapped on the logo in the corner.

    Notice how it was uploaded in March.

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