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  1. #1

    Default A comparison of the Forces

    First off, why does this forum (PSZ) not have many topics?? 1 page? Did they get moved/deleted or something?

    Anyway, i'm curious about your thoughts of the forces in this game. I'm really fascinated by how they handled the classes and how the mats/units work, so it's sort of made the game much more interesting. I love how the forces actually have the ability to do a battle mage thing without using their atp stat, but they also get some pretty beast techs.

    From what i'm seeing, the Human forces actually have a pretty slick game this time around. They have decent ATA that can become very usable if you hunt and hunt for extended periods of time to find weapons with acc adjust on them, while the newmans can do the same, and do more damage, just less hits and much more farming.

    How would you compare the two Human forces together? Does the FOmar really have a priority over atp than the FOmarl? It's not that big of a stat difference, and for purely solo runs, it looks like the FOmarl can actually have some fun with atp based melee. The huge PP pool along with their higher ata seems pretty fun. They look like they can run in multi mode as a great force, healing priority, and have a decent tech boost (grants is not that bad, though they are still able to USE megid...but they just trade off from something like the FOney with use of tech weapons and ata for some fun damage).

    I'm not talking about min/maxing, but more of fun factor. Back in the day, a melee FOmarl wasn't the best thing, but it was a great deal of fun, especially when helping lower level characters grind to higher up. You didn't have to destroy with techs, but you could join in the fray and keep everyone alive.

    But again, does the grants boost really mean much, while the FOmar gets such a huge bonus to regular techs? He has more atp, and good enough mst/ata to do the same as she does. They can also close the gap in mst with the extra 20 mats, which isn't saying much as far as tech damage, but in combination with their ata and tech weapon ratio, they seem quite fun. the resta/grants boost really all that big of a deal? Or does the element tech bonus that the FOmar gets give him much greater of an edge in his tech damage, while doing very well in the same respect with the affinity techs? (Light and dark)

    Just random observations, and the reason is because I just like the game enough to make a random post.

  2. #2
    [゚д゚] < ナカソネティーチャー Mike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Omunall View Post
    First off, why does this forum (PSZ) not have many topics?? 1 page? Did they get moved/deleted or something?
    The number of pages depends on your settings but all the posts that were on the board are still here. You have likely overlooked the page related buttons. Look a little closer at the right corners of the board.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Space Hobobo Bo Bobo yoshiblue's Avatar
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    I play as the FOnewearl for the higher Mind and PP regen. Not that great but its good for slicers. PP regen is also kinda good for those travel the map after getting a key/explore the map sort of things. For me a LV4 or 5 Megid did as much or slightly better damage then a lv9 or 8 Foie.

  5. #5
    Sega Stockholm Syndrome GHNeko's Avatar
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    Personally, I can't stand how FOs weapon damage is based of MST.

    It pretty much makes them an overpowered class and vastly superior overall to pretty much every class. The only thing that's bad about FOs is their squishyness, but it doesnt matter, because after a certain point, if it doesn't kill you in one hit, you're good to go.

    On point with the topic, FOs compared to each other?

    FOnewmarl > FOmarl > FOnewman > FOmar.

    Pretty set in stone for obvious reasons. The unique attributes that the other 3 FO classes have aren't enough to really offset the raw DPS potential of a FOney. :V

  6. #6


    Firstly, FO weapons being MST based is no way near OP. FO's have the lowest ATA of all the classes in the game meaning they have to invest the most into ATA if they want their attacks to connect. Considering Slicers have the worst ATA in the game and Rods ATA isn't anything to boost about, they have a pretty steep curve.

    FOnewearls are the best FO in the game if you consider GiMegid>Magical Sign optimal DPS. In all other situations and niches aside from healing, the other three can do their job better than the FOnewearl.

    FOmar has best elemental damage. Even though FOnewm gets higher MST and wider bonuses, FOmar still inches marginally over FOnewm in F/B/Z. FOnewm gets PP regen but FOmar doesn't have to deal with the nasty -30% Resta.

    FOnewearl is best healer, having similar Resta to FOmarl w/ higher MST. FOmarl gets bonus to the highest damaging tech in the game but because all mobs have weaknesses that are usually greater than their Light resistance, it's general use is limited.

    TC is most interested in battle mage. FOmar/FOmarl make better battle mage than FOnewm/FOnewearl. Higher base stats and better weapon selection just outclasses the Newmans. FOmar has a better ATP:ATA ratio than FOmarl but FOmarl has Resta bonus that is useful outside of FO weapon.
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  7. #7
    Sega Stockholm Syndrome GHNeko's Avatar
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    ATA is easily circumvented imo with a couple of free slots. But okay.

    The fact that weapon base is directly tied to MST is ridiculous since it still makes them far more versatile than anything else.

  8. #8


    Far more versatile?! A grand total of THREE weapon classes in the game are tied to MST, how is that versatile? Forces have the lowest ATA in the game meaning they have to invest more in ATA than other classes that just invest more in ATP.

    For comparison, The Strongest Force, FOnewearl (MST 493) has a lower damage stat than the Strongest Hunter, HUCAST (ATP 504).
    To further add salt to the wound, the Strongest Rod, Psycho Wand (MST 533) is considerably weaker than the Strongest Sword, Yohohate In (ATP 602); not to mention Yoho is also more accurate which means less ATA to hit and more ATP to hurt.

    Why are MST weapons broke again?
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